Friday, February 2, 2007



Black Canyon of the Gunnison NP

Accident Victim Rescued From 500 Feet Below Rim

On Monday, January 29th, rangers received a report that a car had crashed through a fence at the Tomichi overlook along the south rim of Black Canyon. When they arrived just before nightfall, they found a 2007 Kia Optima four-door sedan wedged between the cliff face and rocks about 500 feet below the rim. A rescue ensued. Rangers were assisted by personnel from the Montrose County Sheriff's Posse and Montrose FD in the four-hour-long operation. A haul system was employed to extricate the driver, 31-year-old P.D., an Indian national from the Chicago area. P.D. was taken to Montrose County Hospital, where he was last reported in stable condition, suffering mostly from bumps and bruises. The Kia was first spotted by an employee of the Delta-Montrose Electric Association who was leaving the park after reading meters. Given the time of day, the accident would otherwise have most likely been undetected until the following morning. The car was equipped with side airbags and the driver was wearing his seatbelt. The accident investigation is continuing. [Linda Alick, Chief Ranger]


Other news from today's edition of InsideNPS, the National Park Service's home page:

Federal Hall NM - President Bush addressed the nation from Federal Hall National Memorial on Wall Street, directly across from the New York Stock Exchange, on Wednesday, January 31st. He delivered his Economic State of the Union to a crowd of dignitaries and members of the press assembled in the Greek Revival rotunda.

Independence NHP - The park was proud to host Charles, Prince of Wales, and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, on Saturday, January 27th.

Park NAGPRA - Four projects in three regions have been selected for funding under the 2007 Park NAGPRA internship program.

USS Arizona Memorial - The park is seeking a GS-9 protection ranger interested in a lateral transfer.

Grand Canyon NP - The park has an opening for a GS-1101-11/12 concessions management analyst. The announcement closes on February 12th.

Zion National Park - The park is recruiting for a GS-9, permanent (subject to furlough) commissioned ranger. This position is in the Canyon District (Zion Canyon).

Training Calendar - This week's training summary includes EEO counselor training, EMS and LE refreshers, structural fire training, technical rescue training, housing management training, and a Colt armorer's course.

To link to InsideNPS, click on HYPERLINK ""

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Prepared by Visitor and Resource Protection, WASO, with the cooperation and support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

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