Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Olympic NP

Rangers Assist In Local Homicide Investigation

On April 12th, the Mason County Sheriff's Office asked rangers to assist with a domestic homicide which occurred at a Lake Cushman residence just outside the southeast corner of the park. A local resident had reported that he had shot his wife at her request due to her failing health. Rangers were requested because of an extended response time by sheriff's deputies. Ranger Ken Davis was first on scene and provided containment while waiting for Mason County deputies to arrive. The man was cooperative when contacted and taken into custody. Davis also assisted with clearing the inside of the house and outbuildings. The victim was found inside the house and pronounced dead on scene. Mason County is conducting the investigation. [Colin Smith, Chief Ranger]

Grand Canyon NP

Man Indicted For Assaulting Rangers

Rangers attempted to detain A.S. during a contact for disorderly contact on March 21st. A.S. resisted, fighting them as they attempted to arrest him. Two of the rangers were injured. While being booked, A.S. continued to be combative and bit one of the rangers attempting to subdue him. A special agent led the ensuing investigation, which culminated with an indictment returned against A.S. earlier this month for two counts of assault on a federal officer. If convicted, A.S. faces a maximum penalty on each count of eight years in prison, a $250,000 fine, or both. [Christopher Smith, Assistant Special Agent in Charge, Investigative Services Branch - Central]


The following stories are among those in today's edition of InsideNPS. To see the full text, including images, NPS employees should go to the InsideNPS home page ( HYPERLINK "" Non-NPS employees can see most of them on the NPS Digest page ( HYPERLINK ""

Olympic NP - Progress continues on removal of the dams on the Elhwa River. The Elwha Dam is now gone, while demolition of the Glines Canyon Dam continues. A two-month-long hiatus in removal operations will begin on May 1st in order to protect fish from silt and turbidity.

Carlsbad Caverns NP - Microbes collected deep in the sheltered environment of Lechuguilla Cave in Carlsbad Caverns show that resistance to antibiotics is a natural, not a new, phenomenon.

Park Facility Management Division - The March/April issue of the Park Facility Management Division's newsletter, PFMD Update, is now available online.

Office of the Comptroller - Susan Speakman, program manager and space leasing contracting officer for the WASO Space Leasing Office, will retire on May 31st.

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The Morning Report is a publication of the Division of Law Enforcement, Security and Emergency Services, Washington Office, produced with the support of the Office of the Assistant Director for Information Resources and the Office of the Chief Information Officer. Edited by Bill Halainen ( HYPERLINK ""

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