NATIONAL PARK SERVICE MORNING REPORT Friday, April 22, 2011 INCIDENTS Grand Teton NP Search For Missing Skiers Suspended Due To Weather Rangers were forced to suspend the search for missing skiers W.K. and G.S. yesterday due to heavy snow and gusty winds. These conditions made it impossible to insert rescue teams and canine search teams into the backcountry. The decision to “stand down” rescue teams came fairly early in the day as weather conditions worsened. Similar weather is forecast for today, so rescue teams will be on standby. Saturday's weather holds more promise and will likely allow rescuers to resume searching the most probable location where W.K. and G.S. may be found. That location is a large avalanche debris field in the Garnet Canyon Meadows. [Jackie Skaggs, Public Affairs Officer] Grand Canyon NP Park Resident Convicted On Assault And Robbery Charges On November 1st, protection rangers received a 911 phone call from a disoriented victim of an assault that had occurred near the Grand Canyon Recreation Center. Rangers ultimately located him at a nearby concessionaire dormitory and found that he'd been attacked in the woods, kicked in the face approximately twelve times, and had his property stolen. He'd sustained significant trauma to the face and was covered in blood. He was transported to Flagstaff Medical Center via the park's ambulance and was admitted with several facial bone fractures and a concussion. Rangers asked for the assistance of a special agent from the Investigative Service Branch and a joint investigation was begun. Special agents, rangers, and a deputy with the Coconino County Sherriff's Department conducted an investigation that ultimately led to the arrest of a juvenile park resident. Due to the juvenile's prior criminal history, he was charged as an adult in Arizona Superior Court. On March 24th, he pled guilty to aggravated assault and robbery, both felonies. The juvenile will be serving one year in prison and upon his release will serve three years of probation. [Investigative Services Branch- Central] OTHER NEWS The following stories are among those in today's edition of InsideNPS. To see the full text, including images, NPS employees should go to the InsideNPS home page ( HYPERLINK "" Non-NPS employees can see most of them on the NPS Digest page ( HYPERLINK "" Gulf Coast Parks - This past Wednesday marked the first anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, one of the worst on record in this nation's waters. The event is remembered with a summary of the spill's impacts, a report on the status of recovery operations, and recognition of the contributions of DOI employees, including around a thousand from the NPS. Cultural Resources - The NPS has issued its first official guidelines on how to make changes to improve energy efficiency and still preserve the character of historic buildings. Servicewide Training and Conference Calendar - A compilation of upcoming training courses and conferences across the nation, plus online training. Added this week are the following - a workshop on lime mortar conservation, an ARPA training session, and a course on Flashpoint for the Fixed Assets Subsystem. * * * * Prepared by the Division of Law Enforcement, Security and Emergency Services, Washington Office, with the support of the Office of Communications and the Office of the Chief Information Officer. Edited by Bill Halainen ( HYPERLINK "" --- ### --- |