NATIONAL PARK SERVICE MORNING REPORT Friday, February 1, 2013 INCIDENTS Independence NHP Man Arrested For Bomb Threat At Liberty Bell Center On the morning of January 27th, rangers responded to a call from contract security officers who reported that a man had been denied access to the Liberty Bell Center for refusing routine screening at the entrance station and telling screeners that he had explosives in his bag. Rangers arrived as he was exiting the building and followed him to the 700 block of Market Street, approximately a block west of the Liberty Bell Center. When they contacted him, he became argumentative and non-compliant and was handcuffed after a brief struggle. All pedestrian and vehicle traffic between 7th and 8th Streets along Philadelphia's busy Market Street was stopped for over an hour while the Philadelphia Police Department's bomb squad checked the two bags removed from his person for explosives. None were found. The man remains in police custody and currently faces a number of federal and local charges as a result of the incident. The NPS is assisting in the ongoing investigation, which is now headed by the FBI. [Layla Schade, Park Ranger] OTHER NEWS The following stories are among those in today's edition of InsideNPS. To see the full text, including images, NPS employees should go to the InsideNPS home page ( HYPERLINK "" Non-NPS employees can see most of them on the NPS Digest page ( HYPERLINK "" Fort McHenry NM&HS - Young people are providing reinforcements in the effort to make the War of 1812 meaningful and relevant to a new generation. The “Baltimore Privateers,” a park-sponsored fife and drum corps comprised of students from the Baltimore City school system, made its musical debut at the annual Martin Luther King Jr. parade last month. Northeast Region - Jim Northup, a 32 year National Park Service veteran, has been selected as the new superintendent of Shenandoah National Park and Cedar Creek and Belle Grove National Historical Park, both in Virginia. Pacific West Region - Karen Taylor-Goodrich has been selected as the new superintendent of North Cascades National Park Service Complex in Washington. Alaska Region - Jen Northway has been selected as the new assistant fire ecologist for Alaska Region. She will be based at the Fairbanks office and available to assist all Alaska parks. Servicewide Training and Conference Calendar - The following have been added to this week's calendar - a conference in Colorado on recent advances and emerging issues in riparian restoration and river management practices and this year's offering of the Eastern basic technical rescue training course, which will be held at Obed W&SR. * * * * The Morning Report is a publication of the Division of Law Enforcement, Security and Emergency Services, Washington Office, produced by the Office of Communications with the support of the Office of the Associate Director for Information Resources. Edited by Bill Halainen ( HYPERLINK "" --- ### --- |