Kenai Fjords National Park (AK)
Rangers Assist In Armed Confrontation
On the afternoon of Thursday, June 28th, rangers Sean Brennan, Sarah Cowell and Rayne Rohrbach responded to an "officer needs assistance" call just outside the park. State troopers, responding to a report of a man with a gun threatening to shoot people in a local trailer park, determined that he was in a motor home along Exit Glacier Road, the primary entry into the park. Many local seasonal workers live along the road in long-term camps established for the entire summer. Based on their knowledge of the area and its residents, the rangers immediately identified the suspect's vehicle from the officer's description and led Seward city police and troopers to its location. As they arrived, a single shot was heard from a the motor home. Rangers immediately set up roadblocks well away from the suspect and maintained them for several hours while state and city officers began negotiations with the suspect, who was believed to have a hostage and who threatened to kill any officer who approached. These roadblocks cut off all traffic into and out of the park, stranding a large number of park visitors and staff for about four hours. The suspect, identified as W.A., ultimately surrendered to troopers after exiting the bus with a loaded handgun. The road into the park reopened at about 6 p.m. [Submitted by Jim Ireland, Chief Ranger]
George Rogers Clark National Historical Park (IN)
Culprit Arrested In Nose Heist
On May 25th, a visitor reported discovering damage to a statue of Francis Vigo that is located behind the George Rogers Clark Memorial near the Wabash River. The nose of the statue had been completely broken off and the lip was badly chipped, resulting in a repair estimate of approximately $10,000. The Vincennes Police Department investigated and received information which implicated C.B., a 19-year-old local resident. A search warrant was served at C.B.'s residence on June 28th and culminated in the recovery of the broken nose. C.B. was questioned and is accused of breaking the nose with a metal instrument, removing it from the park, and maintaining it in his possession. C.B. was taken to the Knox County Jail, where he was charged with criminal mischief and theft. He is being held on $6,500 bond pending appearance in Knox Superior Court. [Submitted by Jackie Henman, Regional Law Enforcement Specialist]
Glacier National Park
Construction Worker Rescued After Fall
On the morning of Thursday, June 28th, park staff responded to a report from Federal Highways that an 18-year-old construction worker had fallen down a steep slope while working at a construction site on the Going To The Sun Road. The worker had been pushing a wheelbarrow filled with 65 pounds of steel when the wheel struck a rock and tipped. The worker's legs were struck by the handles, causing him to tumble approximately 45 feet down a steep, rocky slope. NPS responders were able to rescue the man by scrambling down the slope and attaching a safety line to haul him out. An ALERT helicopter from Kalispell Regional Medical Center was able to land near the scene and fly him to a hospital, where he was later reported to be in stable condition. [Submitted by Ann Marie Chytra, Hudson Bay District Ranger]
NIFC/NPS Fire and Aviation Management
National Fire/Incident Situation Highlights
National Fire Activity Preparedness Level 2
Initial attack was moderate on Sunday. Fourteen uncontained large fires are now burning.
Wildland fire activity has diminished in Alaska and Florida, but continues in California, Arizona, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming. Hot and dry weather conditions will continue to increase fire activity in these western states.
Further information on the national situation can be found at http://www.nifc.gov/fire_info/nfn.htm
Fire Summary
Date |
Sun |
Mon |
Tue |
Wed |
Thu |
Sun |
Day |
6/24 |
6/25 |
6/26 |
6/27 |
6/28 |
7/1 |
Initial Attack Fires |
138 |
334 |
184 |
201 |
364 |
210 |
New Large Fires |
4 |
5 |
4 |
8 |
7 |
1 |
Large Fires Contained |
3 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
2 |
Uncontained Large Fires |
14 |
18 |
16 |
18 |
19 |
14 |
National Resource Commitments
Date |
Sun |
Mon |
Tue |
Wed |
Thu |
Sun |
Day |
6/24 |
6/25 |
6/26 |
6/27 |
6/28 |
7/1 |
Area Command Teams |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
NIMO Teams |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Type 1 Teams |
0 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
Type 2 Teams |
3 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
FUM Teams |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
The full NIFC Incident Management Situation Report (a PDF file) can be obtained at http://www.nifc.gov/news/sitreprt.pdf
NPS Fire News
The NPS fire table is not available today. For more information, go to the NPS Fire and Aviation Management at http://www.nps.gov/fire/index.cfm
Redwood National and State Parks
Pat Grediagin Is Leaving The NPS
Pat Grediagin is retiring after nearly 28 years of government service, almost all of that with the National Park Service. Pat has been at Redwood National and State Parks since 2005, where she has served as the chief ranger.
Pat began her career with the National Park Service in seasonal maintenance and ranger jobs at Canyonlands in the late 1970's. She attained her permanent status at Canyonlands as a maintenance worker, then converted over to the park ranger series. Pat has had assignments in Joshua Tree, Grand Canyon, with the BLM, Death Valley, Denali, Big Bend, Dinosaur, and Sequoia before coming to Redwood.
Pat had received many honors and awards through her career, including a special act service award in 1997.
In retirement, Pat will set her furniture down at her residence in Bend, Oregon, then head off on travels that will take her to many parts of the globe over the next several years.
[Submitted by Rick Nolan, Rick_Nolan@nps.gov, 707-465-7304]
Submission standards for the Morning Report can be found on the left side of the front page of InsideNPS. All reports should be submitted via email to Bill Halainen at Delaware Water Gap NRA, with a copy to your regional office and a copy to Dennis Burnett in Division of Law Enforcement and Emergency Services, WASO.
Prepared by the Division of Law Enforcement and Emergency Services, WASO, with the cooperation and support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.