Friday, June 22, 2007



Hot Springs NP

Ranger Assists In Homicide Response

On Saturday, June 16th, ranger Jeff Johnson was listening to the Hot Springs police radio when he heard a report of a shooting in progress near the ranger station. Johnson and numerous Hot Springs PD officers arrived at the location shortly thereafter. The first officer on scene advised that shots were still being fired, so Johnson and backup units blocked public access to the area and secured the scene. Eyewitnesses reported that a man had been driving west on Malvern Avenue near the downtown area when he rammed his pickup into the rear of his estranged wife's BMW, forcing the BMW into another sedan. He then got out of the pickup with a shotgun, walked to the car and shot his wife and her female companion at pointblank range. He then returned to the truck, put the shotgun on the seat, removed a handgun, walked back to the BMW and fires several rounds at his wife. He then sat down on the sidewalk and smoked a cigarette while waiting for officers to arrive and take him into custody. He was arrested without incident. The man's wife died from her injuries, but her companion is in stable condition with severe wounds. The incident took place about a half mile from the park's historic Bath House Row district. [Dennis Stock, Chief Ranger]

Cuyahoga Valley NP

Suicide Victim Found In Robinson Field

A park visitor on horseback came across the body of a 37-year-old man in Robinson Field on the evening of June 14th. Rangers, Peninsula PD officers, Valley FD firefighters and the Summit County medical examiner investigator responded. The man's body was lying in a grassy field with a .45 caliber pistol on his chest. There was a wound and blood on his head. Rangers are leading the investigation, which is considered a probable suicide. [Chris Ryan, Chief Ranger]


The following stories (among others) can be read on either the InsideNPS web site (if you are within the National Park Service) or at the InsideNPS public ‘news digest' site (if you are outside of the NPS). The web sites appear below:

Natural Resource Stewardship and Science - The draft National Park Service environmental safeguards plan for all-hazards emergencies is available for review on the Planning, Environment and Public Comment (PEPC) web site.

Office of Legislative and Congressional Affairs - This week's update on past and upcoming hearings and the status of legislation pertinent to the National Park Service.

NPS Alumni - James "Bob" Robert Johnson, 86, retired Shenandoah NP chief ranger, died on Sunday, June 17th.

Natural Resource Program Center - Dave Shaver, chief of the Geologic Resources Division, is planning to retire on July 1st after almost 32 years of Federal service, including 28 years with the NPS.

To see the above articles, go to InsideNPS ( HYPERLINK "" or NPS Digest ( HYPERLINK "" For NPS incident reporting standards, go to HYPERLINK ""

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Prepared by the Division of Law Enforcement, Security and Emergency Services, Washington Office, with the cooperation and support of Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area. Edited by Bill Halainen ( HYPERLINK "", 570-426-2430).

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