NATIONAL PARK SERVICE MORNING REPORT Friday, February 27, 2015 INCIDENTS No reports received. OTHER NEWS The following stories are among those in today's webpage editions of InsideNPS (available to NPS employees only) and the Morning Report (available to all readers): Alcatraz Island - Two dozen entomology students from the University of California at Davis spent a day at Alcatraz earlier this month working on a project that helps monitor and control the powder post beetles that infest the island's buildings. Alaska Region - The Kachemak Bay Water Trail, a recent RTCA project, has been selected to receive a 2015 Project Excellence Award from the Society of Outdoor Recreation Professionals. Sitka NHP - When power in the area went out on February 4th, the resource division at Sitka NHP took the opportunity to get out of the office and spend a day cleaning up a nearby BLM-administered site. National Capital Region - At a ceremony on December 4th, seven NCR employees received awards to recognize their outstanding work during 2014 in interpretation, leadership and natural resources. US Park Police - Captain Zachary Moore will retire from the United States Park Police on February 28th after 27 years of service. He is currently serving as regional law enforcement specialist for Pacific West Region. Servicewide Training Calendar - The following have been added to this week's calendar - a motorboat operator certification course at Lake Mead, an RDI webinar entitled “Stories of Slavery,” and separate webinars on retirement for CSRS and FERS employees. To see the full text of these stories, readers should go to one or the other of the following sites: NPS employees - HYPERLINK "" Non-NPS employees - HYPERLINK "" The Morning Report is produced by the Office of Communications with the support of the Office of the Associate Director for Information Resources. Edited by Bill Halainen ( HYPERLINK "" --- ### --- |