NATIONAL PARK SERVICE MORNING REPORT Wednesday, May 9, 2007 =============================================================================================================== INCIDENTS Grand Teton NP Two Cited For Theft Of Antlers Rangers found two Wyoming men collecting elk antlers inside a wildlife closure area on Wednesday, May 2nd. D.K., 30, and B.G., 41, had 65 pounds of elk antlers in their possession when rangers contacted them northeast of Elk Ranch Reservoir, a point that's more than two miles from where they'd crossed the posted national park boundary and inside one of several wildlife closure areas within the park. The antlers were seized and both men received violation notices with penalties totaling more than $1,400. The fines were based on the value of each pound of antlers. A third man - M.M., 36 - was identified as being with the party but was not seen inside the closed area and did not have antlers in his possession when contacted. [Patrick Hattaway, North District Ranger] Lake Mead NRA One Killed, Three Critically Injured In Auto Accident On May 3rd, rangers in the Mead District responded to a 911 report of a rollover motor vehicle accident with entrapment on Lakeshore Road. Upon arrival, they found an overturned vehicle with four people inside - one dead and three in critical condition - and a fifth person with moderate injuries outside. The occupants of the second vehicle involved in the accident sustained moderate injuries. Rangers extricated two of the critically injured victims and provided advanced life support until medevac helicopters arrived. They were flown to a trauma center by Mercy Air, while the other four were taken by ambulance to local hospitals. Assisting at the accident scene were officers and rescue personnel from Boulder City PD, Henderson Fire and Rescue, Nevada Division of Wildlife, and Hoover Dam PD. Because of the fatality, the accident is being investigated by the Nevada Highway Patrol. The rangers have been credited with saving the lives of the two critically injured victims due to their immediate response and their actions at the scene. During the accident investigation, a drunk driver failed to yield at a roadblock and entered the accident scene. He was arrested for DUI. [Bob Trodahl, Fire Chief] Mount Rainier NP Road To Paradise Reopens The park reopened its primary road last Saturday following a six month closure due to flood damage sustained last November, when 18 inches of rain fell in 36 hours and seriously damaged roads and other infrastructure. Congressmen Norm Dicks and Dave Reichert attended the opening ceremony along with a number of invited partners, including representatives from the Student Conservation Association, National Parks Conservation Association, park concessions, and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). By the time the gate opened at 9:30 a.m., there more than 100 cars waiting to enter the park. The Pierce County Sheriff's Office provided assistance in managing the event. Road repairs were completed by the park road crew with design assistance and oversight by FHWA. There's still significant work ahead to complete flood repairs to other park roads and trails, but the reopening of the Nisqually Road was a major milestone on the path to recovery. [Lee Taylor, Information Officer]
OTHER NEWS The following stories can be read on either the InsideNPS web site (if you are within the National Park Service) or at the InsideNPS public ‘news digest' site (if you are outside of the NPS). The web sites appear below: Law Enforcement, Security and Emergency Services - Police Week 2007 will be held from May 8th through May 15th this year. During this time period, the National Park Service will honor the memory of its law enforcement officers who have died in the line of duty. Law Enforcement, Security and Emergency Services - As part of the National Response Plan and Homeland Security Presidential Directive #5, DOI has beens tasked with providing 132 law enforcement officers from its agencies to assist with national emergencies and incidents. In preparation for hurricane season, WASO is establishing strike teams of Level 1 law enforcement rangers who can respond when needed. Upper Delaware S&RR - After 32 years with the National Park Service, Mike Reuber, chief of resource management at Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River, has announced his retirement, effective June 1st. DOI Alumni - Tom Belleau, a well-known and highly-regarded pilot who oversaw DOI flight operations in Alaska for many years, passed away on April 22nd. Katmai NP&P - Neal Labrie is the park's new chief ranger. He is currently the backcountry supervisor for Acadia National Park, where he and his wife, Lauren, have been since 2003. To see the above articles, go to InsideNPS ( HYPERLINK "" or NPS Digest ( HYPERLINK "" For NPS incident reporting standards, go to HYPERLINK "" * * * * * Prepared by the Division of Law Enforcement, Security and Emergency Services, Washington Office, with the cooperation and support of Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area. Edited by Bill Halainen ( HYPERLINK "", 570-426-2430). --- ### --- |