NATIONAL PARK SERVICE MORNING REPORT Monday, March 31, 2008 =============================================================================================================== INCIDENTS Hawaii Volcanoes NP Monitoring Of Halema'amu'a's Plume Continues The park is currently supporting the Hawaii County Fire Department and the Hawai'i National Guard Civil Support Team in conducting sulfur dioxide and particulate monitoring of the Halema'amu'a plume. The information that is being gathered by the county will be used by the National Park Service to validate the park's recently revised volcanic contingency response strategy. Concentrations of sulfur dioxide and particulates in the plume issuing from the vent are being monitored regularly. Hazard assessments will model potential risks as the plume is influenced by changing weather patterns and will be used by the park and county to ensure public safety. The park has developed a volcanic events communication strategy which will support dissemination of information for visitor and employee safety. The county began issuing public service announcements and will update its response plan based on the final assessment of the monitoring data. Current levels of sulfur dioxide and particulates affecting local areas and communities are very low. Affected areas of the park remain closed to public access. A hazard assessment on the sulfur dioxide levels issuing from the Pu'u'O'o's plume was also made to determine its affects on local communities. Go to the USGS website at HYPERLINK "" to view the plumes and to obtain eruption reports. More information is also available on the park's website at HYPERLINK "" [Patti Wold, Information Officer] Yellowstone NP Bison Protesters Arrested On the morning of March 26th, Albright Visitor Center staff reported that two women had secured themselves to a structural pillar inside the VC in an apparent act of protest. After responding rangers evacuated and closed the visitor center, they determined that the women were bison activists protesting the park's participation in the interagency bison management plan (IBMP). The stated intent of the act was to secure the superintendent's acquiescence to a list of demands that included withdrawing from the IBMP. After the women were extricated from the metal pipe apparatus that encased their hands and forearms and from its associated locking mechanisms, they were arrested and booked into the park jail. Charges of criminal interference and disorderly conduct have been filed by the assistant US Attorney. The women were released on a recognizance bond and the case has been continued. The incident, covered by local and national media, caused a three-hour closure of the visitor center and the lockdown of several administrative buildings. [Tim Reid, Acting Chief Ranger] OTHER NEWS The following stories (among others) can be read on InsideNPS: National Mall and Memorial Parks - On Friday, Secretary Kempthorne and Director Bomar joined park staff in kicking off the 2008 National Cherry Blossom Festival, which continues through Sunday, April 13th. HYPERLINK "" Office of Legislative and Congressional Affairs - This week's update on past and upcoming hearings and the status of legislation pertinent to the National Park Service. HYPERLINK "" Accounting Operations Center - Richard Plunkett, a 21-year employee of the Accounting Operations Center, retired on April 3rd. HYPERLINK ""
* * * * * Prepared by the Division of Law Enforcement, Security and Emergency Services, Washington Office, with the support of the Office of the Chief Information Officer and Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area. Edited by Bill Halainen ( HYPERLINK "" --- ### --- |