Friday, May 20, 2011


C&O Canal NHP

High Water Causes Closures, More Likely

Parts of the park have been closed to the public due to high water in the Potomac River:

Billy Goat Trail Section A and the Olmsted Island bridges in the Great Falls area of the park are closed.

High water has covered the towpath areas near Whites Ferry and Edwards Ferry in Montgomery County, Harpers Ferry in Frederick and Washington Counties, and in the Dam 4 area in Washington County.

Several park roads are covered with water and are closed.

Spring Gap and Paw Paw campgrounds are closed.

Visitors are also being advised that all of the park's hiker-biker campsites and boat ramps are in low-lying areas and should not be used. The river is still rising and is expected to continue to do so through the weekend, so other areas will likely be underwater soon. Further information on river levels is available on the National Weather Service's Advanced Hydrological Prediction Service HYPERLINK "" website for the region. Maryland DNR also has information on the effect of water levels on its HYPERLINK "" website. [Bill Justice]


The following stories are among those in today's edition of InsideNPS. To see the full text, including images, NPS employees should go to the InsideNPS home page ( HYPERLINK "" Non-NPS employees can see most of them on the NPS Digest page ( HYPERLINK ""

Blue Ridge Parkway - Kids in Parks, a partnership of the Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation, Blue Ridge Parkway and the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina Foundation, is successfully altering the reality that our children's preferred play setting is inside. The program has successfully employed a number of approaches to get hundreds of kids out on park trails.

National Mall and Memorial Parks - The National Park Service and its partner organization, the Trust for the National Mall, unveiled the first of the National Mall's new way finding signs on Tuesday. Photo.

Andersonville NHS - On April 30th, Henry Booth, son of Private Isham Johnson Booth, visited the infamous prisoner of war camp at Andersonville, where his father served in the final year of the Civil War.

Servicewide Training and Conference Calendar - A compilation of upcoming training courses and conferences across the nation, plus online training.  The following have been added to this week's calendar - six new FLETC training programs and a course on natural and cultural resource law and policy for superintendents.

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Prepared by the Division of Law Enforcement, Security and Emergency Services, Washington Office, with the support of the Office of Communications and the Office of the Chief Information Officer. Edited by Bill Halainen ( HYPERLINK ""

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