Gulf Coast Parks
Retirees Help With Gulf Spill Response
Many NPS retirees have been called out to assist in the agency's response to the oil spill, or to assist other DOI agencies. Among them is the retired superintendent of Kenai Fjords, who was at that park during the big Exxon Valdez spill of 1989. Here are the particulars:
Gulf Islands NS From 1975 through 1981, Anne Castellina worked as a historian for the park's Florida District. She has returned once again, but in a different capacity Anne is now a public information officer for the Florida District. Unfortunately, Anne is quite familiar with oil spills, because she was the superintendent at Kenai Fjords during the Exxon Valdez oil spill in 1989. "I know and love the resources and I was compelled to assist in any way that I could in a park and with people that are still very dear to me," she says. "Gulf Islands is truly a gem. And the staff here is amazing." Ann realized from her experiences in the Exxon Valdez spill that NPS staff might feel a sense of failure as the oil came ashore, because of their passion to protect natural and cultural resources. "I'm here to let them know that in time the resource will recover and so will they," she says. "We cannot lose hope." Anne is not the only retired NPS employee helping with the response. She is currently working with Warren Bielenberg, who is a retired regional chief of interpretation for the NPS. Other retirees are scattered around the incident, working in operations, logistics, and other areas. Many have long experience dealing with responses to fires, hurricanes, and other natural and man-made calamities.
South Florida Parks (Big Cypress, Biscayne, Desoto, Dry Tortugas, Everglades) No new developments.
Jean Lafitte NHP&P No new developments.
Padre Island NS No new developments.
For more information on the NPS, DOI and national oil spill responses and for a link to the BP online oil spill safety training needed by all incident staff, please see the following sites:
- Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Response
- DOI Oil Spill Response
- NPS Oil Spill Response
- National Oil Spill Response
- Restore The Gulf
- Oil Spill Safety Training
- GeoPlatform
- NPS ICS 209 Incident Status Summaries
- Gulf Islands Public Health Precautions Notice
- Public Health Service Oil Spill Safety Video
- Oil Spill Media Page
>[Submitted by Jeff Wolin, Gulf Coast Oil Spill Response]
Gateway National Recreation Area
Two Men Drown, Third Rescued Off Plum Island
On the afternoon of Saturday, July 24th, Sandy Hook Unit lifeguards, rangers, and fire staff responded to a 911 call reporting a drowning off Plum Island. G.R.-T. was with his wife and two-year-old daughter when he stepped off a sandbar surrounding a tidal lagoon and lost his footing in the current of the incoming tide. His wife, while holding the two-year-old, tried to help him, but also fell into the water. His cousins M.R.-L. and M.R., both non-swimmers, entered the water to help rescue him. Visitors in the area were able to help his wife and daughter from the water and bystanders B.J. of Woodbridge, New Jersey, and H.M. of Columbus, Ohio, pulled M.R. from the water. He was unconscious and unresponsive, and CPR was begun. Arriving park staff took over CPR and began a water search. Lifeguards quickly located M.R.-L. in 15 feet of water on the northwest side of the lagoon and began CPR. Rangers were assisting G.R.-T.'s wife when she collapsed. It was then that they learned that a third person was missing. The ground and water search resumed. Lifeguards found G.R.-T. about 45 minutes later. All of the victims were transported to Monmouth Medical Center by local ambulance squads. G.R.-T. and M.R.-L. were pronounced dead at the hospital. At last report, M.R. remained in the hospital and was responsive. N.R.-T. and her daughter were treated at the hospital immediately following the incident and have since been discharged. Plum Island, located on the bayside of Sandy Hook, is a popular area for fishing, seining, kiteboarding and windsurfing. The investigation into this incident continues. [Submitted by Peter Tortorell, Law Enforcement Supervisor]
Glen Canyon National Recreation Area (AZ,UT)
Greek Visitor Falls To Death At Horseshoe Bend Overlook
Rangers responding to a report of a man falling from a cliff at the Horseshoe Bend Overlook last Saturday found the body of a 20-year-old man at the base of the cliff near the Colorado River. He was identified as a Greek national who had been traveling with a small tour group. He'd fallen about 600 feet. Rangers and county deputies recovered the body with the assistance of a helicopter and crew from Grand Canyon and transferred it to the county medical examiner. The Coconino County Sheriff's Office is conducting an investigation in coordination with the National Park Service. [Submitted by Erin Frackleton]
Zion National Park (UT)
Two Short-Haul Rescues Conducted Over Two Days
After much rigorous planning, training and implementation, the park launched its short-haul program with two missions on two consecutive days last week. On Friday, a 61-year-old man from Salt Lake City suffered an angulated ankle fracture while in the upper reaches of the Left Fork of North Creek, an area popularly known as "The Subway." He was short-hauled out, transferred to an ambulance, and taken to Dixie Regional Medical Center in St. George, with ranger/paramedic Rob Wissinger as his attendant during the operation. On Saturday afternoon, a severe thunderstorm dropped an inch of rain in less than a half hour in some areas of the park, causing flashfloods in several canyons. One was Spry Canyon. The mouth of that canyon is visible from the switchbacks on the main park road. After the storm passed, an off-duty ranger reported seeing a flashing light at the top of the last rappel in that canyon. Two rangers investigated and found that three men had been flushed out of the canyon by the flood; two had been washed over 40-foot and 60-foot drops and a third had been washed over the 40-foot drop and was at the top of the 60-foot drop. Two of the three men had sustained potentially life-threatening injuries requiring immediate evacuation, so a short-haul operation was conducted. The two men were then transferred to two different Classic Lifeguard air-ambulances and flown to Dixie Regional Medical Center, where they underwent surgery. The third injured man was assisted out by foot, then transported by ground ambulance to the medical center. The rescue effort required the use of about 20 park personnel and three helicopters. Paramedic/rangers Wissinger and Brandon Torres were involved. [Submitted by Cindy Purcell, Chief Ranger]
NIFC/NPS Fire and Aviation Management National Fire/Incident Situation Highlights
National Fire Activity
NIFC is at Preparedness Level 2.
Fire Weather Forecast
Scattered to numerous thunderstorms are expected today for much of the West. However, California should remain dry except for those areas adjacent to Nevada and Oregon.
Fire Summary (Five Day Trend)
Day |
Thu |
Fri |
Mon |
Tue |
Wed |
Date |
7/22 |
7/23 |
7/26 |
7/27 |
7/28 |
Initial Attack Fires |
165 |
167 |
201 |
337 |
237 |
New Large Fires |
2 |
3 |
8 |
5 |
6 |
Large Fires Contained |
1 |
3 |
0 |
13 |
0 |
Uncontained Large Fires |
10 |
8 |
10 |
12 |
17 |
DOI Oil Spill Commitments (Five Day Trend)
Day |
Thu |
Fri |
Mon |
Tue |
Wed |
Date |
7/22 |
7/23 |
7/26 |
7/27 |
7/28 |
US Fish and Wildlife Service |
779 |
797 |
733 |
716 |
724 |
National Park Service |
89 |
89 |
89 |
89 |
89 |
US Forest Service |
30 |
31 |
22 |
23 |
23 |
Bureau of Land Management |
4 |
3 |
4 |
4 |
3 |
Bureau of Indian Affairs |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Total |
903 |
921 |
849 |
833 |
840 |
National Resource Commitments (Five Day Trend)
Day |
Thu |
Fri |
Mon |
Tue |
Wed |
Date |
7/22 |
7/23 |
7/26 |
7/27 |
7/28 |
Area Command Teams |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
NIMO Teams |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Type 1 Teams |
0 |
0 |
0 |
2 |
3 |
Type 2 Teams |
2 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
3 |
NPS Fire Summaries
Park | State | Fire | Type | Acres | Percent Contain |
Est. Full Contain |
Gates Of The Arctic National Park & Preserve | AK | The Divide Fire - ref#605 | Wildfire | 1258 | October 2010 | |
![]() |
Gates Of The Arctic National Park & Preserve | AK | Walker Lake #2 Fire - ref#619 | Wildfire | 40 | October 2010 | |
![]() |
Further details have been received on these NPS fires:
Beach Fire, Yellowstone NP The Beach Fire has burned 520 acres and is 95% contained. Two 20-person hotshot crews completed mop up operations yesterday and returned to the Fishing Bridge fire camp at the end of their shift. One heavy, two medium, and one light helicopter supported suppression activities and transported all firefighting equipment/supplies back to the Fishing Bridge fire camp. A transfer of command from Jess Secrest's IMT back to the park will take place this morning. The Fishing Bridge fire camp will be dismantled. The park will continue to manage the fire until it is declared inactive. The fire area will be monitored by aircraft. Expect to see smoke as unburned fuels in the fire's interior continues to burn and smolder. For more information on the fire, go to the fire's InciWeb site or the park's news release site.
Additional Information Links
National Park Service
- Fire and Aviation home page
- Branch of Wildland Fire home page
- Branch of Structural Fire home page
- Archived NPS fire news
National Interagency Fire Center
- Text of today's NICC Situation Report
- Fire news and year in perspective
- Detailed InciWeb reports on major fires
- Map of current fire locations
Natural Resource Program Center
Call Issued For Geoscientists-in-the-Parks Proposals
The NPS Geologic Resources Division is announcing a call for proposals from NPS units for spring/summer 2011 Geoscientists-in-the-Parks (GIP) positions.
The GIP program, in partnership with The Geological Society of America's GeoCorps America™ program places geoscientists in parks and central offices for three to twelve months to help the NPS meet its physical and integrated science needs. Parks, regions, and central office staff can propose projects in geoscience research, resource management, inventory, monitoring, and interpretation/education.
For an overview of the GIP program and the steps to submit a proposal, see:
Positions will be advertised by The Geological Society of America from December 2010 through January 2011, with parks interviewing and selecting qualified GIP participants in February and March 2011.
Position descriptions must be entered by November 5th at
If you need additional information on the GIP program or need help preparing a proposal, contact Lisa Norby, NPS GIP program manager, at or at 303-969-2318.
[Submitted by Lisa Norby,, 303-969-2318]
More Information...
National Center for Recreation and Conservation
New Tool Launched For Healthy Recreation In Parks
The National Park Service has launched a searchable database to highlight and promote innovative and successful programs and policies that encourage healthy physical activity and recreation in the great outdoors.
The database, available at, is a resource for federal, state, and local park and program managers who want to find ways for their parks to play a role in improving the health of visitors and surrounding communities.
A growing inventory of ideas is now readily available to anyone with an interest in finding proven, effective ways in which parks can be used to help people become healthier just by getting active and having fun in the great outdoors. Park and recreation professionals, the public health community, researchers, and others can search this online database.
The new tool is a key outgrowth of a partnership between the National Park Service, the National Recreation and Parks Association (NRPA), and the National Association of State Park Directors (NASPD).
"I worked personally on this partnership before I assumed leadership of the National Park Service, and I continue to take great interest in its success," said Director Jarvis. "The focus areas of this partnership celebrating the health value of America's parks, and getting children playing outdoors again are key agenda items for the National Park Service and the Department of the Interior, and indeed they are critical parts of our Nation's agenda for a strong and prosperous future."
The database remains open to park and program managers from national, state, and local parks, and they are encouraged to continue building the database by entering their best programs so that others can be inspired to replicate them and multiply their benefits. Projects can be entered here:
[Submitted by Alan Turnbull,, 202-354-6930]
More Information...
Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area (PA)
Passing Of Bill White
Bill White, 61, a maintenance employee in roads and trails at Delaware water Gap NRA, died of a heart attack at home last Saturday.
A graduate of nearby East Stroudsburg High School, he had worked for Edinger-Wyckoff and the Stroudsburg Engine Works and most recently for the park. He served in the United State Army and was a veteran of the Vietnam War.
Bill was a member of the Middle Smithfield Presbyterian Church, where he served as head usher and was a deacon. He was also a member of the Marshalls Creek Fire Company and enjoyed bowling, trap shooting, hunting and fishing.
Surviving are an aunt, Doris LaBar, and her husband, Lester, of East Stroudsburg; several cousins, including Donna LaBar Long, the park's IT specialist, and her husband, Scott, of Moscow, and Bobby White and his wife, Bonnie, of East Stroudsburg.
Funeral services will be held today at 10:30 a.m. at the William H. Clark Funeral Home, 1003 Main St., Stroudsburg. Burial will follow in the Middle Smithfield Presbyterian Church Cemetery.
Memorial remembrances may be made to the Middle Smithfield Presbyterian Church, 5205 Milford Road, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301, or to the Marshalls Creek Fire Co., P.O. Box 1, Marshalls Creek, PA 18335.
More Information...NPS Office at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
GS-0025-12/13 Program Manager/Instructor
This announcement, which closes on August 9th, will be used to fill the position of advanced training program manager as part of the National Park Service's comprehensive Servicewide law enforcement training program, based out of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Brunswick, Georgia. For more information please contact Don Usher, superintendent of NPS/FLETC, at 912-267-3190.
To see the announcement please go to the link below.
More Information...Concession Management Program
GS-1101-13 Lead Concessions Management Specialist
Dates: 07/20/2010 - 08/02/2010
Northeast Region is seeking a chief of commercial services and concessions. The announcement closes on August 2nd.
See the announcement below for additional information.
Washington Office
GS-201-13 Human Resources Specialist (Detail)
The Washington Office Learning & Development Division is seeking applicants for a short-term detail (60 days, approximately August through September) for an experienced training specialist/employee development specialist to manage closeout activities for the FY2010 supervisory, management and leadership (SML) courses and for planning of the FY2011 open enrollment courses.
The duty station will in at 1201 I (Eye) Street, NW, in downtown Washington.
The selected applicant will work under the direct supervision of the leadership development program manager on activities and projects as directed, however this position during this timeframe includes a full range of administrative and management duties including:
- Closeout of all related functions for training course management liaison/coordination with employee development officers in the field, course evaluation, vendor payment, appropriate documentation received, processed and filed, finalizing of roster in the DOI learn LMS, etc;
- Budgetary closeout duties related to the overall function within certain accounting codes, in cooperation/coordination with other WASO L&D professionals; and
- Planning for the FY11 open enrollment courses related to SML competencies, including vendor research and coordination, proposals, timelines and recommendations to program manager.
Employees serving in this assignment may later apply for consideration if the position is advertised on a permanent basis. Applicants must have a fully successful or higher rating on their most recent performance appraisals to be considered.
Temporary promotions Candidates who apply, and are found eligible, and meet all qualification requirements for the position, may be considered for a temporary promotion. Their rate of pay would be determined by the salary table for occupational series and a geographic location of Washington, DC.
Detail to a higher grade (without temporary promotion) Candidates who apply and are found eligible for the position may be considered for a detail opportunity. Candidates do not have to meet all qualification requirements. The employee will receive the rate of pay of their current position and not the rate of pay for the higher grade of the detailed position.
Permanent employees desiring consideration should submit a letter of interest or an abbreviated resume, no more than two pages in length. Please summarize your experience, and indicate your skills and ability in collaborating with members of the human resources and training communities, and planning, managing and coordinating training programs.
Interested employees must include the following information in their submission:
- Name, title, series and grade
- Current duty station
- A letter of support from your immediate supervisor, no more than one page in length. This letter should address how the assignment to WASO would be beneficial to the leadership training program project.
- Most recent performance appraisal.
The closing date is August 2nd. This information must be postmarked by the closing date and received within five working days of that date and mailed to: National Park Service, WASO HR Operations Division, 1201 Eye Street, NW, 12th Floor, (2716), Washington, DC 2005. Faxes will be accepted and may be forwarded to 202-371-1762.
Individuals interested in seeking additional information are encouraged to contact Kathy Shephard at 202-354-1997with any questions.
Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area (PA)
WS-5703-8 Motor Vehicle Operator Supervisor (Detail)
Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area is seeking an individual for a detail or temporary promotion opportunity (up to 120 calendar days) to a motor vehicle operator supervisor position.
The person selected will be responsible for planning and executing the day-to-day operations of the park's roads, trails, dams and grounds maintenance branch. A working knowledge of FMSS would be very beneficial.
Salary and travel costs will be paid; park housing will be available. Salary ranges from $31.05 to $36.30 per hour.
Duties of this position include providing supervision and oversight of the branch and its six permanent employees an engineering equipment operator, motor vehicle operators and seasonal maintenance workers/motor vehicle operators.
Interested employees should discuss this opportunity with their supervisor prior to applying. To be considered, please submit a current OF 612 or resume with an attached statement indicating the reasons you are interested in this assignment. Please submit your paperwork to Diane Kimsey, Human Resources Officer no later than August 8th.
Questions should be directed to Diane at 570-426-2420 or to facility manager Richard Degnan at 570-828-8001 x1. You can fax your paperwork to Diane at 570/426-2410.
NPS serious incident submission standards can be found at the following web site:;=8728&lv;=2&pgid;=3504
All reports should now be submitted via this automated system.