NATIONAL PARK SERVICE MORNING REPORT Friday, February 16, 2007 =============================================================================================================== INCIDENTS Big South Fork NR&RA Follow-up On Search For Missing Man The search for F.W., who's been missing since last Sunday night, continues (see Tuesday's edition for the initial report). F.W. and a friend were four-wheeling around 6 p.m. on Sunday evening when they became stuck along the east side of Big South Fork near Lick Creek and decided to walk out for help. Around 8 p.m. they saw lights on the other side of the river, possibly from residences or vehicles on Highway 92. The men decided to go directly to those lights and entered the river, but F.W.'s friend turned back when the water got chest high. The pair remained in voice contact, but only for a short time. F.W.'s friend reported the incident and a search was begun that has continued since that time and has involved ground searchers, tracking dogs and helicopters. The operation began scaling back yesterday due to bad weather and increased difficulty in obtaining local assistance due to the work week. The plan for Thursday and Friday was to have all NPS personnel who are boat certified conduct visual searches between Yamacraw Bridge and the Alum boat ramp. If F.W. is not found, the operation will ramp up again on the weekend with local rescue squad personnel assisting and resumed diving and dragging operations. If those efforts prove fruitless, the operation may scale back to periodic patrols and air searches incidental to regular helicopter flights. Ranger Tommy Barnes is IC. [Frank Graham and Steven Seven] Natchez Trace Parkway Couple Seriously Injured In Single-Vehicle Accident Ranger Anthony Franks was on patrol around 8 p.m. on the evening of February 11th when he came upon a single-vehicle accident near milepost 321 in Colbert County (Alabama). The accident had occurred just seconds prior to his arrival. J.L., 65, and his wife, E.L., 63, both of Iuka, Mississippi, were seriously injured in the accident. The L.s were heading south on the trace when they swerved to avoid wildlife, ran off the road and hit a tree. J.L. was medevaced to North Mississippi Medical Center (NMCC) in Tupelo; E.L. was taken by ambulance to a hospital in Iuka and later transferred to NMCC. Both are in the intensive care unit at that hospital. Local police and fire and rescue units assisted at the scene. Franks is the investigating ranger. [Allen Etheridge, Chief Ranger] OTHER NEWS Other news from today's edition of InsideNPS, the National Park Service's home page: Abraham Lincoln Birthplace NHS - On February 10th, the park, in cooperation with Eastern National, hosted a statewide bicentennial public speaking contest for high school students in an effort to generate public awareness and interest in the upcoming Lincoln Bicentennial. NPS/LETC - The center has started an online database for law enforcement instructors within key disciplines. Firearms instructors, defensive tactics instructors, driving instructors, physical fitness program coordinators, and NLTA/use of force instructors need to log onto the system and register. Valley Forge NHP - News story: new site and new support have renewed long-stalled plans for the American Revolution Center. Theodore Roosevelt NHP - The park is currently recruiting for a GL-5/7/9 park ranger for its North Unit. Training Calendar - An LE refresher at UPDE has been added to the weekly calenda. Events Calendar - Added this week is the upcoming “Parks, Peace and Partnerships” conference at Waterton/Glacier International Peace Park. To link to InsideNPS, click on HYPERLINK "" * * * * * Prepared by Visitor and Resource Protection, WASO, with the cooperation and support of Delaware Water Gap NRA. --- ### --- |