NATIONAL PARK SERVICE MORNING REPORT Wednesday, April 16, 2008 =============================================================================================================== INCIDENTS War in the Pacific NHS Plaque Thief Sentenced In Federal Court J.E. was arrested in July, 2007, in connection with the theft of 34 bronze nameplates from the park's Asan Bay Overlook. The plaques carried the names of thousands of Chamorros and U.S. servicemen killed during World War II. Last October, J.E. pled guilty to charges of theft of government property, destruction of a veteran's memorial, and conspiracy to transport stolen goods to foreign commerce. Last week, he was sentenced to 21 months in prison and ordered to pay the federal government $58,800 in restitution. The assistant U.S. attorney is also considering filing charges against the recycling center that bought the plaques from J.E. once they are returned from Hong Kong, where they were shipped. [Pacific Daily News] Cumberland Gap NHP Contractor Killed In Accident A contract worker was killed on a construction project inside the Cumberland Gap tunnel on the evening of Monday, April 14th. D.S., a subcontractor working with tunnel staff, was caught between a piece of heavy machinery and a cement truck when the truck lurched forward. He sustained massive blunt force trauma to his chest and was declared dead at Middlesboro Appalachian Regional Healthcare. An OSHA investigator arrived in the park yesterday. The cause of the accident is under investigation. [Dirk Wiley, Chief Ranger] OTHER NEWS The following stories (among others) can be read on InsideNPS: Everglades NP - Senator Bill Nelson visited the park in late March to help draw public attention to the serious problem that the park is having with exotic Burmese pythons, which present a direct threat to a number of imperiled species and other park fauna. HYPERLINK "" Natural Resource Program Center - International Noise Awareness Day is today, Wednesday, April 16th. This is a day to learn more about sound and its impacts on our environment and health. HYPERLINK "" Park Museum Management - Ronald C. Wilson has been chosen as the National Park Service's new chief curator and head of the park museum management program. He will assume his new duties on May 11th. HYPERLINK "" US Park Police - Lieutenant Ronald Robinson retired from on April 12th after 33 years of government service. HYPERLINK "" Pictured Rocks NL - Tim “TC” Colyer has been selected as the new chief ranger for the park, replacing Larry Hach, who retired in January. HYPERLINK "" * * * * * Submission standards for the Morning Report can be found at the following web site: HYPERLINK "" Prepared by the Division of Law Enforcement, Security and Emergency Services, Washington Office, with the support of the Office of the Chief Information Officer and Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area. Edited by Bill Halainen ( HYPERLINK "" --- ### --- |