NATIONAL PARK SERVICE MORNING REPORT Friday, June 12, 2009 INCIDENTS Grand Canyon NP Propane Leak Causes Evacuation, Brief Closure Of VC Park dispatch received a 911 call around 8 a.m. yesterday morning reporting a broken propane line adjacent to the park visitor center. The break occurred when a backhoe being operated by a construction worker hit the line. The project supervisor immediately called 911 to report the incident, then started an evacuation of the visitor center and adjacent area. Park emergency responders arrived on scene and were able to shut down the propane line within ten minutes of the report. Emergency responders continued the evacuation of the visitor center and surrounding area and began rerouting vehicle and bus traffic around the VC and down Center Road. Both the visitor center and road were reopened within a half hour. David Van Inwagen, the park IC, commended the project supervisor for his actions immediately following the incident: “His prompt actions to call 911 and then initiate an evacuation of the area brought a quick response by emergency crews and likely prevented any further incident.” A local propane vendor has been called in to repair the line. [Maureen Oltrogge, Public Affairs Officer] Big Bend NP Several Hyperthermic Illegal Immigrants Rescued, But One Dies Earlier this week, Border Patrol agents and rangers began tracking a group of illegal immigrants who had crossed the border into the park near Boquillas on or before June 9th. On June 10th, Presidio County received a 911 call from a member of the group, reporting that they were in trouble and giving their location. Unfortunately, they were actually about 70 miles south of where they thought they were. Searchers therefore began looking for them in the wrong place. Meanwhile, a visitor reported an encounter with a suspected illegal immigrant near Dug Out Wells; that person reported that members of his group were having trouble and needed water. The responding ranger reported that several members of the group were suffering from heat exhaustion or heat stroke. Rangers and Border Patrol agents responded and began assisting people to the road. Two who were in critical condition were treated for heat stroke and flown by medical helicopters to hospitals in Odessa and Fort Stockton. A twelve-year-old boy with a head laceration was taken by ambulance to Alpine. Interviews with other members of the group revealed that one of the party had been left in the desert. Agents immediately began tracking the group's route in an effort to find him, with two helicopters searching by air. One of the pilots spotted the man's body about a mile-and-a-half east of Dug Out Wells. The temperature was reported at 111 degrees when the Border Patrol began tracking the group. The rapid intervention by park medics and Border Patrol EMT's with IV fluids and treatment for heat stroke, coupled with the air evacuation of the victims, likely prevented further deaths. All those transported are expected to fully recover. Concurrent with this incident, the park received a report of a 62-year-old man suffering from heat exhaustion on the Ore Terminal trail. A ranger responded with a horse and helped him to the parking area. He did not require medical transport. [Mark Spier, Chief Park Ranger] Natchez Trace Parkway Ranger Makes Significant Drug Arrest Ranger trainee Walker Gusse was participating in a traffic safety checkpoint on May 26th with field training ranger John Hearne when he saw a vehicle with an expired inspection sticker - and some overly nervous occupants. During further screening, the passenger admitted to possessing marijuana. A search of the passenger led to the discovery of several precursors for methamphetamine production, and he admitted that he had the items because of his intent to manufacture methamphetamine. The local narcotics task force was contacted and interviewed the man further. He was found to be a local methamphetamine “cook” (manufacturer), who'd only been known previously by his street name. The man had been a target of interest for some time. Gusse and Hearne participated in the follow-up investigation, which yielded additional evidence of methamphetamine production. This was one of 29 arrests in which Gusse was involved during his 11 weeks of field training. Gusse also generated three arrests while serving as a plainclothes officer working a disorderly conduct (public sexual misconduct) detail and made eight arrests for OUI. Other notable arrests during his tenure in the park included a suspect in possession of two pounds of marijuana and a separate felony case for possession of methamphetamine (made with ranger Jay Drinkwater). While working with ranger Jerome Timmons, Gusse was also involved in a foot chase and taser deployment for a man who fled from a vehicle during a traffic stop and was subsequently charged with seven violations, including possession of a controlled substance. [John Hearne, Park Ranger] Grand Canyon NP Search Warrant Execution Results In Child Pornography Arrest On May 28th, special agents with the NPS Investigative Services Branch and Immigration and Customs Enforcement, along with protection rangers, served a federal search warrant on a residence located within the park. The warrant was issued following receipt of information by law enforcement indicating that resident G.H. had paid to download child pornography to his computer. The search warrant resulted in the discovery of downloaded movies depicting prepubescent boys and girls engaged in sexual activity. G.H. was subsequently arrested and charged with two counts of possessing child pornography obtained from interstate or international commerce. [Robert W. Mullikin, Special Agent in Charge] OTHER NEWS The following stories are among those in today's edition of InsideNPS: Olympic NP - Biologists have confirmed the first sightings of newborn fishers in Washington State since restoration of the state-endangered species began two years ago. Photographs downloaded from an automated camera placed deep in the Olympic National Park wilderness show a female fisher carrying four kits down a large snag. HYPERLINK "" Glen Canyon NRA - In response to the continued and growing threat of the introduction of quagga and zebra mussels at Glen Canyon NRA, new requirements for Lake Powell boaters will be in effect during this year's main boating season. HYPERLINK "" Lake Mead NRA - Laboratory results received by the Arizona Game and Fish Department report that the koi herpes virus (KHV) is the probable cause of a die-off of carp in Lake Mohave. HYPERLINK "" Denali NP&P -Through an international exchange, the park is hosting volunteer mountaineering ranger PhuNuru Sherpa, a member of the Mt. Everest mountain climbing community and a climbing guide and instructor in Nepal. He will also be working in Mount Rainier this summer. Photo. HYPERLINK "" Training Calendar - A listing of upcoming training courses offered by the NPS and its partners across the nation. Added this week are the following - a training course on buying distance learning systems, an international preservation workshop, and courses on preservation of square log buildings, preservation philosophy, historic plaster repair, preservation skills, and equipment operator safety. HYPERLINK "" * * * * * Submission standards for the Morning Report can be found at the following web site: HYPERLINK "" Prepared by the Division of Law Enforcement, Security and Emergency Services, Washington Office, with the support of the Office of the Chief Information Officer and Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area. Edited by Bill Halainen ( HYPERLINK "" --- ### --- |