Yellowstone National Park (ID,MT,WY)
Conviction For Wire Fraud And Theft
On August 30th, an Old Faithful resident reported that her wallet had been lost and possibly stolen. The next day, she discovered activity on her credit cards, including an order for a mountain bike costing $1,118. Rangers began an investigation and subsequently tracked the order down to a bike shop in Pennsylvania. They were able to stop the order, then followed a series of leads to a concession employee J.P., 28 residing at Old Faithful. NPS special agents obtained a search warrant for his house and executed it on September 10th. They found evidence within of the original wire and credit card fraud and evidence of the use of stolen credit cards. Based on this evidence and their investigation, agents filed a criminal complaint and secured a felony arrest warrant on a misdemeanor and two felony counts (18 USC violations pertaining to wire fraud, use of a stolen credit card and possession of stolen property). During the investigation, J.P. fled from the park. An arrest warrant was entered into NCIC and he was tracked to Salt Lake City. An Old Faithful ranger was able to obtain a photo of his residence there, and agents provided leads to Salt Lake City police. On December 2nd, city officers found and arrested J.P. near his residence on the Yellowstone warrant. Federal marshals took him into custody. Following an initial appearance before the US magistrate in Salt Lake City, he was ordered detained and removed to the Wyoming judicial district. On December 18th, J.P. appeared before the magistrate at Yellowstone. In a plea agreement with the U.S. Attorney's Office, he entered a guilty plea to one 18 USC count of possession of stolen property and the remaining two counts were dismissed. He was sentenced to 60 days in jail, ordered to pay $1,000 in fines and a $25 victim fund assessment, and placed on five years' probation. [Submitted by Brian Smith, Special Agent in Charge, Intermountain Region]
Upcoming Training Calendar
Please submit information on upcoming training courses to Bill Halainen. New listings and revisions are in bold face.
January 5
Applications to the FY 2007-2008 Facility Manager Leaders Program (FLMP) are being accepted through January 5th. This is a year-long, competency-based Servicewide training opportunity. The FMLP is designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of current NPS employees so they may better address the growing and changing needs of facility and asset management. It is not an intake program. Applications should be made through DOI LEARN. For more info, go to
January 16 January 18
EMT Refresher, BLM Office, Needles, CA. Although space is limited and preference is being given to local parks, there will be slots available for other participants. The deadline for registration is January 6th. Contact Janet McDaniel (760-252-6139 or 760-221-5728, janet_
January 20 January 27
Wilderness First Responder, Great Smoky Mountains Institute, Townsend, TN. This is a 76-hour WFR course hosted by the GSM Institute and taught by Roane State Community College. Classes run from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. The curriculum meets Tennessee, DOT, and NREMT standards, with emphasis on the wilderness setting. The course is highly recommended by the staff at Great Smokies. The cost is $574 for NPS personnel ($820 for others) and includes meals and lodging; books are extra. For further information, contact the Institute at 865-448-6709 or check the website at .
January 22 January 25
EMT Refresher, National Conservation Training Center, Shepherdstown, WV. This course will provide EMT's with hands-on training in procedures and techniques that are critical to professional pre-hospital care of injured and/or ill patients in a park setting. The 33-hour refresher course will meet the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) and the State of West Virginia recertification requirements. Participants attending the refresher course for purposes of recertifying with WV will be required to pass both written and practical examinations on the final day of the training (on Friday). A CPR refresher will be conducted early one evening during the week for those needing this certification update. In addition, EMT's and First Responders who need Continuing Education Units (CEU's), instead of the entire refresher course, are encouraged to attend. Please note that this course will not satisfy the state EMT re-certification requirements for Virginia or Maryland. The application deadline is January 2nd. For a copy of the announcement, go to
February 4 February 8
Introduction to Park Program Management, Mount Rainier NP, WA. This course is designed to provide employees from all disciplines with tools and processes for analyzing and accomplishing work, techniques for planning and organizing the work, management and accountability of funds, and evaluation of results. Donna Mettler will serve as lead instructor. Upon completion of this course, participants will have a thorough understanding of the relationships between resources, the park mission, and the planning, programming and standards for all activities. The target audience consists of new superintendents, division chiefs, first-line supervisors, and program managers responsible for formulation, tracking and/or management of a budget. Priority will be given to those employees with limited budget training. Participants from all divisions will be considered for selection. Although all NPS employees may apply, priority placement will be given to Mount Rainier employees. There is a tuition charge of $300. The deadline to apply is Friday, January 4th. Please contact Denise L. Robinson at the Stephen T. Mather Training Center on 304-535-5052 or for more information.
February 8 February 10
Wilderness First Responder Refresher, Great Smoky Mountains Institute, Townsend, TN. This is a 20-hour WFR refresher course hosted by the GSM Institute and taught by Roane State Community College. The curriculum meets Tennessee, DOT, and NREMT refresher requirements, with emphasis on the wilderness setting. The cost is $294 for NPS personnel ($367 for others) and includes meals and lodging. For further information, contact the Institute at 865-448-6709 or check the website at
February 11 February 15
Fundamentals of Special Park Uses, National Conservation Training Center, Shepherdstown, WV. A 36-hour course that provides comprehensive guidance on all aspects of special park uses. Topics include authorities for special park uses; the permitting process, compliance issues, special events, filming, use of parks for First Amendment activities, rights-of-way for public utilities, telecommunications, and cost recovery. The course texts will be DO-53 and RM-53. This course is designed to provide personnel at all levels responsible for approval and implementation of special park uses with the understanding necessary to determine if a request is appropriate, to manage the activity of use and to recover the costs of the activity from the permittee. The course code on DOI Learn is NPS-VRP-3021. Closes on January 11th.
February 25 March 6
Physical Security Training Program (PSTP-802), FLETC, Glynco, GA. Closes on January 6th. For a copy of the announcement, go to
March 3 March 7
Interdisciplinary Resource Protection and Law, San Antonio, TX. The course provides employees with a solid understanding of the resource mission of the NPS and the primary laws, legal authorities, case law interpretation, and policies used to protect park resources. Participants will be required to complete pre- and post course work to receive full credit for the course. Part of the post-course work will include developing an outline of a response plan for a resource injury. CEU's will be available if desired. This course, formerly entitled "Resource Stewardship for Protection Rangers," is the second course in the resource stewardship and protection curriculum developed with support from the Natural Resource Challenge. The closing date is February 3rd. For a description of the curriculum and full course announcement go to Interested participants can apply through DOI Learn for course listed under code NPS-2008-0303-San Antonio or contact Jeri Hall, Horace Albright Training Center, at 928-638-7927 or Sue Benson, at 928-638-7982.
March 3 March 7
Search Management, Zion National Park, UT. This course, taught by Ken Phillips and Bil Vandergraff from Grand Canyon NP, will examine search management theory and provide tools for managing large scale search incidents through lecture and classroom based scenarios. Course materials will be provided. If possible, please bring a laptop computer with 25' extension cord; wireless capability is preferable but not mandatory. The class will start at 8 a.m. on Monday, March 3rd, and end at noon on Friday, March 7th. There is no tuition charge, but students are responsible for their own travel and per diem costs. Please email nominations through your supervisor to by January 18th. Due to limited class size, nominations should include a brief justification which includes the responsibilities of your position and previous search management experience. For more information contact Kevin Killian at 435-772-7825. For a copy of the announcement, go to
March 10 March 14
Archeological Resources Protection Training Program (XP-ARPTP-801), Columbus, OH. Closes on February 1st. For a copy of the training announcement, go to
March 4 March 19
Law Enforcement Control Tactics Instructor Training Program (LECTITP-802), FLETC, Glynco, GA. Closes on January 11th. For a copy of the announcement, go to
March 25 March 26
Ocean Education Workshop, Boston, MA. The Water Resources Division (WRD) and Natural Resource Program Center Office of Outreach and Education are presenting a two-day workshop for NPS interpreters, educators, resource managers, and others interested in improving or developing education-related programs regarding coastal and ocean issues in the National Park System. Limited space may be available for non-NPS participants. Preliminary workshop topics include: Science and Technology Link as Illuminated by Channel Islands (Live!); How to Develop Effective Education and Junior Ranger Programs; Marine Protected Area Concept; Science behind the Scenery at Acadia National Park: Resource Acadia; and Ocean Stewardship: Effective Marine Debris Programs with the Public. This workshop will foster an understanding of the scientific processes and on-going research associated with coastal areas and ocean parks and will provide extensive interagency and web-based education materials, curriculum examples, and lesson plans for the general public and educators. This two-day workshop will focus on techniques and material for successfully communicating coastal/ocean issues affecting national seashores, national lakeshores and ocean units within the National Park System. Participants will learn about collaboration and how to engage park partners and school systems while working for a greater, common goal. This workshop is intentionally structured to precede the 2008 National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), also being held in Boston. For more information contact Lynne Murdock at 202-513-7195. The closing date for registration is December 28th. For a link to the workshop application:
To see this issue in PDF version click here: For information on the venue, the Boston Marriott Quincy, go to A block of rooms is being held at the below government per diem rate of $111. Funding (up to $500 per participant) is available to help off set travel cost.
April 7 April 11
Archeological Resources Protection Training Program (XP-ARPTP-802), Bar Harbor, ME. Closes on March 1st. For a copy of the training announcement, go to
April 7 April 11
Law Enforcement for Managers Training Program (LEMTP-801), FLETC, Glynco, GA. Closes on February 15th. For a copy of the training announcement, go to
April 21 April 25
Eastern High Angle Rescue Training Course, Buffalo National River, AR. This course is designed to instruct rangers and response personnel who are tasked with the extrication of victims in a high angle environment. Travel and per diem will be benefiting account. Participants will be staying at a park campground in order to reduce costs and make night operations and exercises more accessible. For more information please contact course coordinators Rob Turan (423-298-7437,, Kevin Moses (423-569-2404 ex. 267,, or Bill Cardwell (540-999-3113, For site information, contact Jeff West (870-449-8754, ). For course details, see the announcement:
April 21 April 25
Archeological Resources Protection Training Program (XP-ARPTP-803), Panama City, FL. Closes on March 7th. For a copy of the training announcement, go to
April 22 April 24
Advanced Law Enforcement Control Tactics Instructor Training, FLETC-Charleston, Charleston, SC. The registration deadline is April 3rd. For a copy of the announcement, go to
August 4 August 8
Fundamentals of Special Park Uses, DOI Learning Center, Albuquerque, NM. A 36-hour course that provides comprehensive guidance on all aspects of special park uses. Topics include authorities for special park uses; the permitting process, compliance issues, special events, filming, use of parks for First Amendment activities, rights-of-way for public utilities, telecommunications, and cost recovery. The course texts will be DO-53 and RM-53. This course is designed to provide personnel at all levels responsible for approval and implementation of special park uses with the understanding necessary to determine if a request is appropriate, to manage the activity of use and to recover the costs of the activity from the permittee. The course code on DOI Learn is NPS-VRP-3021. Closes on July 3rd.
Upcoming Events Calendar
Please submit information on upcoming events to Bill Halainen. New listings and revisions are in bold face.
January 3 January 6
American Historical Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. The association will hold its 122nd annual meeting in Washington in January. The program has not yet been posted to the web page, but will be soon. That and registration information can be found at
January 9
Centennial Commemorative Ceremony, Muir Woods NM, CA. On the 100th anniversary of Muir Woods' establishment as a national monument, a commemorative ceremony and historic reunion of conservationists, rangers, scientists, and other staff who have contributed to the stewardship of the forest. Special ranger-led hikes and volunteer opportunities will give be held, and there will be an anniversary cake.
January 8 January 11
2008 NPS EMS Conference, National Conservation Training Center, Shepherdstown, WV. The conference is designed to facilitate the implementation of DO 51, RM 51 and Field Manual 51 and provide necessary tools to park EMS coordinators and NPS medical advisors to manage EMS programs at the park level. For complete details, go to the following page and click on the relevant PDF file: . To register for the conference, please email or call Dan Pontbriand (202-513-7093, ) by November 23rd.
February 11 February 15
"Connecting People To Parks," 2008 Concession Conference, Millennium Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles, CA. The conference, the first concessions conference in over ten years, will host national, regional, and local experts who will speak on best management practices in contract development, contract management, financial management, asset management and management skills. Concession program employees will have an opportunity to learn from experts and compare experiences with their peers to gain a better understanding about innovations in concessions-related products and services. The registration deadline is January 14th. For further information regarding the conference and registration information, please visit the website at
February 24 February 28
"Going The Extra Mile, Embracing The Future," Annual Convention and Trade Shows, Association of Partners for Public Lands, Denver, CO.
March 25 March 29
"Effective Conservation Through Partnerships," North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference, Hyatt Regency Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ. For additional information, go to
March 26 March 28
Annual Meeting, Society for American Archeology, Vancouver, BAC. Details are available at the society's web site:
April 24 April 27
"EarthVision: Actions for a Healthy Planet, Youth in Conservation Summit," Student Conservation Association, Washington, DC. This first-of-its-kind national conservation summit offers the unique opportunity to meet and influence today's environmental policy makers. EarthVision will convene the best and the brightest of young conservation leaders along with government agency directors, elected officials, corporate executives, scientists, media personalities and others to craft citizen-driven solutions to today's environmental challenges.
CY 2009
May 14 - May 16
Employee and Alumni Reunion, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. In observance of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, the park is planning a year-long celebration in 2009 that will reflect on the evolution of the park and focus on its legacy for the next 75 years. Park staff are working with partners and neighboring communities to organize and coordinate activities and events surrounding this significant milestone. One of the major events will be a three-day Smokies employee and alumni reunion from May 14 to May 16, 2009. The park is extending an invitation to all former employees and retirees to reconnect with the park during this time. The reunion is open to anyone who is currently working or has ever worked at the park as a National Park Service employee, Great Smoky Mountains Association employee, partner, volunteer, CCC worker, or concessioner. Families of these individuals are also invited. This is a social opportunity for the NPS family to come back to renew acquaintances, share stories, and see the changes that have occurred over the years. For more information and to be placed on a list to receive up-to-date information, please contact Nancy Gray (, 865-436-1208). A 75th anniversary website ( will also be up in early 2008. It will provide a complete listing of anniversary events that will be held in the park and in the outlying communities. Web users will also have a chance to view informational features, such as a historical timeline, and even purchase anniversary merchandise on line.
National Capital Region
GS-13/14 Deputy Associate Regional Director
Dates: 12/12/2007 - 01/08/2008
National Capital Region has issued a vacancy announcement for a deputy ARD for lands, resources and planning in NCRO. It is open to status and non-status candidates and is a permanent, full-time position. The announcement number is NPS-NCR-08-02. Click on "More Information" below for a link to the announcement and application instructions. Note: This is a readvertisement and amendment. The statement about travel, transportation and relocations expenses has been amended. These will be paid by the agency. Applicants who previously applied need not reapply.
[Submitted by National Capital Region HR Office, 202-619-7234]
More Information...
Submission standards for the Morning Report can be found at the following web site:;=Announcements&id;=3363
All reports should be submitted via email to Lane Baker in the Division of Law Enforcement, Security and Emergency Services in the Washington Office and to Bill Halainen at Delaware Water Gap NRA, with copies to your regional office.