Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Glen Canyon NRA

Park Staff Respond To Multiple Emergencies

Park staff dealt with several significant incidents over a four-day period in mid-June:

June 19th - A 21-foot boat caught fire at the Bullfrog fuel dock. Three people were injured in the blaze. They transported themselves to the Bullfrog Clinic, where they were treated for second degree burns.

June 20th - A 17-year-old boy suffered a serious head injury in West Canyon. CPR was required. The park dispatched Classic Air Medical to the scene and the boy was flown out to medical care in Utah. Later that day, Grand Canyon rangers assisted the park with the short-haul helicopter rescue of a 40-year-old woman who'd fallen and broken her ankle in Cathedral Wash near Lees Ferry.

June 21st - NPS firefighters and emergency medical staff responded to a houseboat fire at the Wahweap fuel dock around 1 p.m. A boat management company authorized to do business within the park had fueled the boat and started the engines, which resulted in an explosion and engine compartment fire. The blaze was knocked down with fire extinguishers by the staff on board at the time. A 29-year-old woman who was thrown off the back of the boat by the explosion and suffered second degree burns was flown to a medical facility by Classic Air Medical.

June 21st - The park received a report of a possible missing woman early in the afternoon. Following a two-day-long search, the body of the 41-year-old new Mexico woman was recovered near Lone Rock Beach. She'd evidently drowned.

The park was assisted by a number of agencies in its response to these incidents, including the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Utah State Parks, the Utah Highway Patrol, Coconino County Sheriff's Office, Kane County Sheriff's Office, Wasatch County Sheriff's Office, ARAMARK, Bullfrog Clinic, Coast Guard Auxiliary, Classic Air Medical and Encompass Health Services.

[Denise M. Shultz, Public Information Officer]

Redwood N&SP

Redwood Burl Poachers Sentenced

On June 19th, two local residents who'd previously been convicted of burl poaching in the park were sentenced in court.

D.G., 43, who pled to one count of felony vandalism (California Penal Code 594a), was sentenced to four years of formal probation, 700 hours of community service, ordered to pay restitution of $11,178.57, and required to attend a six-month-long drug rehabilitation program.

L.C.M., 36, who pled to one count of misdemeanor vandalism, was sentenced to three years of formal probation and ordered to pay $1600 in restitution.  

Both L.C.M. and D.G. were ordered to stay out of Redwoods National and State Park for the duration of their probationary periods.

[Investigative Services Branch]

Grand Canyon NP

Visitor Dies On Bright Angel Trail

Park dispatch received a report late last Sunday morning of CPR in progress on a park visitor just above Three-Mile Rest House on the Bright Angel Trail.

Bystanders began CPR and were soon assisted by park personnel who responded from up trail. The park's helicopter was diverted from another medical call at Indian Gardens and arrived soon thereafter. Personnel onboard provided advanced life support resuscitation, but efforts to save the 62-year-old man proved unavailing.

The man was hiking out the canyon after completing a commercial river trip. An investigation into the incident is being conducted by the park and county medical examiner.

[Kirby-Lynn Shedlowski, Public Affairs Officer]

Rocky Mountain NP

Injured Man Rescued From Sky Pond Area

On the night of Saturday, June 28th, a 21-year-old man activated his personal locator beacon ( HYPERLINK "" PLB) near the Continental Divide after suffering a tumbling fall and getting stuck in a location where he could not move up or down.

The PLB showed his general location to be west of the divide below the Taylor Peak - Powell Peak ridge line. Rangers were eventually able to speak with him and had him call 911 from his cell phone to enable the GPS on his phone to narrow down his location, which was found to be above Sky Pond.

A hasty team of search and rescue members left the Glacier Gorge Trailhead early Sunday morning. One team member was flown to the summit of Thatchtop Mountain. The man was located about 1500 feet above Sky Pond and 500 feet below Thatchtop Mountain in a steep, scree area with loose rocks.

The man was assessed and treated and then evacuated to the trailhead. He was taken by a family member to a local medical facility for treatment.

Rocky Mountain National Park's Search and Rescue Team members were assisted by Rocky Mountain Rescue and Larimer County Search and Rescue.

[Kyle Patterson, Public Affairs Officer]


The following stories are among those in today's webpage editions of InsideNPS (available to NPS employees only) and the Morning Report (available to all readers):

Yosemite NP - Yosemite National Park commemorated the 150th anniversary of the signing of the Yosemite Grant, a key event in both the creation of Yosemite and the evolution of national parks, with a series of seven events on Monday, June 30th.

Tumacacori NHP - The Tumacácori mission church recently filled to capacity for a concert that was the product of a cooperative effort by the park and the Mexican Consulate in Nogales.

Yellowstone NP - On Thursday, June 26th, Yellowstone National Park and the U.S. Forest Service conducted a simulated short haul helicopter rescue just outside the park's northern boundary

Yosemite NP - On June 20th, a multi-agency active shooter response drill and resulting mass causality incident drill were conducted in Yosemite National Park.

San Francisco Maritime NHP - Park employees recently received a trophy in the 2014 “Great Race for Clean Air,” an annual competition among San Francisco Bay Area companies and organizations.

To see the full text of these stories, readers should go to one or the other of the following sites:

NPS employees - HYPERLINK ""

Non-NPS employees - HYPERLINK ""

The Morning Report is produced by the Office of Communications with the support of the Office of the Associate Director for Information Resources. Edited by Bill Halainen ( HYPERLINK ""

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