NPS Visitor and Resource Protection
The Morning Report

Friday, October 07, 2011


Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area (MT,WY)
Rangers Assist In Search For Murderer

A triple homicide occurred outside the park in the town of Lodge Grass on the Crow Tribal Reservation on the afternoon of October 4th. Rangers were soon notified that the suspect, S.C., had been seen on Good Luck Road, travelling towards the Fort Smith area, where park headquarters is located. S.C. was believed to be armed with a handgun and possible a high-powered rifle. Fort Smith Elementary School, located in Government Camp, was immediately put on lockdown and rangers responded to assist with the search for S.C.. Rangers met with Bureau of Indian Affairs police and US marshals to coordinate a hasty search of all surrounding roads and river access areas, as well as the town of Fort Smith.  During the search for S.C., it was learned the victims were family members of a Bighorn Canyon NPS employee. The park is providing assistance to the employee.
[Submitted by Kevin Tillman, Chief Ranger]

Blue Ridge Parkway
Three Arrested For Ginseng Poaching

On the afternoon of September 29th, rangers saw a suspicious vehicle and three individuals in an area known for ginseng poaching.  As the rangers approached, they began throwing items into the woods and into their vehicle. Upon investigation, the rangers found that the trio had collectively dug up 350 ginseng roots. All three were arrested and taken before the federal magistrate, with a pending court date in December. One of them had been arrested two years previously by one of the same rangers for the same offense. One of the others is presently on probation and also had outstanding warrants on him. The third, although not wanted, also had a criminal history.
[Submitted by Tim Francis, District Ranger]


Golden Gate National Recreation Area (CA)
GL-0025-09 Protection Ranger (Lateral)

Dates: 10/06/2011 - 10/20/2011

Golden Gate NRA has an opening for GL-9 protection ranger (lateral). The EOD date will be after January and the duty station will be Fort Baker.

The 75,000-acre park is located in three counties and offers diverse recreational opportunities for the visiting public. The park also manages Muir Woods NM, Fort Point NHS and Alcatraz Island. All of these sites are heavily visited year-round.  The park is surrounded by urban and suburban communities; it is a complex working environment with changing priorities.  San Francisco County is high cost of living area. 

This is a drug testing designated position. The selected candidate must successfully pass a drug test before an EOD date can be set. She/he must also have a current law enforcement medical examination before entering on duty.

Applicants must have current national registry EMT certification.

If you're interested, please submit the following:

  • An OF-612, SF-171 or equivalent resume.
  • A copy of your Type I commission
  • A copy of your current national registry EMT certification
  • A copy of your current or latest performance appraisal.
  • A current SF-50, Notification of Personnel Action, documenting permanent competitive civil service status.

Applications received without all required documentation (as stated above) may lose consideration.

Email your applications to or mail your application t Shanti Quintero, Human Resources Specialist, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Fort Mason, Bldg. 201, San Francisco, CA  94123.  Materials submitted must be postmarked on or before October 20th to be considered. For further information, please contact Marybeth G. McFarland, operations supervisor, at 415-331-3926 or
[Submitted by Shanti Quintero,, 415-561-4774]

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