NATIONAL PARK SERVICE MORNING REPORT Thursday, January 31, 2013 INCIDENTS Golden Gate NRA Woman Seriously Injured In 50 Foot Fall The park received a report of a woman climbing down the cliff face at Fort Funston yesterday afternoon, trying to retrieve her dog, which was off leash and not under voice control when it went over the edge of the cliff. The woman fell approximately 50 feet to the beach before rangers and San Francisco fire and rescue personnel were able to reach her. She was then flown to a medical facility by a California Highway Patrol helicopter. The dog, which was 75 feet below the cliff edge, was also rescued. This was the second such rescue this week. The park deals with seven or eight such dog rescues each year. [Alexandra Picavet, Public Affairs Officer] OTHER NEWS The following stories are among those in today's edition of InsideNPS. To see the full text, including images, NPS employees should go to the InsideNPS home page ( HYPERLINK "" Non-NPS employees can see most of them on the NPS Digest page ( HYPERLINK "" Andersonville NHS - On two recent Saturday evenings, one in November and the other in January, the National Prisoner of War Museum at Andersonville National Historic Site opened for a rare nighttime opportunity to view the museum exhibits and experience the prison site. Office of Risk Management - The winter 2013 edition of Public Risk Management News, the newsletter of the Office of Risk Management, has been posted to the web and is now available. National Natural Landmarks Program - The last of the national natural landmarks to be so designated in 2012, the 50th anniversary of the National Natural Landmarks program, was Big Spring Creek, located in the western portion of Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve. Southeast Region - Brian Carlstrom has been selected as the next superintendent of Biscayne National Park. He has been the deputy superintendent at C&O Canal NHP since 2009. Fire and Aviation Management - Maria Mackie, the fire program management assistant at Crater Lake National Park, has been selected as the recipient of the 2012 Jeanie Harris Award. * * * * The Morning Report is a publication of the Division of Law Enforcement, Security and Emergency Services, Washington Office, produced by the Office of Communications with the support of the Office of the Associate Director for Information Resources. Edited by Bill Halainen ( HYPERLINK "" --- ### --- |