Wednesday, December 12, 2007



Virgin Islands NP

Subtropical Storm Skirts Islands

Subtropical Storm Olga, which has produced near tropical storm force winds and heavy rains in its journey across the Caribbean, had little impact on the park, as the storm passed to the north of the islands. The park remains open, with all roads and facilities open. Staff were dealing with a boat grounding yesterday morning, but that was the only storm-related problem. [Mike Anderson, Regional Chief Ranger, SERO]

Walnut Canyon NM

Major Rockfalls Close Popular Island Trail

At least two major rockfalls have damaged or destroyed large sections of the Island Trail, the park's most popular trail. The heavily damaged trail has been closed indefinitely. The first rockslide was minor and occurred sometime during the evening of November 30th, blocking the lower section of the trail. A second rockfall occurred during the morning of Saturday, December 8th. This rockslide was far more extensive and destructive in nature, smashing large sections of concrete stairway, steel handrails, and a bench. Although the trail was open during the December 8th rockfall, no visitors were injured. The Island Trail descends into Walnut Canyon in a long series of concrete stair steps, allowing visitors access to a ledge lined with cliff dwellings tucked into deep limestone alcoves in the steep, rugged canyon. Park staff are assessing the full extent of the damage, and are in the initial stages of developing preliminary options for reopening the trail. Truck-sized blocks of unstable limestone hang precariously over sections of the heavily-traveled trail. The largest are estimated to weigh hundreds of tons. These blocks need to be removed or stabilized, or a new trail will need to be rerouted around them. The trail will likely be closed for months. All other areas of the park - including the visitor center, the Rim Trail, and the picnic area - remain open to the public. [Charlie Strickfaden, Chief Ranger]

Badlands NP

Rescuers Race Winter Storm To Find Lost Hiker

On the morning of December 7th, rangers came upon a vehicle parked near the Door and Window Trailhead that they noted had not moved since the previous day. Since hikers and overnight campers are not unusual, rangers were not initially concerned, but began a preliminary investigation anyways to ensure that the vehicle's occupants would not be taken by surprise by a fast-moving winter storm forecast for the area later that evening. The rangers quickly learned that the vehicle's sole occupant, J.U., 22, had been reported missing by her fiancé when she failed to arrive in Bozeman, Montana, the previous night. J.U.'s last communication had been a text message she had sent her fiancé informing him that she had arrived at Badlands National Park and was stunned by the park's beauty. The park quickly organized a hasty search, utilizing most available personnel. Because of the extremely rugged terrain east of J.U.'s last known location, additional outside searchers and air support were requested. As a perimeter was established and ground teams began working their way into high probability areas, searchers learned that J.U. had little backcountry experience and no cold weather gear with her. Air search efforts were delayed by the poor visibility and the steady advance of the winter storm system. After approximately four hours of searching, several of the ground teams located footprints in the snow that had fallen over the previous night. Once tracks were found, searchers quickly located J.U., who was found suffering from the cold but otherwise uninjured. J.U. was found deep in the badland crevasses east of the parking lot, about a mile from the point where she was last seen. J.U. reported that she'd wandered off the heavily-used Door Trail and become lost in the maze of ravines and crevasses in the badland formations. She said that she was unable to climb any of the formations because of the snow and ice. Realizing that she was lost and that darkness was approaching, J.U. searched for a safe place to stay the night and filled her clothing with pine needles and leaves to help stay warm. At first light, J.U. moved to the only open area she could find, hoping that the park would use helicopters to search for her the following day. When searchers found her, the only winter clothing she had with her was a stocking cap and light jacket. [Mark Gorman, Chief Ranger]


The following stories (among others) can be read on InsideNPS (internal) or NPS Digest (external):

Sequoia and Kings Canyon NPs - The annual trek to the General Grant Tree, designated as the “Nation's Christmas Tree” by President Coolidge in 1926 and as a National Shrine in 1956, took place this past weekend. The holiday event honors those who have died in service to this country.


Law Enforcement, Security and Emergency Services - The Washington Office is seeking applicants for a detail assignment, NTE 120 days, as Branch Chief of Emergency Services. The proposed start date will be prior to January 20th, but dates are somewhat flexible. The application deadline is December 31st.


Midwest Region - Midwest Region is currently recruiting members for the region's Special Event and Tactical Team (SETT). This team of protection rangers is deployed to parks throughout the country to provide law enforcement assistance during special events, natural disasters, and significant law enforcement incidents. A link is provided to a team-produced video.


Natural Resource Program Center - Glenda Jackson will be retiring on December 31st after 34 years of federal service, eleven of those with the NPS.


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Prepared by the Division of Law Enforcement, Security and Emergency Services, Washington Office, with the support of the Office of the Chief Information Officer and Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area. Edited by Bill Halainen ( HYPERLINK "", 570-686-3828).

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