NATIONAL PARK SERVICE MORNING REPORT Wednesday, December 19, 2007 =============================================================================================================== INCIDENTS Zion NP Park Residence Suffers Extensive Damage In Blaze Park dispatch received a call from a park resident just before midnight on Monday, December 17th, reporting that her historic home in the Pine Creek area was on fire. She said that everyone was out of the house and that nobody had been injured. The park's structural fire brigade was immediately called out and arrived on scene within four minutes with a Type 1 engine and a rescue truck. The Springdale Fire Department was also called and responded within minutes. Ray O'Neil, district ranger, structural fire captain, and occupant of the residence, attempted to use a hose from a nearby hydrant to extinguish the blaze from the outside before firefighters arrived, but the attic was fully involved and his efforts were unsuccessful. Firefighters had water flowing to the house in less than five minutes. They entered the house and used a newly-acquired piercing nozzle to penetrate the attic through a second story ceiling, significantly cooling the fire. Other firefighters were then able to gain access to the roof, ventilate the building, and extinguish the fire from above. The roof, attic, and second floor ceiling sustained significant fire damage, and the interior of the historic stone house suffered smoke and extensive water damage. Washington County deputies and a state fire marshal also responded and assisted firefighters. Structural fire captain Tom Haraden was the IC. The cause of the fire is still under investigation, but has been ruled an accident. [Bonnie Schwartz, Chief Ranger] National Mall and Memorial Parks Tourists And Park Police Officers Rescue Woman From Tidal Basin Park Police officers were notified that a woman had fallen into the Tidal Basin near the Jefferson Memorial just before 6 p.m. on Monday, December 17th. A tourist walking near the basin saw the woman in the water, calling for help, and ran over to assist her. Because of the high seawall and the added water weight of her soaked clothing, he could not pull her out of the water on his own. He was able to hold her arms, though, to keep her from going under until help could arrive. Another couple in the area observed the incident and called 911. Officers Tim Wallace and Bruce Airey and sergeant Carl Holmberg arrived in short order and assisted the tourist in pulling the woman over the edge of the basin and out of the water. This was a dangerous rescue for them, as the air temperature was in the 40's and the water was very cold. The officers and the citizen had to risk leaning over a high seawall with nothing to hold onto in order to pull her out. First aid was administered to the victim until an ambulance could arrive. She was then taken to a local hospital and treated for hypothermia. [Sergeant Robert Lachance, Public Information Officer] OTHER NEWS The following stories (among others) can be read on InsideNPS (internal) or NPS Digest (external): Andrew Johnson NHS - A “Wreaths Across America” remembrance ceremony was held at Andrew Johnson National Cemetery on the morning of Saturday, December 15th. HYPERLINK "" Virgin Islands NP - On Saturday, December 8th, more than 300 volunteers participated in the cleanup of Hassel Island. The operation resulted in the collection and removal of 1,800 bags of debris from the island's shores and ruins. HYPERLINK "" News Summary - A weekly summary of news stories about or of consequence to the National Park Service and National Park System, including links to the text of these articles. Today's summary includes articles about hemlock woolly adelgid in eastern parks, a move in Congress to permit the carrying of firearms in parks, and a possible resolution in the long fight over hunting on Santa Rosa Island in Channel Islands. HYPERLINK "" Independence NHP - Cynthia MacLeod has been selected as the park's superintendent and will begin her assignment in early February. HYPERLINK "" Office of Strategic Planning - Michael A. Brown has announced his retirement, effective January 3rd, following 36 years with the NPS. A retirement celebration will be held January 3rd. HYPERLINK "" Upper Delaware S&RR - Vidal Martinez has been selected as the park's new superintendent, succeeding Dave Forney, who retires in January. Martinez is expected to begin his assignment in February. HYPERLINK "" Gettysburg NMP - Evangelina Rubalcava, park ranger/interpreter at Gettysburg NMP, won the coveted Golden Spatula award at this year's holiday party. The theme was holiday cookies and Evangelina's chocolate whoppers won the day. Photo - and recipe - included. HYPERLINK "" * * * * * Prepared by the Division of Law Enforcement, Security and Emergency Services, Washington Office, with the support of the Office of the Chief Information Officer and Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area. Edited by Bill Halainen ( HYPERLINK "", 570-686-3828). --- ### --- |