Editor's Desk
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Advisory On Reported Handgun Failure
Reports have been circulating within the law enforcement community about a reported failure of a Glock handgun. The weapon reportedly could have broken apart due to the repeated chambering of the same round of ammunition. According to the reports now making the rounds, Sigarms has confirmed that reloading the same round five or six times will cause the weapon to break apart and has added that reloading the same round even once will void a weapon's warranty. This has proven to be erroneous.
Sigarms has been contacted and has provided the following guidance: "To set the record straight, rechambering a cartridge over and over has nothing to do with the warranty of a pistol. The ammunition, as long as it is SAAMI or Mil Spec, is fine for our guns. If you load a cartridge over and over enough to loosen the projectile, the overall length falls from that spec. An operator has got to take some responsibility in what is loaded into the gun. If the cartridge is suspect or obviously defective for what ever reason, it would not be prudent to load it and try to shoot it. (In) the situation in question, (it was) reported that the round was loaded 42 times prior to failure...Bottom line is that responsible use of ammunition in your pistols does not constitute voiding the warranty. I hope that this helps to dispel the concern."
This incident serves as a good reminder that ammunition should be carefully inspected before it's loaded into magazines, then into weapons.
Questions on this issue should be directed to Jill Kinney, the Service's armorer, at 912-261-3762.
[Submitted by Jill Kinney]
Upcoming Training Calendar
Please submit information on upcoming training courses to Bill Halainen. New listings and revisions are in bold face.
March 5 March 9
Electric Systems, BLM National Training Center, Phoenix, AZ. This course provides participants with guidance on the siting, construction, operation, and management of electric utilities. Agency roles and responsibilities in the application and compliance process are discussed. The course code is BLM-TC-1730-21. Contact Lee Dickinson in WASO at 202-513-7092 for more information.
March 7
Bloodborne Pathogens: Breaking the Chain of Infection, TEL station course. 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET. Course code NPS-RSK6190. This workshop is designed to enable park leadership, safety officers and supervisors to understand how to properly implement a program to reduce the risk of occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens. Register by March 4th.
March 9
Overview of Park System Resource Protection Act (16 USC 19jj), Petrified Forest NP, AZ. To apply, sent an email to Ferral Knight (feral_knight@nps.gov) with the following on the subject line: Park System Resources Protection Act. Provide your full name, position title and grade and contact information in the body of the message.
March 12
Legal Update, TEL station course. 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET. Course code NPS-LAW2000. Four hours of legal update training by NPS and FLETC staff. Register by March 7th. For more info on this and other TEL courses, go to http://www.nps.gov/training/tel/schedule.htm
March 12 March 16
Interdisciplinary Resource Protection and Law, Albright Training Center, AZ. This is the second course in the resource stewardship and protection curriculum. For details, go to http://www.nps.gov/training/nrs/nrshome.htm . Apply through DOI Learn the course is listed under code NPS-NRS 1030. The deadline has been extended. For more information, contact course coordinator Jeri Hall via email or at 928-638-7927.
March 13 March 15
EMT-B Refreshers, Great Smoky Mountains NP, Gatlinburg, TN. The course will be taught by Roane State Community College and will meet NREMT biannual refresher requirements or count as CEU's. Tuition is $75. For more information, contact Bob Wightman at 865-436-1261 or bob_wightman@nps.gov .
March 19 March 23
First Responder Course, Richmond NBP, Richmond, VA. This regionwide course offering is designed to meet the requirements of DO-51 for primary visitor contact and law enforcement personnel. Tuition is $180. Applications are due by March 5th. For a nomination form and further information, contact course coordinator Barry Krieg at 804-640-7917 or Barry_Krieg@nps.gov.
March 16
EMT-B Skills Verification, Great Smoky Mountains NP, Gatlinburg, TN. The course will be taught by Roane State Community College and is intended to meet the verification of skill competence section of the NREMT EMT-B re-registration form. Tuition is $25. For more information, contact Bob Wightman at 865-436-1261 or bob_wightman@nps.gov .
March 19 March 20
ALS (Parkmedic) Refresher, Great Smoky Mountains NP, Gatlinburg, TN. The course will be taught by Roane State Community College. Participants who also attend the preceding EMT-B 24-hour refresher will satisfy requirements for the NREMT 36-hour EMT-I refresher. EMT-B's may also attend for CEU's. Tuition is $75. For more information, contact Bob Wightman at 865-436-1261 or bob_wightman@nps.gov .
March 26
Planning Effective use of Your Workforce, TEL station course. 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET. Course code NPS-SML6213. The course will help you define workforce management (position management), identify and understand how to develop a workforce management plan, and how to implement the plan. Register by March 23rd. For more info on this and other TEL courses, go to http://www.nps.gov/training/tel/schedule.htm
March 27
What's In a Position Description?, TEL station course. 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. ET. Course code NPS-SML6117. This intensive course will help you understand how to use position management to effectively develop PDs, to understand the legal requirements of PDs, and how to write both General Schedule (GS) and Federal Wage System (WG) PDs for supervisors and non-supervisory positions. Register by March 22nd. For more info on this and other TEL courses, go to http://www.nps.gov/training/tel/schedule.htm
March 28
LE Refresher, TEL station course. 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. ET. Course code NPS-LAW2010. Problem-oriented policing going beyond "patrol" to get results in your park. Register by March 22nd. For more info on this and other TEL courses, go to http://www.nps.gov/training/tel/schedule.htm
April 2 4/April 9 10
Annual LE Refresher, Upper Delaware Scenic & Recreational River, Beach Lake, PA. The refresher includes firearms qualifications, advanced tactical firearms skills, PPCT defensive tactics, spontaneous knife defense, legal updates from the FBI and AUSA as well as other LE topics. For more information, contact Larry Neal at (570)-729-7862 or larry_neal@nps.gov
April 3 April 5
Colt Law Enforcement M16/AR15 Armorer's School, Valley Forge NHP, King of Prussia, PA. Upon completion of the three-day course, students will have a complete understanding of the design theory, nomenclature, dynamics, compatibility, interchangeability, detailed disassembly, assembly, maintenance and trouble-shooting of the M16/AR-15 family of weapons including rifles, carbines, and sub-machine guns. Tuition is $400. For further information, contact course coordinator John T. Waterman (610-783-1050, John_Waterman@nps.gov ).
April 8 April 11
Siting Wireless Communications, BLM National Training Center, Phoenix, AZ. This interagency course introduces participants to the regulatory requirements and agency policies associated with siting wireless communication facilities. Participants will learn to distinguish between different wireless communication technologies and services and identify ways to improve the processing of applications. The course code is BLM-TC-2000-21. There's no tuition for NPS participants. Contact Lee Dickinson in WASO at 202-513-7092 for more information.
April 2 April 13
Certified Structural Firefighter Training, Wawona District, Yosemite NP, CA. The course will include lectures and audio-visual aids, but will maintain an emphasis on individual and engine company skills essential for personal safety and effective and safe fire ground operations. For more information, go to http://inside.nps.gov/waso/custompages.cfm?prg=284&id=2653&lv=4&pgid=902
April 9 April 13
Contracting Officer's Technical Representative, Charlestown, MA. Course on the COTR's role and authority in the acquisition process. Applications are due by March 9th. For more information, please contact acting training manager Robert L. Foye (202-354-1402, Robert_Foye@nps.gov) or course coordinator Denise Robinson (202-354-1407, Denise_L_Robinson@nps.gov) .
April 16 April 20
NPS Basic Technical Rescue Training, Canyonlands NP, Moab, UT. This training course is designed for personnel who routinely evacuate injured or stranded persons from heights and difficult terrain. Participants will be required to bring technical gear, including seat harnesses, climbing helmets, carbiners, rappel racks, ascenders, etc. This is a very physically demanding course conducted outdoors with frequent exposure to extreme heights. All participants must be in good condition. The application deadline is March 2nd. For a copy of the announcement, go t http://www.nps.gov/training/sar0407.doc . For more information, contact acting chief ranger Kevin Killian (435-772-7825, Kevin_killian@nps.gov).
April 16 April 20
Inland Search and Rescue Planning, Yorktown, VA. Advanced course for experienced on-scene SAR decision makers, planners, operations leaders and direct support staff members. The course presents mathematically based search planning tools and allied topics, all focusing on improving overall SAR response and success. Closes on March 1st. For further information, contact the National Search and Rescue School at the Coast Guard Training Center in Yorktown, Virginia (757-856-2272, sar.school@langley.af.mil ). For the full text of the course memorandum, go to http://classicinside.nps.gov/documents/2007%20Inland%20SAR%20School%2Epdf
April 17 April 9
Colt Armorer's School, Capitol Reef NP, Torrey, UT. Each graduate will gain a complete understanding of the design theory, nomenclature, dynamics, compatibility, interchangeability, detailed disassembly, assembly, maintenance and troubleshooting of the M-16/AR-15 family of weapons, including rifles, carbines and submachine guns. Three-year certification as a model-specific Colt law enforcement armorer. For law enforcement personnel only! Tuition: $400. For an application and addition information, contact ranger Mike Zirwas (435-425-3791 x 151, mike_zirwas@nps.gov ). The application closing date is March 31st.
April 23 April 27
High-Angle Rescue Training, Shenandoah NP, VA. This is the tenth year for this course. By moving it to Shenandoah, course organizers hope to make it more accessible to those parks that could benefit from such training. There should also be a helicopter course instructed by the Park Police. The course is designed for rangers and rescue personnel who are tasked with the extrication of victims in a high-angle rescue environment. All participants need to be in good physical condition and will be spending periods of time on fixed ropes in high exposure environments. Participants need to supply their own harnesses, helmets, gloves and personal locking carabineers. Applications are due by April 1st. For more information, pleas contact coordinators Rob Turan (706-866-6627, rob_turan@nps.gov) or Kevin Moses (423-569-2404 ext. 267, kevin_moses@nps.gov).
April 23 April 27
Employee Relations for Supervisors, Petrified Forest NP, AZ. Participants will be introduced to issues such as performance deficiencies, leave abuse, and disability/reasonable accommodation problems as they affect the workplace. Nominations are due by March 16th. For details and a nomination form, go to http://inside.nps.gov/index.cfm?handler=viewnpsnewsarticle&type=Conferences&id=1278
April 23 April 27
Introduction to Park Program Management (IPPM), Midwest Regional Office, Omaha, NE. Applications are due by March 9th. For more information, please contact acting training manager Robert L. Foye (202-354-1402, Robert_Foye@nps.gov) or course coordinator Denise Robinson (202-354-1407, Denise_L_Robinson@nps.gov) .
April 23 April 27
Concession Management Evaluation and Pricing Training, Shenandoah NP, VA. Applications are due by March 1st. For more information, please contact acting training manager Robert L. Foye (202-354-1402, Robert_Foye@nps.gov) or course coordinator Denise Robinson (202-354-1407, Denise_L_Robinson@nps.gov).
April 23 May 4
Seized Computer and Evidence Recovery Specialist (SCERS-702) FLETC, Glynco, GA. Closes on March 7th. For a list of NPS/LETC training announcements, go to the following web site: http://inside.nps.gov/waso/custommenu.cfm?lv=3&prg=574&id=4024
April 23 May 4
Physical Security Training Program (PSTP-705) FLETC, Glynco, GA. Closes on March 7th. For a list of NPS/LETC training announcements, go to the following web site: http://inside.nps.gov/waso/custommenu.cfm?lv=3&prg=574&id=4024
April 24 April 27
Fee Supervisors Training Workshop, National Capital Training Center, DC. The overall objectives for this workshop are to standardize the recreation fee program training for employees collecting fees for all parks within the system. Applications are due by March 9th. For more information, please contact acting training manager Robert L. Foye (202-354-1402, Robert_Foye@nps.gov) or course coordinator Denise Robinson (202-354-1407, Denise_L_Robinson@nps.gov) .
April 30 May 3
Pipeline Systems, Durango, CO. The course provides participants with information on the siting, construction, operation, and management of oil and gas pipeline systems. Agency roles and responsibilities in the application and compliance process are discussed. The course code is BLM-TC-1730-22. Contact Lee Dickinson in WASO at 202-513-7092 for more information.
April 30 May 4
Introduction to Park Program Management, Sequoia/Kings Canyon NP, CA. The course provides attendees with tools and processes for analyzing and accomplishing work, techniques for planning and organizing the work, management and accountability of funds, and evaluation of results. Applications are due by March 16th. For more information, please contact acting training manager Robert L. Foye (202-354-1402, Robert_Foye@nps.gov) or course coordinator Denise Robinson (202-354-1407, Denise_L_Robinson@nps.gov) .
April 30 May 4
Annual LE Refresher, Laughlin, NV. The nomination deadline is April 6th. The tuition is $150. For further information, contact course coordinators Kirk Gebicke (760-252-6131) or Michael Ice (760-928-2069) by phone or email.
April 30 May 11
Firearms Instructor Training Program (FITP-706) FLETC, Glynco, GA. Closes on March 13th. For a list of NPS/LETC training announcements, go to the following web site: http://inside.nps.gov/waso/custommenu.cfm?lv=3&prg=574&id=4024
May 1 May 18
Law Enforcement Control Tactics Instructor Training Program (LECTITP-703A), FLETC, Glynco, GA. Closes on March 20th. For a list of NPS/LETC training announcements, go to the following web site: http://inside.nps.gov/waso/custommenu.cfm?lv=3&prg=574&id=4024
May 7 May 11
Housing Management Training, Phoenix, AZ. This training will provide National Park Service employees who are responsible for employee housing with a better understanding and working knowledge of the NPS housing program. Specific topics will include: roles and responsibilities, QMIS inventory requirements, required and non-required occupancy, safety and health issues, needs assessments, total cost of ownership, condition assessments (FMSS/FCAS), housing management plans, PMIS projects, and tenant issues. Applications are due by April 13th. For a copy of the announcement, go http://www.nps.gov/training/housingmgmt.doc; for additional details, contact Jeri Mihalic at 406-531-3534.
May 7 May 18
Physical Fitness Coordinator Training Program (PFCTP-704), FLETC, Glynco, GA. Closes on March 21st. For a list of NPS/LETC training announcements, go to the following web site: http://inside.nps.gov/waso/custommenu.cfm?lv=3&prg=574&id=4024
May 14 May 18
Inland Search and Rescue Planning, Denver, CO. Advanced course for experienced on-scene SAR decision makers, planners, operations leaders and direct support staff members. Closes on April 12th. For further information, contact the National Search and Rescue School at the Coast Guard Training Center in Yorktown, Virginia (757-856-2272, sar.school@langley.af.mil ). For the full text of the course memorandum, go to http://classicinside.nps.gov/documents/2007%20Inland%20SAR%20School%2Epdf
May 29 May 31
Interview and Interrogation Training, Roanoke, VA. Blue Ridge Parkway and Roanoke COPD are cosponsoring the multi-jurisdictional counter-drug task force's 24-hour interview and interrogation training program. Topics include: Avoiding interviewing pitfalls, verbal lie detection, open and closed ended questions, teaching the subject to lie, non-verbal body language, evasive verbal responses, mandated interview questions, analyzing verbal and written statements, dignity and confession, establishing a "power of influence," understanding the common myths of Miranda, and voluntary confessions. No tuition; travel and lodging will be paid by benefiting accounts. To register for the course, contact supervisory park ranger Steve Buxton (540-767-2490 ext. 19, steve_buxton@nps.gov). For additional information, go to http://www.mctft.com/traditional_training/view_course.aspx?pID=PDOX0028
June 18 June 22
Inland Search and Rescue Planning, Anchorage, AK. Advanced course for experienced on-scene SAR decision makers, planners, operations leaders and direct support staff members. Closes on May 10th. For further information, contact the National Search and Rescue School at the Coast Guard Training Center in Yorktown, Virginia (757-856-2272, sar.school@langley.af.mil ). For the full text of the course memorandum, go to http://classicinside.nps.gov/documents/2007%20Inland%20SAR%20School%2Epdf
July 23 July 27
Inland Search and Rescue Planning, Joliet, IL. Advanced course for experienced on-scene SAR decision makers, planners, operations leaders and direct support staff members. Closes on June 14th. For further information, contact the National Search and Rescue School at the Coast Guard Training Center in Yorktown, Virginia (757-856-2272, sar.school@langley.af.mil ). For the full text of the course memorandum, go to http://classicinside.nps.gov/documents/2007%20Inland%20SAR%20School%2Epdf
June 24 June 29
Interagency National Wilderness Stewardship Training, Missoula, MT. Sponsored by the Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center. The course objectives are to interpret and translate the Wilderness Act of 1964 and agency policy into on-the-ground management principles, apply decision making skills, agency policy and wilderness management principles to real wilderness management issues, and describe characteristics and consequences of making decisions that ensure an enduring resource of wilderness. Tuition is $200; participants will pay their own travel, meals and lodging. Closes on March 9th. For more information and to apply, contact Tim Devine, NPS representative at the Carhart Center, at 406-243-4612 or email tim_devine@nps.gov.
July 30 August 3
Fundamentals of Special Park Uses, DOI Learning Center in Albuquerque, NM. The 36-hour course covers all aspects of special park uses from First Amendment rights to filming and photography to wireless telecommunication sites. Temporary food services and other health and safety issues related to special park uses will also be discussed. DO-53/RM-53 is covered in depth, as well as 36 CFR and NPS Management Policies 2006. A draft agenda is posted on the special park uses web page. For more information, contact Lee Dickinson in WASO at 202-513-7092.
August 13 August 17
Inland Search and Rescue Planning, Yorktown, VA. Advanced course for experienced on-scene SAR decision makers, planners, operations leaders and direct support staff members. Closes on July 19th. For further information, contact the National Search and Rescue School at the Coast Guard Training Center in Yorktown, Virginia (757-856-2272, sar.school@langley.af.mil ). For the full text of the course memorandum, go to http://classicinside.nps.gov/documents/2007%20Inland%20SAR%20School%2Epdf
September 17 September 21
Inland Search and Rescue Planning, Port Deposit, MD. Advanced course for experienced on-scene SAR decision makers, planners, operations leaders and direct support staff members. Closes on August 9th. For further information, contact the National Search and Rescue School at the Coast Guard Training Center in Yorktown, Virginia (757-856-2272, sar.school@langley.af.mil ). For the full text of the course memorandum, go to http://classicinside.nps.gov/documents/2007%20Inland%20SAR%20School%2Epdf
Pacific West Region
GS-0025-5 Interpretive Ranger
Dates: 03/01/2007 - 03/13/2007
Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area will be hiring a temporary appointment interpretive ranger. The selected individual will work directly for the special park use program manager in the division of ranger services. Duties will involve monitoring commercial film productions, student film projects, incidental business activities, festivals, catered picnics, weddings and trail events. Additional responsibilities will include informal talks, site orientations, safety speeches and staffing an NPS table at outreach events. Work will include weekends, and may include early morning and late night shifts. Two-thirds of scheduled position's time is spent outdoors and requires working independently in all types of weather and terrain for extended hours. This position requires lifting up to 45 lbs. USAJOBS Link
[Submitted by Bradford Baker, brad_baker@nps.gov, (805) 370-2308] More Information...
Submission standards for the Morning Report can be found at the following web site:
http://inside.nps.gov/index.cfm?handler=viewnpsnewsarticle&type;=Announcements&id;=3363All reports should be submitted via email to Bill Halainen at Delaware Water Gap NRA, with a copy to your regional office. The former will be forwarded to the appropriate staff in WASO.