Wednesday, July 11, 2007



War in the Pacific NM

Efforts Continue To Find Stolen Brass Panels

On Tuesday, the governor of Guam ordered the cessation of shipment of outgoing scrap-metal containers from the island until the 27 remaining brass panels that were stolen from the park last week are accounted for. The Federal Bureau of Investigation and Customs have also joined the Guam Police Department in their ongoing investigation. "What these people have done is an insult to the people of Guam and to the memories of those who suffered and died during the war," said Governor Felix Camacho. "The incident is even more difficult considering that our island is preparing for our Liberation Day ceremonies." A total of 34 brass panels containing the names of thousands of Chamorros and U.S. servicemen who were tortured or killed during the Japanese occupation of Guam and its liberation were stolen last week from the park's Asan Bay Overlook. Police have so far recovered seven of the stolen panels and arrested J.U.R.M.E., 24, in connection with the incident. J.U.R.M.E. allegedly sold the panels to Xiong's Family Recycling in Harmon for $369. Authorities were informed of the alleged sale through a tip to the Guam Crime Stoppers hot line. J.U.R.M.E. has since been charged in court with felony theft by receiving and a special allegation of crime against the community. Camacho has also ordered the director of the Department of Revenue and Taxation to investigate other scrap-metal companies to ensure that they are in compliance with Public Law 28-8, which requires companies that deal with the transaction of scrap metal to keep detailed records of their transactions. Said Camacho: "These thieves have no conscience and we will not rest until we find all of those responsible." [Pacific Daily News]

National Mall and Memorial Parks

Three Injured In Fourth Of July Fireworks Accident

The annual Independence Day fireworks display from the National Mall began as scheduled at 9:10 p.m. on July 4th and lasted for 20 minutes. Pyro Shows, a government contracted fireworks company, presented the show. Subsequent to the program and while being inspected within the fireworks safety zone, three mortars containing 10 inch shells exploded, injuring a Pyro Shows employee and guest advisor. A third person, also employed by Pyro Shows, was treated on-site and released; preliminary reports suggest that he suffered no physical trauma related to the explosion. The United States Park Police, District of Columbia fire marshal and on-site EMS staff responded to the accident. One injured person, transported by helicopter to the Washington Hospital Center, remains hospitalized suffering from a broken right ankle, burns, and amputation of his right hand at the wrist along with other injuries to the right side of his body. The other person, transported from the scene by ambulance, was treated and released. No National Park Service employees were injured. United States Park Police, Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, OSHA, and District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medical Service incident investigations are underway. [Lance Hatten, Deputy Chief Visitor Services]

Olympic NP

Vehicle Pursuit And Head-On Collision

On July 7th, the Lake Crescent ranger responded to a call for assistance from the Forks Police Department and Clallam County Sheriff Office regarding a driver who was traveling at speeds over 90 mph along Highway 101, weaving in and out of traffic and nearly hitting several cars head on. J.H. had eluded capture earlier in the day after being caught in the act of burglarizing a Forks church and attempting to steal a church van. He was later spotted in a stolen pickup truck, but escaped from a felony vehicle stop prior to entering the park. A ranger pursued J.H. for three miles around Lake Crescent until he missed a corner and hit a small Saturn head-on. Immediately after the collision J.H. attempted to flee the scene on foot, but the ranger was able to take him into custody after a brief struggle with the assistance of a Good Samaritan. The occupants of the Saturn, who were visiting the park from Illinois, were transported by ambulance to the hospital in Port Angeles and later released with only minor injuries. J.H. is currently being held in the Clallam County jail on charges of burglary, theft, taking a motor vehicle, evading, reckless driving, driving under the influence of methamphetamine, possession of meth, possession of paraphernalia, and possession of stolen items. [Jacilee Wray, Acting Public Information Officer]

Grand Teton NP

Rescue Of Seriously Ill Hiker

Rangers employed an interagency contract helicopter to rescue a backcountry hiker on the evening of July 5th after he suffered symptoms of acute mountain sickness and heat exhaustion. S.B., 24, of Rolling Meadows, Illinois, became too ill to continue hiking on his own at the 10,100-foot elevation near Petzoldt's Cave in Garnet Canyon. The sheriff's office received a distress call from S.B. and relayed it to rangers via the interagency dispatch center. Rangers were able to make cell phone contact with S.B. and his hiking partner and determine that he needed emergency medical assistance. Two rangers immediately began hiking into Garnet Canyon by foot, while an interagency helicopter was summoned for air support. Four rangers were subsequently flown into the Meadows area of Garnet Canyon, and two of those rangers hiked up an additional 800 feet to Petzoldt's Cave where S.B. was resting. After rangers provided initial emergency medical care, they were able to help S.B. walk to the Garnet Canyon Meadows and board the helicopter for a flight to Lupine Meadows, where a park ambulance was waiting to transport him to St. John's Medical Center in Jackson for treatment. [Jackie Skaggs, Public Affairs Officer]

Coronado NM

Death Of Illegal Immigrant

Border Patrol agents discovered a woman's body in Montezuma Canyon a mile west of the park visitor center on the afternoon of June 30th. She was identified as M.H.G.-P., 34, of Jalapa, Guatemala. M.H.G.-P. had been traveling north with a group of illegal immigrants when she apparently died of severe dehydration. Temperatures in the park during the day were close to 100 degrees. The Cochise County Sheriffs Department removed the body and transported it to the medical examiners office. The Border Patrol is investigating. [Andy Brinkley Acting Chief Ranger]

Grand Teton NP

Passenger Killed In Three-Wheel Motorcycle Accident

On the morning of July 2nd, M.L., 73, was heading north through the park on his Honda Goldwing three-wheel motorcycle when it drifted off the road three miles north of Leeks Marina. Both M.L. and his passenger - A."H."E., 70, of Waukesha, Wisconsin - were both wearing helmets at the time but nonetheless sustained serious injuries in the accident. Rangers responded from the Colter Bay ranger station, located just four miles away. A.E. died of her injuries, but rangers were able to stabilize M.L. and quickly get him to a medical center in Jackson for treatment. Witnesses reported that M.L., who was pulling a cargo trailer behind his motorcycle, briefly drifted off the side of the road. The Goldwing motorcycle then flipped over as M.L. pulled back onto the highway and both riders were thrown off the bike as it rolled. [Jackie Skaggs, Public Affairs Officer]


The following stories (among others) can be read on either the InsideNPS web site (if you are within the National Park Service) or at the InsideNPS public ‘news digest' site (if you are outside of the NPS). The web sites appear below:

Colorado NM - The park commemorated Independence Day by raising “Old Glory” 450 vertical feet from the canyon floor to the top of Independence Monument, the tallest free-standing rock formation in the park. Photo included.

Bandelier NM - Carl Newman, chief ranger at Bandelier National Monument, will retire on July 21st.

To see the above articles, go to InsideNPS ( HYPERLINK "" or NPS Digest ( HYPERLINK "" For NPS incident reporting standards, go to HYPERLINK ""

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Prepared by the Division of Law Enforcement, Security and Emergency Services, Washington Office, with the cooperation and support of Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area. Edited by Bill Halainen ( HYPERLINK "", 570-426-2430).

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