NPS Visitor and Resource Protection
The Morning Report

Friday, February 02, 2007


Black Canyon Of The Gunnison National Park (CO)
Accident Victim Rescued From 500 Feet Below Rim

On Monday, January 29th, rangers received a report that a car had crashed through a fence at the Tomichi overlook along the south rim of Black Canyon. When they arrived just before nightfall, they found a 2007 Kia Optima four-door sedan wedged between the cliff face and rocks about 500 feet below the rim. A rescue ensued. Rangers were assisted by personnel from the Montrose County Sheriff's Posse and Montrose FD in the four-hour-long operation. A haul system was employed to extricate the driver, 31-year-old P.D., an Indian national from the Chicago area. P.D. was taken to Montrose County Hospital, where he was last reported in stable condition, suffering mostly from bumps and bruises. The Kia was first spotted by an employee of the Delta-Montrose Electric Association who was leaving the park after reading meters. Given the time of day, the accident would otherwise have most likely been undetected until the following morning. The car was equipped with side airbags and the driver was wearing his seatbelt.  The accident investigation is continuing.   [Submitted by Linda Alick, Chief Ranger]


Upcoming Training Calendar

Please submit information on upcoming training courses to Bill Halainen. New listings and revisions are in bold face.


Throughout 2007

The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History is generously offering opportunities for up to two NPS employees to attend each of the Institute's summer seminars in 2007. These graduate-level seminars are designed to strengthen participants' commitment to, and skills for, high-quality history teaching. For more information about these seminars, including a complete list of offerings, please visit the Institute website at .  This opportunity is announced in DOI Learn, courtesy of Pam Holtman, the NPS training manager for cultural resources stewardship.  While you must apply directly to the Institute, it's also important that NPS participants get appropriately credited through the DOI Learn system, at . Applications must be submitted by February 15th.  For more information, contact Laura Feller at .

February 12 — February 16

Fundamentals of Special Park Uses, National Conservation Training Center, Shepherdstown, WV. The 36-hour course covers all aspects of special park uses from First Amendment rights to filming and photography to wireless telecommunication sites. Temporary food services and other health and safety issues related to special park uses will also be discussed. DO-53/RM-53 is covered in depth, as well as 36 CFR and NPS Management Policies 2006. A draft agenda is posted on the special park uses web page. For more information, contact Lee Dickinson in WASO at 202-513-7092.

February 16 — February 17

EMT Basic Refresher, Lake Meredith NRA, Fritch, TX. The course will provide participants with 24 hours of core requirement training, as mandated by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians. Applications must be submitted by COB on February 9th. They should be emailed to Scott Hall ( or faxed to 806-865-3887. Tuition is $50. Travel and per diem paid by benefiting account, with lodging available at hotels in Fritch, Borger or Amarillo. This course will be taught over two twelve-hour days. For further information, call 806-865-3874 ext. 32.

February 20 — February 23

Annual LE Refresher, San Juan NHS, PR. The refresher will including training in non-lethal weapons, weapons qualification, self-defense and training from various federal agencies, including the Secret Service, Postal Inspector's Office, Army CID, ICE, and Coast Guard. For more information, contact Bienvenido Olivencia (787-729-6754 or ).

February 21 — February 23

EMT Basic Refresher, Valley Forge NHP, King of Prussia, PA. The course will provide participants with 24 hours of core requirement training, as mandated by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians. Applications must be submitted by COB on February 16th. They should be sent via email to John Waterman ( or faxed to him at 610-783-1085. No tuition for NPS employees. Travel and per diem must be paid by the student's park. Several dorm rooms are available at the park. For further information, call him at 610-783-1050 (office) or 610-487-4591 (cell).

February 23 — February 25

Wilderness First Responder Refresher, Great Smoky Mountains Institute, Townsend, TN.  This program satisfies the requirements for First Responder renewal with NREMT.  It serves as an excellent review of wilderness medical information and skills. The program is taught by Roane State Community College. The course is highly recommended by Great Smoky Mountains NP staff.   A discount is offered for NPS personnel but is not listed on the website. For additional information, go to .

February 26 — March 2

Basic EEO Counselor Training, Capital Training Center, Albright Training Center, AZ. This course is an overview of the entire EEO process set forth under 29 CFR Part 1614. The course will include: a review of roles and responsibilities;  an overview of the statues EEOC enforces;  a review of practical development of issues; and a review of other procedures available to aggrieved persons and an overview of remedies. This course is designed to provide employees from EEO disciplines with tools and processes for analyzing and accomplishing work, techniques for planning and organizing work management and accountability, and evaluation of results.  Upon completion of this course, participants will have a thorough understanding of legislation, statutes, laws and practical application. Applications are due by February 15th. For more information, please contact acting training manager Robert L. Foye (202-354-1402, or course coordinator Denise Robinson (202-354-1407,

February 26 — March 2

Annual LE Refresher, Gulf Islands NS, Pensacola Beach, FL. The class will include a legal update, ethics, RM updates, the NPS internal investigations program, drug identification, use of force and defensive tactics. For more information, contact either Melissa Lanshe (850-232-8749 or ) or DeDe Mladucky (850-916-5634, ).

February 26 — March 2

Annual LE Refresher, Cape Hatteras Group, Manteo, NC. A competency-based LE training opportunity, focusing on the knowledge and skills necessary for law enforcement personnel to function effectively. Closes on February 19th. For a nomination form, contact Michelle DeMatteo [252-473-2111 ext. 118, ); for info on the course, contact Michelle, Paul Stevens (ext. 138) or Bob Trick (ext. 120).

February 26 — March 2

Archeological Resources Protection Training (ARPTP), Las Vegas, NV. This 37-hour course provides training in all aspects of an archeological investigation and in the subsequent prosecution of crimes. It is taught by accomplished instructors who are nationally-recognized subject matter experts in the fields of law enforcement, archeology and law. For NPS registration information, contact Wiley Golden at 912-267-2246. All others should contact Virginia McCleskey at 912-554-4828.

March 5 — March 9

Electric Systems, BLM National Training Center, Phoenix, AZ. This course provides participants with guidance on the siting, construction, operation, and management of electric utilities.  Agency roles and responsibilities in the application and compliance process are discussed. The course code is BLM-TC-1730-21. Contact Lee Dickinson in WASO at 202-513-7092 for more information.

March 5 — March 9

Inland Search and Rescue Planning, Joliet, IL. Advanced course for experienced on-scene SAR decision makers, planners, operations leaders and direct support staff members. The course presents mathematically based search planning tools and allied topics, all focusing on improving overall SAR response and success. Closes on February 8th. For further information, contact the National Search and Rescue School at the Coast Guard Training Center in Yorktown, Virginia (757-856-2272, ). For the full text of the course memorandum, go to

March 6 — March 9

Fixed Assets Subsystems, National Capital Training Center, DC. In October 1998, the National Park Service implemented a new process for managing accountable property — the fixed assets subsystem database. This new database is a subsystem of the Federal Financial System (FFS), and provides the capability to integrate fiscal accounting data with property accountability data.  The uniform data provided by this system enables management to oversee the acquisition and disposition of all accountable property to include capitalized, sensitive, leased, loaned, and excess property, and motorized equipment. This training course is designed for personnel who are responsible for entering data into the property accountability system. Training will consist of lecture and hands-on instruction in the fundamentals of data entry, correction, inquiry, and reporting features of the fixed asset subsystem database.  Applications are due by February 13th. For more information, please contact acting training manager Robert L. Foye (202-354-1402, or course coordinator Denise Robinson (202-354-1407, .

March 13 — March 15

EMT-B Refreshers, Great Smoky Mountains NP, Gatlinburg, TN. The course will be taught by Roane State Community College and will meet NREMT biannual refresher requirements or count as CEU's. Tuition is $75. For more information, contact Bob Wightman at 865-436-1261 or .

March 16

EMT-B Skills Verification, Great Smoky Mountains NP, Gatlinburg, TN. The course will be taught by Roane State Community College and is intended to meet the verification of skill competence section of the NREMT EMT-B re-registration form. Tuition is $25. For more information, contact Bob Wightman at 865-436-1261 or .

March 19 — March 20

ALS (Parkmedic) Refresher, Great Smoky Mountains NP, Gatlinburg, TN. The course will be taught by Roane State Community College. Participants who also attend the preceding EMT-B 24-hour refresher will satisfy requirements for the NREMT 36-hour EMT-I refresher. EMT-B's may also attend for CEU's. Tuition is $75. For more information, contact Bob Wightman at 865-436-1261 or .

March 19 — March 23

Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) Certification, Mammoth Cave NP, KY. Tuition NTE $325, depending on the number of participants; travel and tuition paid by benefiting account. Participants will receive a certificate for 40 hours of COR training in construction and services (including A&E services). The course will not provide training to serve as a COR for agreements. The deadline for enrollment is February 20th. Contact Mary Conner (270-758-2171, ).

March 19 — March 23

Motorboat Operator Instructor Certification, Lake Mead NRA, Boulder City, NV.  This course is designed to prepare persons who have previously completed the MOCC program to instruct others in the field of motorboat operations. Students successfully completing this course will be certified to instruct the DOI motorboat operator certification course. No tuition. The deadline for enrollment is February 2nd. For more information, contact course coordinator Wendy Bredow (907-697-2686,

April 3 — April 5

Colt Law Enforcement M16/AR15 Armorer's School, Valley Forge NHP, King of Prussia, PA. Upon completion of the three-day course, students will have a complete understanding of the design theory, nomenclature, dynamics, compatibility, interchangeability, detailed disassembly, assembly, maintenance and trouble-shooting of the M16/AR-15 family of weapons including rifles, carbines, and sub-machine guns. Tuition is $400. For further information, contact course coordinator John T. Waterman (610-783-1050, ).

April 8 — April 11

Siting Wireless Communications, BLM National Training Center, Phoenix, AZ. This interagency course introduces participants to the regulatory requirements and agency policies associated with siting wireless communication facilities.  Participants will learn to distinguish between different wireless communication technologies and services and identify ways to improve the processing of applications. The course code is BLM-TC-2000-21. There's no tuition for NPS participants.  Contact Lee Dickinson in WASO at 202-513-7092 for more information.

April 2 — April 13

Certified Structural Firefighter Training, Wawona District, Yosemite NP, CA. The course will include lectures and audio-visual aids, but will maintain an emphasis on individual and engine company skills essential for personal safety and effective and safe fire ground operations. For more information, go to

April 16 — April 20

Inland Search and Rescue Planning, Yorktown, VA. Advanced course for experienced on-scene SAR decision makers, planners, operations leaders and direct support staff members. The course presents mathematically based search planning tools and allied topics, all focusing on improving overall SAR response and success. Closes on March 1st. For further information, contact the National Search and Rescue School at the Coast Guard Training Center in Yorktown, Virginia (757-856-2272, ). For the full text of the course memorandum, go to

April 17 — April 9

Colt Armorer's School, Capitol Reef NP, Torrey, UT. Each graduate will gain a complete understanding of the design theory, nomenclature, dynamics, compatibility, interchangeability, detailed disassembly, assembly, maintenance and troubleshooting of the M-16/AR-15 family of weapons, including rifles, carbines and submachine guns. Three-year certification as a model-specific Colt law enforcement armorer. For law enforcement personnel only! Tuition: $400. For an application and addition information, contact ranger Mike Zirwas (435-425-3791 x 151, ). The application closing date is March 31st.

April 23 — April 27

NOTE CHANGE OF DATES ABOVE: High-Angle Rescue Training, Shenandoah NP, VA. This is the tenth year for this course. By moving it to Shenandoah, course organizers hope to make it more accessible to those parks that could benefit from such training. There should also be a helicopter course instructed by the Park Police. The course is designed for rangers and rescue personnel who are tasked with the extrication of victims in a high-angle rescue environment. All participants need to be in good physical condition and will be spending periods of time on fixed ropes in high exposure environments. Participants need to supply their own harnesses, helmets, gloves and personal locking carabineers. Applications are due by April 1st. For more information, pleas contact coordinators Rob Turan (706-866-6627, or Kevin Moses (423-569-2404 ext. 267,

April 23 — April 27

Introduction to Park Program Management (IPPM), Midwest Regional Office, Omaha, NE. This course is designed to provide employees from all disciplines with tools and processes for analyzing and accomplishing work, techniques for planning and organizing the work, management and accountability of funds, and evaluation of results.  Upon completion of this course, participants will have a thorough understanding of the relationships between resources, the park mission, and the planning, programming and standards for all activities. Participants from all divisions will be considered for selection Please note that this is not an "advanced" class for commonly used NPS software systems, which are only generally discussed and demonstrated in this class. Applications are due by March 9th. For more information, please contact acting training manager Robert L. Foye (202-354-1402, or course coordinator Denise Robinson (202-354-1407, .

April 24 — April 26

Interagency Wilderness Fire Resource Advisor Training, Duluth, MN.  Sponsored by the Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center.  The course objectives are to become familiar with the roles and responsibilities of a wilderness fire resource advisor, to explore the differences and techniques used to manage fire in wilderness, and to connect with other wilderness and fire professionals from surrounding areas and other agencies. The course will utilize examples from wilderness fires in the west, but many topics are applicable elsewhere and applications are not limited by geographical region.  No tuition; participants will pay their own travel, meals and lodging.  Closes February 26th. For registration information, contact Shirley Chase at 406-243-4682; for course content or logistics, contact the course coordinator, Tom Carlson, USFS representative at the Carhart Center,  at 406-243-4630.

April 24 — April 27

Fee Supervisors Training Workshop, National Capital Training Center, DC. The overall objectives for this workshop are to standardize the recreation fee program training for employees collecting fees for all parks within the system. This will be accomplished using the essential competencies developed for fee supervisors that include:  supervising employees, making effective visitor contacts, collecting and accounting for fees, preparing remittance reports/deposits, and disseminating information.  Also included will be sessions on the new interagency pass program, analyzing business practices, cost of collection, and internal controls. Participants attending the workshop will be able to prepare a training plan that can be implemented at their park sites.  Those attending will receive 20 hours of supervisory training.   Applications are due by March 9th. For more information, please contact acting training manager Robert L. Foye (202-354-1402, or course coordinator Denise Robinson (202-354-1407, .

April 26 — April 20

NPS Basic Technical Rescue Training, Canyonlands NP, Moab, UT. This training course is designed for personnel who routinely evacuate injured or stranded persons from heights and difficult terrain. Participants will be required to bring technical gear, including seat harnesses, climbing helmets, carbiners, rappel racks, ascenders, etc. This is a very physically demanding course conducted outdoors with frequent exposure to extreme heights. All participants must be in good condition. The application deadline is March 2nd. For a copy of the announcement, go t . For more information, contact acting chief ranger Kevin Killian (435-772-7825,

April 30 — May 3

Pipeline Systems, Durango, CO. The course provides participants with information on the siting, construction,  operation, and management of oil and gas pipeline systems. Agency roles and responsibilities in the application and compliance process are discussed. The course code is BLM-TC-1730-22.  Contact Lee Dickinson in WASO at 202-513-7092 for more information.

May 7 — May 11

Housing Management Training, Phoenix, AZ. This training will provide National Park Service employees who are responsible for employee housing with a better understanding and working knowledge of the NPS housing program. Specific topics will include: roles and responsibilities, QMIS inventory requirements, required and non-required occupancy, safety and health issues, needs assessments, total cost of ownership, condition assessments (FMSS/FCAS), housing management plans, PMIS projects, and tenant issues. Applications are due by April 13th. For a copy of the announcement, go; for additional details, contact Jeri Mihalic at 406-531-3534.

May 14 — May 18

Inland Search and Rescue Planning, Denver, CO. Advanced course for experienced on-scene SAR decision makers, planners, operations leaders and direct support staff members. The course presents mathematically based search planning tools and allied topics, all focusing on improving overall SAR response and success. Closes on April 12th. For further information, contact the National Search and Rescue School at the Coast Guard Training Center in Yorktown, Virginia (757-856-2272, ). For the full text of the course memorandum, go to

May 29 — May 31

Interview and Interrogation Training, Roanoke, VA. Blue Ridge Parkway and Roanoke COPD are cosponsoring the multi-jurisdictional counter-drug task force's 24-hour interview and interrogation training program. Topics include: Avoiding interviewing pitfalls, verbal lie detection, open and closed ended questions, teaching the subject to lie, non-verbal body language, evasive verbal responses, mandated interview questions, analyzing verbal and written statements, dignity and confession, establishing a "power of influence," understanding the common myths of Miranda, and voluntary confessions. No tuition; travel and lodging will be paid by benefiting accounts. To register for the course, contact supervisory park ranger Steve Buxton (540-767-2490 ext. 19, For additional information, go to

June 18 — June 22

Inland Search and Rescue Planning, Anchorage, AK. Advanced course for experienced on-scene SAR decision makers, planners, operations leaders and direct support staff members. The course presents mathematically based search planning tools and allied topics, all focusing on improving overall SAR response and success. Closes on May 10th. For further information, contact the National Search and Rescue School at the Coast Guard Training Center in Yorktown, Virginia (757-856-2272, ). For the full text of the course memorandum, go to

July 23 — July 27

Inland Search and Rescue Planning, Joliet, IL. Advanced course for experienced on-scene SAR decision makers, planners, operations leaders and direct support staff members. The course presents mathematically based search planning tools and allied topics, all focusing on improving overall SAR response and success. Closes on June 14th. For further information, contact the National Search and Rescue School at the Coast Guard Training Center in Yorktown, Virginia (757-856-2272, ). For the full text of the course memorandum, go to

June 24 — June 29

Interagency National Wilderness Stewardship Training, Missoula, MT.  Sponsored by the Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center. The target audience includes senior level managers from each of the four wilderness managing agencies — the Bureau of Land Management, Fish and Wildlife Service, Forest Service, and National Park Service. The course objectives are to interpret and translate the Wilderness Act of 1964 and agency policy into on-the-ground management principles, apply decision making skills, agency policy and wilderness management principles to real wilderness management issues, and describe characteristics and consequences of making decisions that ensure an enduring resource of wilderness.  Tuition is $200; participants will pay their own travel, meals and lodging.  Closes on March 9th. For more information and to apply, contact Tim Devine, NPS representative at the Carhart Center, at 406-243-4612 or email

July 30 — August 3

Fundamentals of Special Park Uses, DOI Learning Center in Albuquerque, NM. The 36-hour course covers all aspects of special park uses from First Amendment rights to filming and photography to wireless telecommunication sites. Temporary food services and other health and safety issues related to special park uses will also be discussed. DO-53/RM-53 is covered in depth, as well as 36 CFR and NPS Management Policies 2006. A draft agenda is posted on the special park uses web page. For more information, contact Lee Dickinson in WASO at 202-513-7092.

August 13 — August 17

Inland Search and Rescue Planning, Yorktown, VA. Advanced course for experienced on-scene SAR decision makers, planners, operations leaders and direct support staff members. The course presents mathematically based search planning tools and allied topics, all focusing on improving overall SAR response and success. Closes on July 19th. For further information, contact the National Search and Rescue School at the Coast Guard Training Center in Yorktown, Virginia (757-856-2272, ). For the full text of the course memorandum, go to

September 17 — September 21

Inland Search and Rescue Planning, Port Deposit, MD. Advanced course for experienced on-scene SAR decision makers, planners, operations leaders and direct support staff members. The course presents mathematically based search planning tools and allied topics, all focusing on improving overall SAR response and success. Closes on August 9th. For further information, contact the National Search and Rescue School at the Coast Guard Training Center in Yorktown, Virginia (757-856-2272, ). For the full text of the course memorandum, go to


Zion National Park (UT)
GS-0025-9 Commissioned Ranger

Zion National Park is recruiting for a GS-9, permanent (subject to furlough) commissioned ranger.  This position is in the Canyon District (Zion Canyon).  The ranger filling this position will:

  • Perform a full range of law enforcement duties in a primarily frontcountry setting.
  • Conduct patrols by vehicle and foot.
  • Perform the full range of emergency services, including EMS, SAR (primarily high angle rescue), and structural fire.
  • Be a part of a small and active ranger work group where good communications, a strong work ethic and a team approach are critical to the operation.

The park is subject to heavy visitation (2.5 million/year), long hot summers and a significant emergency services workload.  This is an excellent opportunity for the right ranger to gain experience and function as a member of a closely knit team to accomplish common goals.

Zion National Park is located in Southwest Utah.  This is a required occupancy position.  The park and surrounding areas offer a wide variety of outdoor activities, including hiking, rock climbing, hunting, mountain biking and winter sports.

For more information contact Ellen Paxton, acting Canyon District Ranger, via email or at 435-772-7852.  See the full text of the announcement (ZION-DEU-07-25) with KSAs on USA Jobs from February 2nd to February 9th.

[Submitted by Ellen Paxton, Park Ranger]

GS-1101-11/12 Concessions Management Analyst

Dates: 01/22/2007 - 02/12/2007

Grand Canyon NP has an opening for a GS-1101-11/12 concessions management analyst. The announcement closes on February 12th. 

For a copy of the "all candidates" announcement, go to

For a copy of the "status candidates" announcement, go to
[Submitted by Barbara R. Walker , Barb_Walker@nps.go, (928) 638-7723 ]

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Submission standards for the Morning Report can be found at the following web site:;=Announcements&id;=3363

All reports should be submitted via email to Bill Halainen at Delaware Water Gap NRA, with a copy to your regional office. The former will be forwarded to the appropriate staff in WASO.