NATIONAL PARK SERVICE MORNING REPORT Monday, December 3, 2007 =============================================================================================================== INCIDENTS Santa Monica Mountains Update On Wildland Fire Recovery Park staff are working hard on numerous projects in the aftermath of last month's destructive fire: Funding for demolition/stabilization of the remains of burned structures and cleanup of the sites will be requested, as well as funding to rebuild at least one structure. A team of specialists is surveying the fire area in preparation for a Burned Area Emergency Recovery (BAER) stabilization plan proposal, which will address such items as soil stabilization in watercourses and a survey of archeological sites. A proposal is in the works for additional fuels and prevention staffing, both to address the park's existing needs and to reach out to the thousands of park neighbors, offering community planning options and assistance on making homes fire-safe. Housing within the park has been found for all the displaced residents; once some minor repairs and cleaning has been accomplished, everyone should be moved in by mid-December. Donations to assist employees at Santa Monica Mountains NRA who lost their homes in the recent wildfire can now be made on-line. You may use a major credit card or use PayPal. PayPal allows payments to be made through the Internet without using a credit card or sending a check. Donations are being managed by a park partner, the Santa Monica Mountains Fund. Log onto HYPERLINK "", select "Donations," then select "Fire Recovery Fund." You may also send a check or money order (no cash, please, for your safety) to: Santa Monica Mountains Fund, 401 W. Hillcrest Drive, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360. Write "Fire Recovery Fund" on the memo line. All donations will be given directly to displaced employees to help cover the numerous expenses they are incurring as a result of this tragedy. Many thanks in advance for your generosity and concern. The Solstice Canyon site will remain closed to the general public until at least March 1st. This will provide an opportunity to identify and mitigate dangers along roads and trails, as well as remove all hazardous materials left from structures. Restrictions have also been placed on the Lobo Canyon area, prohibiting entry between sunset and sunrise in an area that has been frequented by those with less than praiseworthy intentions. [Marty O'Toole, Marty O'Toole, Fire Education, Prevention and Information Specialist] Hawaii Volcanoes NP Driver In Multiple Fatality Accident Was Highly Intoxicated On November 10, 2006, a three-car accident near the park's Hilo entrance claimed the lives of three women and two men. A 2005 Porsche SUV was traveling toward Ka‘u when it collided with two cars heading toward Hilo. All three people in the SUV were killed in the collision; two visitors from British Columbia in a convertible rental car also died, and one of the two people in the third vehicle had to be hospitalized. A recently released investigation report revealed that Samuel Furtado, the driver of the SUV, had a blood alcohol level far in excess of the legal limit. Toxicology findings show that Furtado's blood alcohol concentration (BAC) at the time of the accident was 0.27, more than three times the legal limit of .08. The drivers of the other two vehicles tested negative for blood alcohol. [Mardie Lane, Park Ranger] HYPERLINK "" President's Park Demonstrators Arrested At White House On the afternoon of Friday, November 30th, Park Police officers handled a large demonstration in Lafayette Park. During the event, a number of the demonstrators crossed over to the White House sidewalk and began conducting non-violent civil disobedience. After being given several warnings to desist, their permit was revoked. Officers then arrested 40 demonstrators who failed to obey a lawful order to leave. The demonstration later ended without incident. [Sergeant Robert Lachance, USPP Public Affairs Officer] Chickamauga & Chattanooga NMP Assault And Robbery On Park Road Around noon on November 27th, a 19-year-old woman contacted park staff and reported that she'd been assaulted while walking on Viniard-Alexander Road. She said that she'd parked her car, then gone walking along the side of the road to reach a popular area around a creek. While walking, she was attacked from behind by a man in his late 20s. He grabbed her, struck her twice in the face, took her purse, and ran into the nearby woods. The purse contained $220 in cash. Protection rangers were called to the scene. A hasty search was conducted and an investigation begun, but no evidence or leads have been produced so far. [John McCutcheon, Acting Chief Ranger] OTHER NEWS The following stories (among others) can be read on InsideNPS (internal) or NPS Digest (external): Hampton NHS - Hampton Mansion reopened to the public last Friday following completion of a major, $3.3 million, three-year-long renovation project. The state of Maryland has recognized the caliber of the rehabilitation with the conferral of a prestigious stewardship award. HYPERLINK "" Office of Environmental Leadership and Sustainability - The Climate Friendly Parks program has launched a new website in which park employees are asked to contribute to reducing green house gas emissions. HYPERLINK "" Office of Legislative and Congressional Affairs - This week's update on past and upcoming hearings and the status of legislation pertinent to the National Park Service. HYPERLINK "" National Partnership Office - National Park Week 2008 will be held from April 19th to April 27th in 2008. During National Park Week, National Junior Ranger Day and March For Parks will be celebrated on April 26th. HYPERLINK "" * * * * * Prepared by the Division of Law Enforcement, Security and Emergency Services, Washington Office, with the support of the Office of the Chief Information Officer and Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area. Edited by Bill Halainen ( HYPERLINK "", 570-686-3828). --- ### --- |