NATIONAL PARK SERVICE MORNING REPORT Friday, December 7, 2007 =============================================================================================================== NOTICE The White House Flags To Be Lowered To Half Staff Today President Bush has proclaimed December 7, 2007 as National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. Flags have been ordered to half-staff throughout the day in honor of those who died as a result of their service at Pearl Harbor. HYPERLINK "" INCIDENTS Hawaiian Parks Some Parks Reopen, Others Partly Closed Following Storm A strong storm passing to the north of the Hawaiian Islands this week brought gale force winds, high surf and heavy rain to parks throughout the islands. A current status report follows: Halekala - The summit area remained closed yesterday for the second day in a row. The park road has been closed at the Hosmer Grove junction since about 4 a.m. on Wednesday. On Wednesday morning, Haleakala Observatories reported sustained winds around 80 mph with gust around 100 mph. Part of the observatory roof was lost, which usually doesn't happen until winds exceed 125 mph - and that hasn't occurred since before 1980. The park has been without power since before sunrise on Wednesday and continues to be without phone service. Inclement weather conditions in the park continued yesterday, with rain and sustained winds around 30 mph. The park has received significant rainfall since the storm began. Park road crews worked yesterday to remove rocks, boulders and other debris on the roadway. It's not known when the summit will reopen, but the park may reopen today if conditions improve. Hawaii Volcanoes - Winds subsided yesterday at mid and lower elevations, but heavy rain continued to fall. Blizzard conditions were reported at upper elevations. Some roads are blocked with trees. The backcountry will be reopened soon. Kalaupapa - No report has been received. Kaloko-Honokohau - The park is open. Puukohola Heiau - The park was hit by high winds and heavy rain and suffered from temporary flooding. It has reopened. Pu`uhonua O Honaunau - Park staff were cleaning up debris yesterday. The park will reopen soon. USS Arizona - Power was still out yesterday. [Sharon Ringsven, HALE, and Karen Newton, PWRO, with reports from Hawaiian parks] National Capital Region Officers Arrest Knife-Wielding Man On Friday, November 30th, Park Police officers from the Central District responded to Columbus Circle to a complaint of a man threatening National Park Service employees with a knife. Sergeant Mike Johnson and officer Mitchell Snow, along with other Park Police and United States Capital Police officers, canvassed the area after speaking with the employees who were assaulted. They spotted a man fitting the suspect's description and took him into custody without further incident. The knife used in the assault was also recovered nearby and collected for evidence. The suspect has been charged with assault with a deadly weapon. [Officer LM Weisbaum, US Park Police] Chickamauga & Chattanooga NMP Drunk Driver Killed When Car Slams Into Park Gate A 32-year-old man was killed in a single-vehicle accident on Snodgrass Hill Road on the evening of Tuesday, December 4th. A Nissan Altima being driven at a high rate of speed drifted off the park road and slammed into a metal pipe gate which was locked in an open position. The end of gate punched through the front grille and under the hood and continued through the firewall and dashboard, entering into the interior of the car and striking the driver. The force was so great that the body's final resting point was in the rear seat. The accident was discovered by a ranger on patrol around 11 p.m. Nearby fire, EMS and rescue units assisted with accident management. Evidence strongly indicates that the driver was highly intoxicated. [John McCutcheon, Acting Chief Ranger] OTHER NEWS The following stories (among others) can be read on InsideNPS (internal) or NPS Digest (external): USS Arizona Memorial - The National Park Service and Navy Region Hawaii will host the 66th Anniversary Pearl Harbor Day commemoration today. It will feature a dedication ceremony for the new USS Oklahoma Memorial. HYPERLINK "" Office of Policy - Director Bomar has issued a holiday reminder on the requirement for proper authorization of alcoholic beverage use in NPS facilities. HYPERLINK "" Training Calendar - A listing of upcoming training courses offered by both the NPS and its partners across the nation. HYPERLINK "" Events Calendar - Today's listing of upcoming NPS and NPS-related events across the nation. Added today is the January 9th centennial event at Muir Woods. HYPERLINK "" * * * * * Prepared by the Division of Law Enforcement, Security and Emergency Services, Washington Office, with the support of the Office of the Chief Information Officer and Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area. Edited by Bill Halainen ( HYPERLINK "", 570-686-3828). --- ### --- |