Chattahoochee River
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The following Incident Reports were extracted from the NPS Morning Reports/Coalition Reports from 1989-2024. They are not a complete record of all incidents which occurred in this park during this timeframe.


Monday, October 2, 1989
89-300 - Chattahoochee River (Georgia) - Suspected Homicide

Just after noon on the 30th, a park visitor discovered a motor vehicle in the pond at Island Ford and reported it to the park. Responding rangers found the partly clad body of a woman in the vehicle, which had been driven off a dam and fallen 30 feet to the pond. The car is registered to a woman from Decatur, Georgia, but the victim has not yet been identified. Circumstances strongly suggest the possibility that the woman was a homicide victim. Rangers and Fulton County officers are investigating the incident. (Denny Beach, Superintendent, CHAT, via telephone report to RAD through Park Police dispatch).

Wednesday, April 18, 1990
90-65 - Chattahoochee River (Georgia) - Drowning

On the morning of the 14th, C.W., 66, of Murrayville, Georgia, and three friends were fishing in wading suits in the river near Settles Bridge. When the water level began to rise late in the morning, all four began to move toward the river bank. C.W. fell over, however, and drowned when his suit filled with water. CPR was administered when he was finally brought to shore but without success. (Marvin Madry, CHAT, via CompuServe message from Capt. Steve Alscher, RAD/SERO, 9:30 a.m. EDT, 4/17/90).

Wednesday, July 11, 1990
90-190 - Chattahoochee (Georgia) - Multiple Injuries

At 7:25 p.m. on the evening of the 8th, a raft with eight people aboard was struck by lightning. All eight were knocked from the raft, but were able to make it to shore. A witness on the shore with a cellular phone called 911 and emergency units responded to the location. Three of the eight were hospitalized; at least two have since been released. (Ken Garvin, CHATT, via telephone report from Bill Springer, RAD/SERO, 7/11).

Wednesday, September 5, 1990
90-301 - Chattahoochee (Georgia) - Arrest for Attempted Rape

As a result of two attempted rapes which occurred early in August in the Sope Creek area, the park initiated an extensive operation in an attempt to find the assailant. A stake-out of the area was begun, and a female ranger served as a decoy in the operation. On August 30th, they captured S.C.A. when he attempted to assault the ranger, and charged him with attempted rape. S.C.A. is also the suspect in a rape and an attempted rape, both of which occurred in Cobb County, and an attempted rape at Kennesaw Mountain NBP. He was arraigned on the 31st; a preliminary hearing will be held today. (Telephone report from Capt. Steve Alscher, RAD/SERO, 9/4).

Thursday, September 6, 1990
90-301 - Chattahoochee (Georgia) - Follow-up on Arrest for Attempted Rape

U.S. Magistrate John Dougherty has denied bail to S.A.C., 24, who has been charged with two attempted rapes in the park, stating that S.A.C. could pose a threat to women if freed. Two women who were attacked near Sope Creek - one on August 13th, the other on August 16th - have identified S.A.C. as the man who assaulted them. S.A.C. was arrested on August 30th when he grabbed a ranger posing as a sunbather and pulled down the top of her two-piece swimsuit. (United Press story, 9/6).

Tuesday, September 18, 1990
90-315 - Chattahoochee (Georgia) - Probable Drowning

On the evening of the 16th, G.C., 21, was rafting with a group on the Chattahoochee near Sandy Point when the raft became stuck on a shoal. After some effort, the raft was freed, but G.C. got left behind. He tried to swim to the raft, but went under in the process. A search was to have been conducted for his body yesterday, (Telephone report from Steve Smith, RAD/SERO, 9/17).

Friday, March 1, 1991
90-301 - Chattahoochee (Georgia) - Followup on Arrest for Sexual Assault

On August 30, 1990, rangers arrested S.C.A., 25, for attempted rape. Following two attempted rapes in early August in the Sope Creek area, the park initiated an extensive operation in an effort to find the assailant. A stakeout of the area was begun, and a female ranger served as a decoy in the operation by posing as a sunbather. When S.C.A. approached her and pulled down her swimsuit, he was arrested. On February 19th, S.C.A. pled guilty to three counts of abusive sexual contact. S.C.A. originally faced seven charges linked to four incidents occurring in Chattahoochee and Kennesaw Mountain, but the government agreed to drop four charges in exchange for his guilty pleas. The judge will consider a recommendation in the plea agreement that S.C.A., who has no previous criminal record, be sentenced to five to six years in prison. Sentencing is scheduled for April 30th. S.C.A. was also implicated in three sex-related crimes in Cobb County, and is wanted for questioning in similar attacks on two joggers and a rape near his Cobb County home. He was charged with public indecency after a June incident in which he allegedly made an obscene statement to a female pedestrian and her child and then exposed himself. [Telefaxed clipping from February 20th Atlanta Constitution, sent by Steve Alscher, RAD/SERO, 2/28]

Monday, April 29, 1991
91-136 - Chattahoochee (Georgia) - Fatality

S.D., 41, of Norcross, Georgia, suffered a heart attack and died while participating in an orienteering exercise in the Sope Creek Unit of the park on April 21st. S.D. was a member of the Georgia Orienteering Club. [Telefax from Bill Springer, RAD/SERO, 4/24]

Friday, May 31, 1991
91-190 - Chattahoochee River (Georgia) - Suicide

Rangers found a vehicle belonging to W.P., 37, at Sope Creek on May 23rd and began a search for him. His body was by a ranger on the afternoon of the 26th. W.P. had shot himself. No note was found. [Telephone report from Steve Alscher, RAD/SERO, 5/30]

Wednesday, June 5, 1991
91-199 - Chattahoochee River (Georgia) - Drowning

Early on the morning of May 16th, rangers received a report from S.D. that her son J.D., 22, was overdue from a kayaking trip on the river the day before. S.D.'s vehicle was located in the Powers Island Unit, and a search for him along 15 miles of the river was conducted without results. Checks of the river were undertaken each day thereafter, and J.D.'s body was eventually found on the evening of May 30th wedged under vegetation just north of Long Island. J.D., who was reported to be a novice kayaker, was not wearing a life jacket, helmet or wet suit, and was kayaking alone. [Telefax from Ken Garvin, CR, CHAT, 6/4]

Tuesday, June 18, 1991
90-301 - Chattahoochee (Georgia) - Followup on Attempted Rape Arrest

In August of 1990, rangers arrested S.C.A. for attempted rape. The arrest came on the sixth day of an undercover operation, which had been put into effect after a series of attempted rapes had occurred in the area, including two in the park, one in Kennesaw Mountain, and several others in Cobb County, which surrounds both parks. All of the victims had reported similar descriptions of the attacker. Patricia Ashcroft, a seasonal park ranger, volunteered to portray a park visitor sun bathing along Sope Creek. When S.C.A. assaulted her, rangers responded and arrested him; Ashcroft suffered only bruises during the brief attack. S.C.A. was later positively identified by several victims from assaults in the park and Cobb County and was ordered held without bond pending trial. Due to the strong case the United States government had against S.C.A., he subsequently pled guilty to seven felony counts, including assault on a federal officer. On June 4th, S.C.A. was sentenced to 65 months in federal prison, 36 months of supervised probation after his release from prison, and fined a small court assessment. He was sentenced under provision of the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984, which means that S.C.A. will not qualify for parole. [Telefaxed report from Ken Garvin, CR, CHAT, 6/16]

Wednesday, July 24, 1991
91-314 - Chattahoochee River (Georgia) - Drowning

T.L.H., 25, of Smyrna, Georgia, drowned while attempting to swim across the river near Diving Rock on the evening of July 21st. The Cobb County dive team located his body in 15 feet of water on the morning of the 22nd. Witnesses said he'd been drinking. Divers found running pants down around T.L.H.'s ankles, which may also have been a factor in his drowning. [Telephone report from Steve Smith, RAD/SERO, 7/23]

Thursday, August 1, 1991
91-356 - Chattahoochee (Georgia) - Burglary Arrests

On July 7th, ranger Delugach found evidence that the Chattahoochee Outdoor Center building had been forcibly entered and also saw three individuals in the area who were acting suspiciously. Rangers interviewed the trio and two other suspects; one of the five confessed to breaking and entering and implicated another member of the group. Numerous items were taken from the building, but all were recovered by rangers. The two suspects were arrested on July 8th, and charged with felony burglary in Federal court in Atlanta the following day. [Telefax from Ken Garvin, CR, CHAT, 7/31]

Friday, August 2, 1991
91-361 - Chattahoochee (Georgia) - Car Clouting Arrests

Because of auto breakins which were taking place in the Johnson Ferry Unit, the park established a surveillance operation there recently. Late on the afternoon of July 14th, these efforts paid off when ranger Lloyd Morris arrested three men for entering a locked vehicle. The men - T.M., 34, M.M., 31, and S.K., 28 were charged with auto burglary, possession of stolen property and possession of burglary tools. Three stolen credit cards, which had been used to make up to $900 in purchases, and $500 worth of stolen items were recovered. Two days later, the three men appeared before a federal magistrate in Atlanta; each was placed on a $5,000 secured bond. Based on physical evidence, rangers determined that the three men may have been involved in numerous auto burglaries throughout the United States. The Secret Service was called in for assistance because of its jurisdiction over crimes involving high amounts of credit card theft. At present, it appears that the trio has stolen up to $2,000,000 worth of items nationwide. Their method of operation was to open a locked or unlocked vehicle, steal one or two credit cards and/or checks from the rear of checkbooks, then lock up the vehicle to give the illusion that it hadn't been entered. Any other park with similar auto larceny cases should call district ranger Anthony Roybal at 404-952-0370, 404-399-8080, or FTS 331-7230. [Telefax and phone report from Ken Garvin, CR, CHAT, 8/1]

Tuesday, August 13, 1991
91-391 - Chattahoochee (Georgia) - Lightning Fatality

D.C. and J.W., 38, both of Canton, Georgia, were fishing on the Chattahoochee on the afternoon of August 11th when a thunderstorm passed through the area. The two went ashore on Charlie's Island and took refuge under a pine tree. The tree was soon hit by lightning; although both were struck down, D.C. suffered only minor burns and was able to begin CPR on J.W.. Rescuers responded in short order and J.W. was transported to a local hospital within 90 minutes of the incident. He was pronounced dead on arrival. [Telephone report from Steve Smith, RAD/SERO, 8/12]

Thursday, September 5, 1991
91-457 - Chattahoochee River (Georgia) - Drowning

Early on the afternoon of August 24th, D.W., 41, of Atlanta, Georgia, and two companions entered the river at Powers Island for a twohour float trip to Paces Mill. Around 5:00 p.m., the raft became stuck in a shallow area, and Wares stepped out to push it off. The raft cleared and moved down the river before D.W. could get back on board. The last his companions saw of him, D.W. was sitting down in the shallow area. About a half hour later, D.W.' body was found by other rafters floating in the river at the southeast tip of Long Island. CPR was begun and continued until D.W. was pronounced dead at a local hospital at 6:35 p.m. The medical examiner has determined that D.W. drowned. D.W. was reported to have been highly intoxicated at the time, and was not wearing a flotation device. [Ken Garvin, CR, CHAT, via telefax from Steve Alscher, LES, RAD/SERO, 9/28]

Thursday, October 22, 1992
92-571 - Chattahoochee (Georgia) - Assist on Arrest of Assailant

During a routine traffic stop on October 21st, a Cobb County officer was injured when she was deliberately struck by the suspect's vehicle and pinned between that vehicle and her cruiser. The officer, whose legs were crushed, was able to shoot one of her assailants, but a second fled into the nearby Paces Mill area of the park. Ranger Kimberly Kirk and Cobb County officers were subsequently able to locate and apprehend the man. [Ken Garvin, CR, CHAT, 10/21]

Tuesday, March 23, 1993
93-132 - Chattahoochee River (Georgia) - Drowning

Just after noon on March 21st, J.A., 30, slipped while fishing with his brother in the Chattahoochee and fell into the river. J.A. was wearing chest waders without floatation, and was quickly pulled under when his waders filled with water. His body was recovered about two hours later some distance from where he was pulled under. The accident occurred near the apartments where the brothers lived. [Ken Garvin, CR, CHAT, 3/22]

Wednesday, June 9, 1993
93-340 - Chattahoochee River (Georgia) - Suicide

J.G., 47, of Marietta, Georgia, shot himself in the temple with a handgun in the Sope Creek picnic area at 10 a.m. on the morning of June 4th. The incident was witnessed by a park maintenance worker, who was subsequently provided with a critical stress debriefing. Rangers and Cobb County EMS personnel responded. J.G. was taken to Kennestone Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. [Ken Garvin, CR, CHAT, 6/7]

Thursday, June 24, 1993
93-403 - Chattahoochee (Georgia) - Drowning

P.K., 73, was seen entering the river in the Settles Bridge area of the park just after 7 a.m. on June 23rd. He was wearing fishing float gear. About 20 minutes later, other fishermen on the river saw him upside down in the water. They pulled him from the river and began CPR. Ranger Lloyd Morris arrived shortly thereafter and continued CPR until a county EMS unit arrived on scene. P.K. was taken to a hospital in Cumming, Georgia, where he was pronounced dead. [Ken Garvin, CR, CHAT, 6/23]

Monday, July 26, 1993
93-516 - Chattahoochee River (Georgia) - Drowning

J.V., 42, of Mount Vernon, New York, slipped and fell into the Chattahoochee on the afternoon of July 22nd as he was attempting to free his family's raft, which had become stuck on rocks in an area known as the Devils Race Course. Family members subsequently told rangers that J.V. was caught in the swift current and quickly pulled under. He was the only person in the party who was not wearing a life jacket. While air temperatures in the Atlanta area reached 102 degrees during the day, the river temperature was about 60 degrees. Rangers and Cobb County fire and rescue divers searched the river until 7 p.m. without results. The search was to continue on Friday morning. [Ken Garvin, CR, CHAT, 7/23]

Monday, July 26, 1993
93-517 - Chattahoochee River (Georgia) - Marijuana Eradication

Rangers and Georgia Bureau of Investigation officers began an intensive search for marijuana fields in the park and adjacent to its boundaries on July 22nd. During the first day, 100 plants were seized and the occupants of a house bordering the park near Settles Bridge were arrested. The overall operation was cut short due to rangers' need to respond to the above drowning and an attempted rape in the Jones Bridge unit. The operation was scheduled to continue on Friday. [Ken Garvin, CR, CHAT, 7/23]

Tuesday, December 7, 1993
93-845 - Chattahoochee River (Georgia) - Suicide

The body of L.M., 45, was found in her vehicle by the ranger who was closing the Johnson Ferry South Unit on the evening of December 1st. Two suicide notes were discovered in the vehicle along with pictures of her two children, which were positioned on the dashboard. The suicide had apparently been planned, as one of the notes said that park rangers would find her body. A court date for L.M.'s divorce was scheduled for December 3rd, at which time she would likely have lost custody of her children. [Ken Garvin, CR, CHAT, 12/3]

Monday, January 10, 1994
94-7 - Chattahoochee River (Georgia) - Arson Fire

An abandoned barn in the Gold Branch area of the Bull Sluice district burned to the ground on the night of January 6th. Rangers and Cobb County firefighters responded to the initial call, which came in at 10 p.m. Control efforts were hampered by the lack of vehicle access to the structure. Arson is suspected. [Anthony Roybal, CHAT, 1/7]

Tuesday, May 10, 1994
94-212 - Chattahoochee River (Georgia) - Rescue

On May 6th, Dr. R.S., a physician at the Center for Disease Control, was hiking off trail with his two small children and a teenage friend on the cliffs of the park's East Palisades unit when he twisted and fractured his right leg. The teenager was able to locate a ranger's residence nearby and request help. Rangers and Cobb County officers, rescue team members and paramedics responded to a staging area on the west side of the river; rangers then transported men and equipment across the river. It took about two hours to treat R.S., then lowered him by ropes to the shore, where he was transported by boat across the river to a waiting ambulance. Doctors determined that he fractured both the tibia and fibula of his lower right leg, and that surgery will be required. [Ken Garvin, CR, CHAT, 5/9]

Friday, June 24, 1994
94-328 - Chattahoochee (Georgia) - Fatal Bike Accident

On June 17th, W.B., 39, of Smyrna, Georgia, was traveling south on his bicycle on the Highway 41 bridge over the Chattahoochee River in the park when he was struck by a hit and run vehicle and fell into the river. Rangers and Cobb County deputies searched the river, but were unable to find him. On June 20th, a fisherman discovered his body about 200 yards from the bridge. The hit and run driver has since been identified and arrested. [RAD/SERO, 6/22]

Monday, July 31, 1995
95-473 - Chattahoochee (Georgia) - Suicide

A hiker came upon the body of a 38-year-old woman on the Fox Lopp trail in the Sope Creek unit on the morning of July 25th. A joint park-county investigation was conducted, and it was determined that the woman, P.J., had committed suicide at that location. [Dispatch, CHAT]

Tuesday, August 1, 1995
95-478 - Chattahoochee (Georgia) - Suicide

A hiker came upon the body of a 38-year-old woman on the Fox Lopp trail in the Sope Creek unit on the morning of July 25th. A joint park-county investigation was conducted, and it was determined that the woman, P.J., had committed suicide at that location. [Dispatch, CHAT]

Friday, October 6, 1995
95-653 - Eastern Parks - Follow-up on Hurricane Opal

Reports have been received from more than a dozen parks affected by Hurricane Opal:

* Chattahoochee - Flooding has occurred along the river. Park headquarters is without power. Many trees fell on roads and on one park residence.

[Jason Houck, CR, GRSM; Mark Lewis, DR, GUIS; Steve Hickman, IC, JELA; Jerry Eubanks, Superintendent, GUIS; Steve Smith and Bill Sturgeon, RAD/SEFO; Pat Reed, CHCH; Mary Jones, HOBE; Barbara Goodman, DESO; Greg Stiles, SHEN]

Wednesday, July 17, 1996
96-376 - Atlanta Area Parks (Georgia) - Special Event: Olympic Incident

The Southeast Field Area incident management team (Bob Panko, IC) arrived at Martin Luther King NHS on July 12th to coordinate activities associated with the upcoming Olympics. The team will be working closely with area superintendents and their staffs, and has been charged with:

o maximizing use of available resources (both equipment and personnel);

o providing coordinated logistical support;

o coordinating interagency emergency planning and response; and

o managing support staff needed to deal with the impacts of the heavy visitation expected at Martin Luther King, Kennesaw Mountain and Chattahoochee River.

The team will also provide logistical support to the field director's office in mitigating impacts from the Olympics on the area. About 60 incident personnel have been ordered to date, including a 16-person special events team from Midwest Field Area. Because of the high cost of rental units and their general unavailability during the Olympics, a local elementary school near Martin Luther King has been converted into a dormitory-style building to house incident personnel. The school system will provide both lodging in the classrooms and food serve in the school's cafeteria. Several other sites will also be employed to house personnel. Several Olympic events, including the opening ceremony torch run and two marathons, will occur partly in Martin Luther King. Media activity and interest in the park has been high; several international and U.S. television crews have filmed at the site over the past few weeks. [IC, Olympic Incident]

Monday, February 24, 1997
97-67 - Chatahoochee River NRA (Georgia) - Suicide

On February 20th, P.C. shot himself in the head while sitting in his vehicle at the Vickery Creek Unit parking area. P.C. had been dead for several hours by the time he was found. His family had reported him as missing and suicidal. P.C. had been despondent over his failing business. [CRO, CHAT, 2/21]

Wednesday, August 20, 1997
97-467 - Chattahoochee River NRA (GA) - Car Clouting Arrests

Following a year-long investigation, park criminal investigator Anthony Roybal and agents from the Secret Service arrested W.M., P.S., T.B., R.H., S.K., D.B., G.E. and J.E. - all from the Atlanta area - for auto burglaries and credit card fraud. A total of 100 car clouts were cleared by the arrests, as well as an estimated $500,000 in credit card fraud stemming from the park thefts. Also cleared from the arrests were between 300 and 400 other auto burglaries in the Atlanta area with associated credit card fraud of over $1,000,000, four armed robberies, and a major fencing operation. W.M. has been sentenced to 31 months in prison, P.S. to eight months, the E.'s to 24 months each, and R.H. to eight months. S.K. and D.B. have been indicted and are on bail. Additional suspects have been identified, and more arrests are pending. The investigation continues. [Ken Garvin, CR, CHAT, 8/12]

Friday, October 17, 1997
97-644 - Chattahoochee River NRA (GA) - Auto Theft; Gang Activity

On October 6th, ranger Todd Roeder came upon a vehicle in the Medlock Bridge parking lot which showed no indication that the operator had paid the park's new parking fee. While writing the citation, he learned that the vehicle had been stolen from a nearby jurisdiction. At the same time, Roeder was approached by eight 15-year-olds. As he was questioning them, one of the juveniles quickly placed something in his mouth, later determined to have been a small bag of marijuana. After Gwinnett County officers arrived as backup, Roeder searched the group and found the vehicle's registration papers in the pocket of one of the juveniles. As he was being put into position for handcuffing, he broke free and ran off, which caused another member of the group to run off with him into the woods. The county dispatched over ten patrol units and two dog teams to search the woods for the two boys. Neither was found that night, but investigation led officers to them and they were subsequently arrested. Citations were issued to the other youth and they were released to their parents. Several of the boys displayed gang tattoos and gang patches. [Connie Vogel-Brown, Acting CR, CHAT, 10/14]

Thursday, October 23, 1997
97-660 - Chattahoochee River NRA (GA) - Drug Seizure

On October 4th, visitors reported finding what appeared to be drugs in a plastic bag off a trail along the river. Park maintenance worker Donald Sapp contacted ranger Todd Roeder, who searched and found the bag on the bank of the river. The contents of the large plastic bag were wrapped in four or five layers of plastic wrap. Field testing showed that the bag contained 573 grams of cocaine, ten grams of marijuana, and a small amount of heroin mixed with coffee grounds. Large amounts of controlled substances bundles in this manner are unusual in the park. No suspects have been identified. [Connie Vogel-Brown, Acting CR, CHAT, 10/10]

Thursday, October 23, 1997
97-662 - Chattahoochee River NRA (GA) - Assist; Arrest of Fleeing Felon

While heading home to his residence from the park on September 20th, ranger Stuart Delugach saw two Fulton County officers running down a road shoulder just outside the park's boundary. They asked him to help apprehend a man who'd just been stopped and was found to be armed with a .38 caliber revolver. When the man was questioned, he grabbed one of the officers and dragged her by the side of his vehicle for several yards as he sped away towards the river. He was last seen wearing camouflage clothing and combat boots and running into a townhouse just outside the park. He attempted to elude his pursuers by climbing through adjoining attics in the townhouse complex, but was apprehended without further incident. Marijuana, rock cocaine and paraphernalia were found in his vehicle. A criminal history check revealed that he had a prior conviction for felony burglary. [Connie Vogel-Brown, Acting CR, CHAT, 10/10]

Wednesday, March 18, 1998
98-105 - Chattahoochee River NRA (GA) - Search; MVA with Two Fatalities

Around noon on Saturday, March 14th, Fulton County authorities were notified that a vehicle had apparently gone off a gravel road and into the Chattahoochee River just upstream from the Island Ford unit of the park. Although the land and road were not in the park, the accident scene was within the 48 continuous miles of river that the park manages. At about the same time, the county received word that two local men - K.P., 22, and J.E., 23, both of Alpharetta - had failed to come home the previous evening, and that one of their vehicles had been discovered at a local sports bar. Rangers Stuart Delugach, Todd Roeder, Kim Kirk and Steve Reynolds searched the river for the vehicle and two men along with county fire and rescue personnel. The search was hampered and made more dangerous by extremely high, fast water. The search was suspended at dusk, but resumed on Sunday morning. The vehicle was found late that afternoon and removed from the river. Both men were found inside. The incident was managed under ICS, with Fulton County providing the incident commander. [Mark Lewis, Acting CR, CHAT, 3/16]

Tuesday, April 28, 1998
98-164 - Chattahoochee River NRA (GA) - Search; Probable Drowning

Atlanta area residents S.O. and C.H. launched S.O.'s two-person kayak at the Powers Island unit of the park around dusk on April 23rd. The kayak overturned in rapids a short distance downriver. S.O. was able to swim safely to shore, but C.H. disappeared. A multi-agency search involving divers and dog teams was begun and continued through April 26th, but without success. Search efforts were hampered by the river's cold, swift water. Neither S.O. nor C.H. was an experienced kayaker. Although there was a life jacket in the kayak, neither of them was wearing it. [Gil Goodrich, CR, CHAT, 4/27]

Wednesday, May 6, 1998
98-164 - Chattahoochee River NRA (GA) - Follow-up: Search for Drowning Victim

On May 3rd, a construction worker spotted a body in the Chattahoochee River below his work site on an I-75 bridge in Atlanta. Rangers recovered the body from dense debris with the assistance of local agencies. The county medical examiner confirmed that the victim was C.H., who had been missing since April 23rd, when his kayak overturned in swift water in the park. The body was recovered about two-and-a-half miles downriver from the scene of the accident. [Gil Goodrich, CR, CHAT, 5/5]

Friday, June 5, 1998
98-265 - Chattahoochee River NRA (GA) - Apparent Suicide

On the morning of June 3rd, D.M., 34, telephoned an Atlanta-area 911 operator from a pay phone near the Paces Mill Unit of the park and said that he was going to kill himself with a rifle "in the park." He then hung up the phone. Rangers and county officers immediately responded; they found D.M.'s body after a brief search of a wooded area. The apparent cause of death was a shotgun wound to the head. Based on evidence found at the scene and a preliminary investigation, the incident is being investigated by the park and county as an apparent suicide. [Gil Goodrich, CR, CHAT, 6/4]

Tuesday, August 10, 1999
99-440 - Chattahoochee River NRA (GA) - Rescue

On July 31st, C.R. was hiking a trail in the Sandy Point area of the West Palisades Unit when she fell to a ledge about five feet below, fracturing her ankle. Seasonal ranger Tom Byrnes was transported to the area by boat, then climbed 40 feet to C.R. through rough terrain and brush to provide medical aid. Rangers joined with Cobb County firefighters in a technical lowering evacuation and also ferried supplies and personnel to the accident scene. C.R. was lowered to the river, then taken by park boat to a waiting ambulance. [Kevin Tillman, PR, CHAT, 8/8]

Wednesday, January 5, 2000
99-767 - Chattachoochee River NRA (GA) - HazMat Spill

On the night of December 27th, a tanker truck carrying 5,000 gallons of hydrochloric acid, nitric acid and phosphate overturned on the I-285/75 entrance ramp, causing some chemicals to leak from the tanker into Rottonwood Creek, a tributary of the Chattahoochee. About 150 fish were killed, and the Paces Mill unit was closed for the day. State DNR biologists declared the river safe on the evening of the 28th, but Paces Mill remained closed for another day as a precaution. [Kevin Tillman, CHAT, 1/3]

Thursday, January 27, 2000
00-015 - Eastern Areas - Follow-up: Winter Storm Impacts

Several more reports have been received on the impacts of the ice storm and blizzard that swept through the South and East this week:

o Chattachoochee River NRA (GA) - The storm struck Georgia on January 22nd and left the park and surrounding area covered with ice. Park roads and 60 miles of trails were closed due to thousands of downed trees. The headquarters complex was without power for three days. Park crews started working on Sunday to clear roads and hook up generators. Some areas were still closed as of yesterday afternoon. Additional snow and ice are forecast for tomorrow.

Short summaries from other parks affected by this storm would be appreciated. [Mike Hill, Superintendent, PETE, 1/26; Jim Burnett, CR, COLO, 1/26; Scott Pfeninger, CR, CHAT, 1/26; John Burns, CR, ASIS, 1/26; Cynthia MacLeod, Superintendent, RICH, 1/26]

Wednesday, July 12, 2000
00-387 - Chattahoochee River NRA (GA) - Two Rescues

On June 30th, rangers received a report that a person had fallen from a cliff in the Vickery Creek unit, a climbing area within the park. Rangers Steve Reynolds and Brett Painter responded along with a local fire department. J.D. of Columbus, Georgia, had attempted to rappel off the cliff but had not secured his rappel line to an adequate anchor point and consequently fell 40 feet to the ground, sustaining serious head and facial injuries. He was evacuated via a technical raising system, then taken to a local hospital for treatment. On July 5th, five women fell from a cliff in the park's Whitewater unit around 4:30 a.m. The accident occurred when park dispatch was closed, so rangers weren't notified until 7 a.m. Ranger Connie Vogel-Brown determined that the women had been hiking in the park after dark and had become lost. All five fell about 30 feet into the Chattahoochee River; three sustained injuries, one serious. She was evacuated via a local fire department boat. [Kevin Tillman, Acting CR, CHAT, 7/11]

Wednesday, December 20, 2000
00-756 - Chattahoochee River NRA (GA) - Public Indecency Conviction

On May 17th, M.G. was arrested for public indecency in the park's Medlock Bridge Unit during an undercover operation. M.G. was the president and CEO of the Southeastern Legal Foundation, known for its involvement in lawsuits aimed at disbarring President Clinton for the Monika Lewinsky affair, barring homosexual men from being Boy Scout leaders, and opposing affirmative action practices by Atlanta's mayor. On December 14th, M.G. pled guilty to public indecency; he was sentenced to a year's probation, fined $1,000, and banned from all national parks for a year. M.G. has since resigned his position. Media interest in the case has been high. Ranger Bret Morris was the lead investigator. [Kevin Tillman, SPR, CHAT, 12/18]

Wednesday, December 20, 2000
00-760 - Chattahoochee River NRA (GA) - Suicide

The park was notified of a body in the Island Ford Unit of the park on the morning of December 12th. Rangers found the body of a 38-year-old woman hanging from a tree. Investigation revealed that she'd entered the park the previous day, parked her car, and walked a short way off the trail to the point where she was found. The victim had a history of domestic violence and attempted suicide. Ranger Keith Ray is conducting a joint investigation with Fulton County authorities. [Kevin Tillman, SPR, CHAT, 12/18]

Thursday, August 9, 2001
01-427 - Chattahoochee River NRA (GA) - Car Clout Arrests

There were 63 car clouts in the park during the period from March 26, 2000, to January 24, 2001. Investigators learned that several groups had targeted the park. Ranger Steve Reynolds developed leads from information provided by several witnesses and other police agencies in the metropolitan area that led to the indictment of six people. Reynolds also pursued leads that resulted in the indictment of four other people in Perry, Georgia. The incidence of car clouts in the park was significantly diminished through his efforts. (Kevin Tillman, SPR, CHAT, 8/9)

Thursday, August 9, 2001
01-428 - Chattahoochee River NRA (GA) - Drowning

G.B.G., 27, of Wexford, Pennsylvania, and three friends attempted to cross the Chattahoochee River without lifejackets on the afternoon of August 4th. G.B.G. began to have difficulty in the fifteen-foot channel near shore and disappeared below the surface. NPS rangers, Georgia Department of Natural Resource rangers, and Cobb County and Fulton County rescue units were notified and an immediate search was begun. The search had to be terminated, though, due to severe thunderstorms that had moved into the area. On August 6th, members of the Cobb County dive team located G.B.G.'s body near the point last seen. Media interest has been high. (Kevin Tillman, SPR, CHAT, 8/9)

Wednesday, December 12, 2001
01-637 - Chattahoochee River NRA (GA) - Arson

On December 5th, park dispatch was notified of a fire in the woods near the historic Allenbrook house. Ranger and Roswell FD firefighters responded and found that a contract crew working on the house had extinguished the blaze. Investigation revealed that a lone male had been seen near the house with a gas can. When spotted by the contractors, he went to an area near the house, poured out the gas, and started a fire in the brush just inside the tree line. [Kevin Tillman, SPR, CHAT, 12/11]

Wednesday, December 12, 2001
01-638 - Chattahoochee River NRA (GA) - Rescue

Ranger Keith Ray checked out and confirmed a report of a hiker who'd fallen in the Vickery Creek unit on December 9th. N.W. of Atlanta had fallen about 15 feet while walking across the top of a cliff, sustaining a concussion and fractures to her lower leg. Rangers and Roswell FD personnel were summoned to the scene. They transported her by wheeled litter to the trailhead, where she was transferred to an ambulance and taken to a local hospital. [Kevin Tillman, SPR, CHAT, 12/11]

Friday, June 20, 2003
Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area (GA)
Special Event: River Race

A kayak and open canoe race took place on June 7th between river miles 317 and 325. The event was sponsored by the NPS, city of Roswell, Chattahoochee Nature Center, Rivers Alive, and Chevron. The focus of the event was promotion of river use and public understanding of clean water in Atlanta. The event was handled under a unified incident command. There were no incidents.
[Submitted by Kevin Tillman, IC]

Monday, September 08, 2003
Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area (GA)
Arrest of Fugitive Wanted for Cruelty to Children

Ranger Steve Reynolds came upon an illegally-parked vehicle in the Sope Creek unit of the park on August 18th. Reynolds checked the registration and found that the vehicle belonged to Reverend A.A., Jr., who was wanted after being convicted of cruelty to children. A.A. is the pastor of the nearby House of Prayer, whose congregation believes in the public whipping of children, and was wanted by Fulton County for violation of his probation. Police had been seeking him since March of this year. Reynolds and ranger Dan Albus arrested A.A., then transported him to the North Fulton police station, where he was turned over to the Fulton County fugitive unit. The fugitive unit has been actively seeking A.A. for months. Media interest has been high.
[Submitted by Kevin Tillman, Supervisory Park Ranger]

Friday, January 02, 2004
Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area (GA)
Suicide in Sope Creek Unit

A 41-year-old man from Marietta, Georgia, committed suicide in the Sope Creek Unit early on the morning of December 2nd. An early morning jogger found his body and contacted Cobb County PD. Police then notified the park. Ranger Steve Reynolds found a note in the vehicle indicating that the man had been suffering from health problems. A .38 caliber Taurus pistol was found in the vehicle. Reynolds and Cobb County officers are investigating.
[Submitted by Kevin Tillman, Supervisory Park Ranger]

Thursday, February 19, 2004
Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area (GA)
Attempted Suicide

On February 10th, maintenance worker Jeff Carr was working in the Paces Mill unit of the park when he noticed a SUV parked next to a garbage can with a dryer hose connected from the exhaust pipe to the interior of the vehicle. Carr contacted the park dispatcher, who requested assistance from the Cobb County Fire Department. Upon arrival of the fire department, paramedics found the SUV's occupant alive but suffering from possible carbon monoxide poisoning. The victim was then transported to a local area hospital for further evaluation.
[Submitted by Kevin Tillman, Supervisory Park Ranger]

Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Eastern Areas
Update on Hurricane Recovery Operations

Here's today's roundup of post-hurricane reports:

Chattahoochee River NRA — The park sustained major storm damage from Hurricane Ivan, including 200 downed trees, five miles of washed out roads, raw sewage spills in two units, loss of 500 linear feet of split rail fencing, and flooding of several park buildings. The headquarters area was without power for 27 hours and it took 88 hours to restore phones and computer links. Park staff and volunteers worked throughout the weekend to open up many of the units. A SET team comprised of personnel from the Forest Service and Martin Luther King, Jr. NHS arrived on Sunday to help clear debris and silt. As of yesterday, half of the downed trees had been cleared from entrance roads and trails. The Paces, Vickery and Whitewater Units remain closed due to the raw sewage spills and a collapsed road. Facility manager Richard Lutz is IC for the incident.

Reports from Peter Givens, IO, Incident Management Team, GUIS; Nancy Poe, CHAT; John Stiner, CANA; Phil Noblitt, PIO, BLRI; Bill Halainen, IO, Incident Management Team, DEWA; Al Henry, Chief Ranger, UPDE.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area (GA)
Search in Progress for Body of Missing Fisherman

On morning of August 12th, Y.T.N., 45, of Duluth, Georgia, entered the Chattahoochee River from the Gwinnett County Jones Bridge wearing fisherman's waders. He was fishing near Jones Bridge around 8:20 a.m. when his waders filled with water and he was swept away by the current. Y.T.N.'s fishing companion watched him disappear underwater and called 911, initiating a multi-agency response. Park dispatch was notified and rangers responded with a vessel. A unified incident command was established with Gwinnett, Fulton, Forsyth and Dekalb Counties, the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, and the NPS. The river between Medlock Bridge and Holcomb Bridge was closed in order to protect the scene and provide for the safety of rescuers. A coordinated search of the river was begun that included county dive teams and K-9 units. The dogs alerted to a section of the river, but a search for Y.T.N. in that area was unsuccessful. The search continued over the weekend and was still underway on Monday, but no sign of Y.T.N. has yet been found. Ranger Victor Leyva is serving as the NPS IC and liaison with the Gwinnett County IC. [Submitted by Scott Pfeninger, Chief Ranger]

Thursday, January 26, 2006
Chattahoochee River NRA
Body of Suicide Victim Recovered from River

The body of an Atlanta man was found floating above the Morgan Falls Dam on the Chattahoochee River on the morning of Friday, January 20th. Park staff and Fulton County FD firefighters recovered the body. The victim was last seen on December 31st. He left a suicide letter for his family in which he said that he was going to jump from the Route 9 bridge into the river. A missing persons report was filed with the park by the family on January 8th. NPS and Georgia DNR rangers searched the river for the subsequent two weeks in an effort to find the victim. [Melissa Lanshe, Park Ranger]

Friday, June 29, 2007
Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area (GA)
Suicide Victim Found In River

Canoers found the body of a 45-year-old man from Roswell, Georgia, in the Chattahoochee River on the afternoon of June 21st. Investigating rangers and Roswell PD officers found the man face down with a gunshot wound to his body. A search of the riverbank led to the recovery of personal belongings and a revolver. The man had last been seen the previous day and had been reported missing. The initial finding was that the death was a suicide. A follow-up investigation is being conducted. [Submitted by Scott Pfeninger, Acting Superintendent]

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Atlanta Sites
Parks Escape Serious Damage From Weekend Tornado

The tornado that struck downtown Atlanta on Friday night with 130 mph winds, causing damage to buildings throughout the city, largely spared Martin Luther King, Jr. NHS and Chattahoochee River NRA. The latter had some fierce winds, hail and rain, but was not hit by the tornado. One tree was lost. The only damage found at the former was to a historic house two doors down from Dr. King's birth home. The house is vacant at present. [Clark Moore, Chief Ranger, MALU; Scot Pfeninger, Chief Ranger, CHAT]

Thursday, June 19, 2008
Chattahoochee River NRA
Man Drowns While Attempting To Swim Across River

Four men were enjoying the river in near 90 degree temperatures on the afternoon of Friday, June 13th, whey they attempted to swim across it just downstream from Jones Bridge. E.P.-F., 28, of Doraville, Georgia, struggled while swimming and went under the surface. His three companions were unable to reach him and called 911 for help. Rangers and local rescue squads responded with divers and found his body early that evening. The river at the time was flowing low, with a temperature around 61 degrees. The medical examiner ruled the cause of death as accidental drowning. [Scott Pfeninger, Chief Ranger]

Monday, July 21, 2008
Chattahoochee NRA
Thieves Break Into Park Fee Machines

Two of the park's electronic fee machines, both made by Miti Manufacturing, were broken into on the night of July 11th. It appears that the thieves pried the ATM-like doors open. They took $1,041 in cash and caused $9,078 in damage to the two machines. Fortunately, receipts had been collected from the machines the day before. The remaining three Miti machines were shut down and emptied of funds as a precaution. The park is looking into a variety of methods to improve security of the Miti machines prior to putting them back into service. [Scott Pfeninger, Chief Ranger]

Thursday, July 24, 2008
Chattahoochee River NRA
Illegal Filmmakers Cited For Weapons, Permit Violations

A park visitor spotted five men with assault rifles and pistols in the woods near a popular visitor area early on the afternoon of July 11th. The five men had a sixth man on his knees with hands handcuffed behind his back and were pointing two AK-47's at his head. They also had a video camera on a tripod nearby and were filming this apparent execution. Local police responded and detained the men, ages 18 to 24, at gunpoint. Ranger Jose Rochez also responded and helped officers collect evidence and conduct interviews. It turned out that the six were filming a movie without a permit, using several BB/pellet guns and two real AK-47s. The owner of those guns was arrested, while the others received violation notices for weapons and permit violations. [Scott Pfeninger, Chief Ranger]

Monday, March 16, 2009
Chattahoochee River NRA
Suicide Victim Found In Chattahoochee River

Local police and fire units responded to a 911 report from a fisherman regarding a body found in an infrequently visited section of the park on the afternoon of March 9th. They found the remains of a 54-year-old Georgia man near the banks of the Chattahoochee River. He'd last been seen on November 8th, but his family hadn't reported him missing. The medical examiner ruled the death a suicide. [Scot Pfeninger, Chief Ranger]

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Chattahoochee NRA
Park Begins Damage Assessments As Flood Waters Slowly Recede

The park continues to deal with the impacts of a major flood on the Chattahoochee River. Rain totals in the areas around the park have ranged from 13 to 20 inches since Monday, forcing the operators of Georgia Power's Morgan Falls dam to open a total of eight flood gates. As noted in yesterday's report, this caused the closure of numerous park areas in anticipation of flooding, including Don White, Johnson Ferry, Paces Mill, Whitewater Creek, Vickery Creek, Columns Drive, Interstate North Parkway, Powers Island, and Abbotts Bridge. Island Ford was closed when water began flowing over the Island Ford pond dam and parkway. Maximum river flow occurred at 11 p.m. Monday, with the river reaching 28.6 feet and flowing at 51,000 cubic feet per second (normal levels are 5 feet and 1,900 cfs). This was the second highest flow recorded since the river reached 29 feet in December of 1919. On Tuesday, rangers continued to post and enforce closures, since flood waters continued to inundate low lying areas of the park. Many local roads surrounding the park remain closed due to exceedingly high water covering roadways and bridges. All of these bridges will remain closed until inspections are completed to ensure they are structurally sound. Numerous sewer manholes located along the river have been overflowing for the past two days, dumping hundreds of thousands of gallons of raw sewage in to the park. Flood waters contaminated with raw sewage present an additional public health issue. A diesel fuel spill of unknown quantity may have also occurred when a sand and gravel company adjacent to the river flooded. A search is underway for a 32-year-old man who is missing and presumed drowned. He was attempting to reach his father, whose residence along the river was flooding. His vehicle was found outside of the park and he was last seen attempting to ford a swollen creek on Monday afternoon. Late last night, Georgia Power began closing flood gates at the dam, and are down to four open gates. They predict that the remaining four gates will be closed over the next two days, barring further rains. The river receded slowly yesterday and damage assessments were begun, but were limited because many areas remain covered by flood waters and debris. Damages include loss of a restroom facility, automatic fee pay stations, pavement, road and trail erosion, signs, picnic tables, split rail fences, a mud slide, and downed trees. Welfare checks were made during the day to ensure employees were safe. [Scott Pfeninger, Acting Superintendent}

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Chattahoochee River NRA
Flood Damage Assessments Underway, Many Closures Remain In Effect

The park continues to recover from this week's flood. The Chattahoochee River dropped below flood stage at 6 a.m. yesterday morning and was again fully within its banks by noon. By 9 p.m., it had dropped to its normal level of five feet. Current developments include the following:

The search underway for the missing and presumed drowned 32 year old male was called off when he was located at an evacuation shelter in good condition.

The two park dams were inspected and found to be safe, so Island Ford was reopened at 10 a.m.

Some local roads surrounding the park remain closed due to debris left by high water that covered roadways and bridges. Some of the bridges have been declared unsafe after inspections and will need to be replaced. These bridge closures increase the distance and time necessary to travel between park areas.

River waters contaminated with sewage continue to present a public health issue. Numerous sewer manholes located along the river have been overflowing for the past three days, dumping millions of gallons of raw sewage in to the park. A significant sewer junction located in a major tributary was found to be missing today, washed away by the flood waters. Sewage continues to pour into the tributary and river with no estimated repair date available. The water level is still too high and swift for repair crews to begin any work.

Some sewage treatment plants are still out of service due to flood damage and are dumping untreated sewage directly in to the river. A 25-mile-long segment of the river was posted closed to all use yesterday for public safety reasons after consultation with the US Public Health Service. This closure will likely remain in effect until all sewage can be contained and properly treated.

Damage assessments have begun, but are limited as many areas remain covered by contaminated debris and siltation up to two feet deep in places. Additional damages discovered yesterday included a second automatic fee pay station, boat ramp, gravel roadways washed out, and more downed trees.

A damage assessment team has been requested from the regional office to help speed the evaluation of damages and prepare work plans. A US Public Health Service officer and regional emergency services coordinator will review safe work and cleaning practices with the park staff on Friday morning. The park is assembling teams of employees to begin hiking all 50+ miles of park trails to document damages beginning Friday.

Ten park areas remain closed, with rangers continuing to enforce closures to ensure public safety. These areas will likely remain closed until next week to allow the sewage-contaminated debris to dry and become inert. One closed area was reopened illegally by unknown people and had to be re-secured this evening by rangers. [Scott Pfeninger, Acting Superintendent]

Friday, September 25, 2009
Chattahoochee River NRA
Update On Recovery From Severe Flood

Chattahoochee River waters contaminated with sewage continue to present a public health issue. Sewer manholes located along the river have been overflowing for the past four days with millions of gallons of untreated sewage released in to the park. Some sewage treatment plants are still out of service due to flood damage and are also dumping untreated sewage directly in to the river with no repair date known. Water samples taken by the USGS near Paces Mill indicate E. coli counts of 14,000 colonies per 100 ml. The EPA recommended threshold to prevent illness from water contact is 235 colonies per 100 ml. Anytime the count is above 235 the park and USGS provide public notice that the river as unhealthy for recreational use. The USGS will continue to monitor and assist the park with additional water quality testing. The park has expressed its concerns to EPA and requested any assistance they may be able to provide. Damage assessments are underway but are limited as many areas remain covered by contaminated debris and siltation. Several areas have a significant amount of debris and siltation that will need to be removed prior to allowing public access. Additional damage discovered today include a second restroom facility. Ten park areas and 25 miles of the river remain closed with rangers continuing to enforce closures to ensure public safety. [Scott Pfeninger, Acting Superintendent]

Monday, September 28, 2009
Chattahoochee River NRA
Flood Recovery Continues; Some Areas Reopen

Chattahoochee River waters contaminated with sewage continue to present a public health issue. Damage assessments continued last Friday, but were limited because many areas remain covered by contaminated debris and silt. Following three days of sunny weather, Abbotts Bridge and Don White areas were reopened on Friday; the Powers Island parking lot and pavilion were reopened yesterday. Seven park areas and 25 miles of the river remain closed, with rangers continuing to enforce closures to ensure public safety. [Scot Pfeninger, Acting Superintendent]

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Chattahoochee NRA
Flood Damage Assessments Continue; River Closure Lifted

A Southeast Region damage assessment team continued performing inspections of roads, bridges, and facilities yesterday, and park staff continued systematically checking the parks 50+ miles of trails and foot bridges to document damages. New damage found included eight more trail bridges and five culverts damaged or lost, four boardwalks damaged, and 30 more trees down blocking trails. Serious washouts of trails have also been found, including one 1200-foot section of trail that vanished from erosion. Two to twenty inches of slippery mud cover trails, bridges and roadways in the river corridor. Chattahoochee River water quality has improved to 756 colonies of E. coli per 100 ml. Although slightly above the EPA threshold, the 25 mile river closure was lifted on Tuesday afternoon. Columns Drive and a two mile fitness trail, one of the most visited areas of the park, were reopened yesterday after assessment teams completed their checks. Six park areas still remain closed, with rangers continuing to enforce closures to ensure public safety. [Scott Pfeninger, Chief Ranger]

Thursday, October 1, 2009
Chattahoochee NRA
Still More Flood Damage Discovered; Assistance Sought From SACC

A Southeast Region damage assessment team continued its inspections of facilities with park staff yesterday, systematically checking the parks 50+ miles of trails and foot bridges to document damages. New damages found on Wednesday include one more trail bridge damaged, four new trail sink holes, and 36 more trees down blocking trails. Serious washouts of trails have been found, including a 1000-foot section of fire road/trail. Two to twenty inches of slippery mud still cover trails, bridges and roadways in the river corridor. About 60% of the river was assessed from boats yesterday. River bank erosion is severe in one section, there are new sandbars, and a new large boulder is located in the navigation channel. A 50 gallon barrel was also discovered submerged in the river. The Johns Creek Fire Department hazmat team responded and removed it for testing. Additional river and tributary water samples were taken to monitor the E. coli levels. Soil samples were also taken of the silt and mud covering the Paces Mill parking lot and will be tested by the USGS for contaminates. The Johnson Ferry North pavilion and boat ramp were reopened today after assessment teams completed their checks. Sawyers, swampers, engine crews, a water tender, heavy equipment operators, front end loaders, and dump trucks were requested today from the Southern Area Coordination Center to remove the growing number of trees blocking trails and silt and mud obstructing boat ramps and parking lots. Five park areas remain closed, with rangers continuing to enforce closures to ensure public safety. [Soot Pfeninger, Chief Ranger]

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Chattahoochee NRA
Post-Flood Cleanup Operations And Repairs Continue

Fallers, swampers, heavy equipment operators, engine crews, and a safety officer were requested last week through the Southern Area Command Center to aid in flood debris cleanup. Eleven people subsequently arrived from Everglades NP, Shenandoah NP, Great Smoky Mountains NP, and Kennesaw Mountain NBP and began clean up this past Tuesday. During the course of the week, over 150 hazardous trees blocking roads and trails were cleared. Mud and silt covering roadways, bridges, boat ramps, and some trails were removed and hosed clean. Water monitoring samples show the river has cleaned itself, returning to pre-flood E. coli levels. Repairs will continue this week as the park works to restore gravel roadways and parking lots damaged by flood waters. The remaining three park areas still closed should be reopened by the end of the week. [Scot Pfeninger, Chief Ranger]

Monday, March 15, 2010
Chattahoochee River NRA
Two Drown In Separate Incidents On River

There were two drownings in four river-related incidents in the park the weekend before last, largely due to the first nice weather in months combined with high water levels on the river. On Saturday, March 6th, a fisherman was swept into some rapids just below the Jones Bridge area, which flipped him upside down in his float tube. The fisherman was unable to upright himself and was underwater for approximately five minutes. CPR was begun by a fellow fisherman, but was unsuccessful. The fisherman was wearing a life jacket. On Sunday, March 7th, two men were in a boat that struck a rock just below McGinnis Ferry. Both men were thrown from the boat and the boat capsized. A boater in the area witnessed the accident and was able to save one of the two men, but was unable to locate the other. Search efforts continued until he was found around noon the next day when a spotter in a Georgia State Patrol helicopter located the body about two miles downstream from the accident scene. Rangers then recovered it. Personnel from the Georgia Department of Natural Resources and from the Johns Creek, Forsyth County and Gwinnett County Fire Departments all played key roles during the entire SAR. Neither of the men were wearing life jackets. The other two incidents involved overturned canoes and a fisherman caught in the rising water by a scheduled release from Buford Dam; they resulted in only minor injuries. [Robyn Podany, Management Assistant]

Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Chattahoochee River NRA
Fisherman Drowns In Chattahoochee River

A visitor reported a body floating near the center of the river on the evening of Saturday, May 14th. Supervisory park ranger Will Overton and local EMS personnel responded and recovered the body of S.D.S., 51, of Gwinnett County, Georgia. S.D.S. had apparently been fishing in the river. Although other fishermen were nearby at the time, none saw him go under. An investigation is underway. This was the second drowning in less than a month in the Chattahoochee River. On April 13th, a 62-year-old man from Oregon died while kayaking the river with a friend. [Nancy Walther]

Monday, June 6, 2011
Chattahoochee River NRA
Young Girl Drowns In River, Two Others Rescued

Three young people - a nine-year-old girl, a twelve-year-old boy, and a 19-year-old girl - were reported missing on the north section of the Chattahoochee River early on Friday afternoon. They were all floating down the river in tubes of various types. The body of the youngest girl was subsequently recovered, and her two companions were found, both seriously injured and hypothermic. They were taken to an area hospital. Personnel responded from all area counties, the Georgia highway patrol and DNR, the Army Corps of Engineers, and several swiftwater rescue and dive teams. [Patty Wissinger, Superintendent]

Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Chattahoochee River NRA
Search Conducted For Man Suffering From Alzheimer's

A 72-year-old Georgia man who was reportedly suffering from dementia wandered away from his residence close to the park's boundary on the afternoon of May 24ths. City of Duluth police conducted a search that night without locating the man. The park communications center received a call for assistance early the following morning. Rangers Sean Perchalski and Paul Forward conducted a search of the river by boat along with a state patrol helicopter. The missing man was located within 15 minutes of launching. He was found alive, lying face up in about three inches of water on the river bank. He was extremely hypothermic and treated for exposure while being transported back to the boat ramp. Upon arrival he suffered a cardiac arrest on the bow of the boat. Paramedics immediately began CPR as they loaded him into the waiting ambulance, but the man was pronounced dead shortly after he arrived at the hospital. [Sean Perchalski, Supervisory Park Ranger]

Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Chattahoochee River NRA
Man Drowns In Attempt To Swim Across River

G.P., a 22-year-old Georgia man, drowned in the Chattahoochee River on the evening of Saturday, June 9th. G.P. was at a picnic with friends and family when he and two companions decided to swim across the river. G.P.'s companions made it across, but realized that he hadn't when they got to the far shore. They called 911 and a search was begun that went on until dark. It resumed the next morning, and G.P.'s body was soon found and recovered from 15 feet of water near the point last seen. G.P. was not a strong swimmer, and, according to friends, had not intended to enter the water that day. The incident occurred in the popular south end of the park in the Palisades Unit. The multi-agency search and recovery included the National Park Service, Cobb County Dive Team, Cobb Fire and Police, Sandy Springs Fire Department, and the Georgia Department of Natural Resources. [Scott Pfeninger, Chief Ranger]

Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Chattahoochee River NRA
Homicide Victim Found In River

On the morning of Wednesday, August 1st, two fishermen saw a bundled object floating in the Chattahoochee River near the Interstate 285 bridge. A short time later, they saw that the object had become hung up on a rock, waded out to get a closer look, discovered that it was a man's body, and called 911. Cobb County Police & Fire recovered the body. Investigators determined that the man - identified as R.M., 39, of Decatur - had been shot to death outside of the park. On August 4th, Cobb County fugitive investigators and U.S. marshals arrested R.M.'s housemate, 39-year-old H.K.M., and charged Martin with felony murder and aggravated assault. [Scott Pfeninger, Chief Ranger]

Thursday, May 9, 2013
Chattahoochee River NRA
Man Arrested For Breaking Into Park Cars

Ranger James Psillis apprehended a man who was breaking into vehicles at one of park's many units on April 20th. Rangers were conducting surveillance on a parking lot when they saw a person and vehicle matching the description of a suspect seen leaving the area of previous car clouts. He loitered in the area for approximately 30 minutes before leaving the area in his vehicle. About 20 minutes later, he returned, exited his vehicle, donned rubber gloves, and threw ceramic/porcelain shards known as ninja rocks at the windows of three vehicles, breaking the glass and stealing items from within. While he was trying unsuccessfully to enter a fourth vehicle (the window wouldn't break), a family emerged from the nearby trailhead and he ran back to his vehicle, concealing himself on the floor of the backseat. Backup rangers arrived on scene along with local police and they conducted a felony stop, arresting the man without incident. Several stolen items were recovered from his vehicle, including a pair of binoculars valued at over $1,000 with a serial number that matched binoculars stolen from a vehicle within the park back in October 2012. A US magistrate judge signed a criminal complaint against him last week for two felony charges, with several more charges pending. Rangers are currently working with four other agencies and are expected to clear around 60 other vehicle theft cases along with fraudulent use of credit cards due to this arrest. Since this apprehension, there has been a major decline in car clouts within both the park and local area. [Scott Pfeninger, Chief Ranger]

Friday, July 26, 2013
Chattahoochee River NRA
Rangers In Swiftwater Rescue Course Rescue Several Boaters

While participating in a 40-hour swiftwater rescue technician certification training course on the Chattahoochee River on Friday, July 12th, rangers Jay Kolodzinski and James Psillis, supervisory ranger Sean Perchalski, and members of two local fire departments performed four rescues involving seven visitors.

Due to heavy rains over the last several weeks, the training was conducted in extreme conditions with water flow rates of up to 10,000 cubic feet per second (cfs) on a river where normal flow rates hover around 1,200 cfs. Water temperatures around 50 degrees Fahrenheit also made hypothermia a risk.

On Friday, the fifth and final day of the training, course participants were scheduled to perform a search and rescue exercise. As the exercise got underway, they encountered several visitors whose canoes and kayaks had overturned and been swept away in the current. In cooperation with their classmates, the three Chattahoochee River NRA rangers rescued all seven visitors before regrouping to successfully complete a staged night exercise utilizing the incident command system and operational leadership.

A total of sixteen participants completed the swiftwater rescue training course, practicing rescue techniques and tactics on both the Chattahoochee River and the Amicalola River in north Georgia.

[Sean Perchalski, Supervisory Park Ranger]

Friday, August 9, 2013
Chattahoochee NRA
Search Underway For Missing Boater

On Tuesday August 6th, rangers and other personnel began a search for a missing boater in the Chattahoochee River.

Late that afternoon, rangers received a call for assistance in finding a man who'd been on the river with a party of 21 other boaters. The man was swimming between two rafts when he went underwater and failed to resurface.

Rangers and personnel from the National Park Service, the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, the cities of Atlanta, Roswell, Sandy Springs and Johns Creek, and Forsyth and Dawson Counties have been searching in less than ideal conditions. Heavy rainfall, thunderstorms and dense fog have plagued the search area for the last two days.

The search continues.

[Sean Perchalski]

Thursday, August 22, 2013
Chattahoochee NRA
Body Of Missing Boater Found And Recovered

A week-long search for a missing 32-year-old Atlanta man came to a conclusion on August 13th when his body was found in the Chattahoochee River.

The body was spotted by searchers in a Georgia Department of Natural Resources helicopter and was recovered from the river approximately 100 yards downstream from where he was last seen.

Rangers were assisted by police and fire personnel from a number of local agencies - the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Roswell, Sandy Springs, Forsyth County, Clayton County, Dawson County, Johns Creek, and the City of Atlanta.

[Sean Perchalski, Park Ranger]

Friday, July 18, 2014
Chattahoochee River NRA
Rangers Save Three From Drowning In River

Rangers Paul Forward and Chris Calkins and Supervisory Ranger Sean Perchalski were patrolling Diving Rock, one of the park's busiest areas, on the evening of July 6th when Forward spotted a man in the middle of the river who appeared to be in distress.

The man went under several times as two other visitors struggled to keep him afloat. He then began to pull both of them underwater.

Forward threw them a lifeguard rescue tube and a throw bag, but the people in the water couldn't reach them. Perchalski then threw a life vest and a second throw bag, which they were able to grab and use to stay afloat. The rangers then pulled all three to shore.

The 22-year-old man who'd originally gotten into trouble was checked out by EMS, but declined further treatment at a medical facility. The other two were extremely fatigued but otherwise okay.

This area has been the scene of several drownings in the past few years by people who've tried unsuccessfully to swim across the river. The most recent was on June 9th, when a 24-year-old man drowned while swimming across the river at the same exact location. The river is approximately 175 feet across at this point.

Earlier that day, rangers had discussed what they would do if this exact situation were to occur.

[Sean Perchalski, Park Ranger]

Thursday, November 13, 2014
Chattahoochee NRA
Improvised Explosive Device Found In Park

On November 4th, a park visitor found a backpack which was left unattended in the Vickery Creek Unit adjacent to a hiking trail. The visitor checked the backpack to identify an owner and noticed what appeared to a possible improvised explosive device.

Ranger Jay Kolodzinski and a Roswell PD officer looked for and found the backpack. An explosives disposal unit from Cobb County PD responded along with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Joint Terrorism Task Force special agents, and bomb technicians from the Atlanta Field Office. The Cobb County team rendered the suspected improvised explosive device safe.

Due to nightfall, the scene was secured overnight by Rangers Anthony Winegar and Mel Johnson from Kennesaw Mountain NBP. The FBI Evidence Recovery Team, Atlanta Field Office, and Sandy Springs Georgia, Police Crime Scene Unit processed the crime scene.

The FBI is the lead agency on the investigation.

[Greg Podany, Special Agent]

Wednesday, May 27, 2020
National Park System Coronavirus Response Update

News on national parks continues to focus mostly on the administration's response to the pandemic. Here's an assortment of stories from the last two weeks:

Return Of Visitors — A few stories have been posted in the media about the return of visitors over the Memorial Day weekend. Although a public health emergency is in effect in Georgia, WXIA/WATL in Atlanta reported that large crowds appeared along the Chattahoochee River, ignoring social distancing requirements; the park and local communities are working on a solution to the problem. The Rumsen-Fair Haven Patchsays that there were no issues with beach crowding or overcapacity at Sandy Hook in Gateway over the weekend. An article in The Guardian reports on the huge number of visitors arriving in Yellowstone over the holiday weekend, noting that neither visitors were disregarding social distancing and that masks were not generally seen.

September 18, 2022
Chattahoochee National Recreation Area
Rising car break-ins

The park has begun using license plate reading cameras to crack down on car break-ins. The park has had 63 reported cases of theft this year, compared to 13 in 2021 and 28 in 2020. NPS staff think the number may be higher because some do not report, while others report the incident to local authorities, especially if they don't notice that anything has been stolen. Four arrests related to car break-ins have already been made. Source: Sandy Springs Police

January 25, 2023
Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area
Storm damage

On January 9, the NPS closed the Whitewater Creek entrance road and parking lot for storm damage assessment and repairs. Source: Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area

February 8, 2023
Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area
Erosion closes road

As of February 1, the park has closed the Whitewater Creek entrance due to erosion of the road and parking lot from recent rainfall. It is unclear when it will reopen. Source: WSB-TV

May 10, 2023
Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area
Guilty plea to burglary

In August and September 2022, a string of car burglaries was reported in the recreation area. In each case, a passenger car door was pried open with a special tool, debit and credit cards were stolen, and the cards would be used a local mall almost immediately to purchase luxury goods, such as Apple products and jewelry. While on patrol in September 2022, a ranger observed an individual crouched down between two vehicles and tampering with a vehicle. The individual had a 12-year-old serving as a look-out. When the ranger searched the individual's car, they found receipts for jewelry and Apple products, as well as "burglary tools." On December 12, 2022, the individual pleaded guilty to possession of burglary tools and attempted car burglary. On April 28, the individual was sentenced to a year in prison, a year of supervised release, and $802 in restitution. Source: WSB-TV

May 24, 2023
Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area
Hiker fatality

On April 18, a 46-year-old was walking home from work with two dogs on Vickery Creek when they fell off a cliff. Based on the accident scene, it appears the individual got tangled up with their dogs while trying to bypass a section of trail with several trees down across it. The individual fell 15 to 20 feet, hit their head, and fell into the water. The individual was found deceased. The trail on Vickery Creek is an unauthorized walking trail and has now been closed after a meeting between the NPS, City of Roswell, and Georgia Government Fire and Rescue. The trail will be covered in natural debris to discourage unauthorized use. Source: WSB-TV

May 24, 2023
Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area
Follow-up on Previously Reported Incident

The park was able to conduct temporary repairs to reopen the Whitewater entrance of East Palisades after January storm damage forced them to close it. The park is discussing long-term repair options. They were also able to repair the step-down ramp at Powers Island, which will open Memorial Day. Source: Marietta Daily Journal

June 7, 2023
Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area
Business may close due to safety concerns

After 23 years of business, a watercraft rental business called "Shoot the Hooch" has been asked by the NPS to move from Powers Island to a part of the river 20 miles north of Duluth. The business owner said that the river is unsafe due to fallen trees and dam releases that have eroded the riverbank. The owner also said the NPS does not have enough people patrolling the water to keep visitors safe. The owner said they are not currently operating their rentals and may close if conditions stay the same. Source: Atlanta News First

July 5, 2023
Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area
E.coli contamination

On June 30, the park closed the river from Chattahoochee Nature Center to Johnson Ferry due to water quality test results that found E.coli levels at almost 300 times the recommended limits for recreation. These conditions are considered "consistent with an ongoing sewage spill" above Willeo Creek Park due to a malfunction at the Fulton County (GA) Big Creek wastewater treatment plant. The BacteriAlert program, a collaboration between the park, Chattahoochee Riverkeeper, and the U.S. Geological Survey, conducted the testing. On July 1, the closure was extended to Whitewater Creek. On July 3, the closure was extended to all sections of the park that are downstream of the Nature Center, for a total of 11 miles now closed. The cleanup effort is expected to take "days or even weeks." Source: Appen Media, Chattahooche River National Recreation Area (6/30, 7/3), The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

July 5, 2023
Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area
Wildfire caused by firework

On June 28, a brush fire was started by a "fountain-style" firework at Vickery Creek. Staff from the NPS, Roswell fire and police, and a helicopter from the Georgia Department of Natural Resources responded to the burn and were able to contain it at roughly one-third of an acre. Source: Atlanta News First

July 26, 2023
Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area
Follow-up on Previously Reported Incident

On July 10, the park reopened the section of river in the park, from Powers Island, downstream. On July 19, the park reopened the rest of the remaining closures. The area was closed due to E. coli contamination coming from the Big Creek Water Reclamation Facility (see 7/5/23 Coalition Report). The river has now tested at safe levels for recreation. Source: Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area (7/10, 7/19)

May 15, 2024
Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area
Follow-up on Previously Reported Incident

The Georgia Environmental Protection Division fined Fulton County $90,524 for 25 permit violations and the closing of Chattahoochee River NRA for 20 days in June 2023. The county's Big Creek sewage plant released "tens of millions of gallons" of partially treated sewage into the river system, resulting in dangerously high levels of E. coli bacteria in the waterway. The NPS is assessing damages to the park and "will seek compensation." Source: RoughDraft Atlanta