Tuesday, July 8, 1986
Wrangell-St. Elias - Boating Fatality
Boating accident -- probably drowning. No details. Jack Lake on the
Nebesna Rd. in Wrangells. J.D.M. (8/12/56) apparent drowning victim. No
body recovery at time of report. Search underway for body.
Tuesday, July 8, 1986
Virgin Islands - Accidental Death
The following information was called in to the Washington Office at
1350 hours on Monday, July 7, 1986 by Captain Donald Russell, Law
Enforcement Specialist Southeast Regional Office.
A five year old juvenile, K.D-S. was found dead in Park Housing
(Wentburg Residence 16) at Virgin Islands National Park at 0930 hrs. on
Monday July 7, 1986. The youth had sustained a fatal gun shot wound. As
of this time, the death is under investigation by the St. Thomas Police.
Detective Osmond Bryant has been assigned the case.
The death is currently being classified as accidental. The father,
J.D., a park employee had told authorities that the weapon, a .380
caliber automatic revolver, had been thrown in the bushes, however it
was later found in a drawer in the house. There were no powder burns
found on the child.
The above information was relayed to the Southeast Regional Office by
Superintendent Noel J. Pachta at 1356 hours today's date.
Friday, August 29, 1986
86-1 - Wrangell-St. Elias - Search
Location: Orange Hill, upper Nebesna River
The party listed below flew to Orange Hill in a Cessna 172 (#N64246)
to hunt on 8/26. The pilot, B.C., went in one direction and the other
two went in another direction. They planned to meet at the aircraft in
the late afternoon of the 26th. B.C. arrived, but the other two did not
show up. B.C. flew around the area, searching for them, but had no luck;
he then contacted the state police. R.M. and S. are lightly dressed and
not prepared for overnight stays. Ranger Jim Hannah contacted the Alaska
state police at 6:20 pm on the 27th to determine what has transpired to
date. Two rangers from the park will be joining the search along with a
SAR dog (if needed). Civil air patrol is conducting an aerial search;
state police and the park both have helicopters available. The park was
to join the air search on the 28th. The forecast is for overcast and
rainy weather with temperatures in the upper to mid-30's at night.
86-1A - Wrangell-St. Elias - Follow-up: Search
Location: Orange Hill
The two lost hunters were found in the park, healthy and
June 24, 1988
88-116 - Wrangell-St. Elias - Climbing Fatalities
Location: Mount Blackburn
Four Japanese climbers were in the process of descending from one climbing
camp to another on the 21st when a three-foot thick slab of ice broke loose
30 feet above them and caused an avalanche which swept 49-year-old S.O.
and 30-year-old T.M. down approximately 4,000' of vertical
rock bands, ice falls and hanging glaciers. Expedition leader Y.T.
was near the edge of the avalanche and was carried about 30'
downslope before he was belayed to a stop by S.Y., the fourth
climber. Y.T. was not injured. The two climbers tried to reach their
comrades, but were unable to descend further than about 500' due to
extremely hazardous conditions. They then descended to their base camp and
unsuccessfully attempted to obtain assistance with their portable CB radio.
The two were picked up by a scheduled air taxi the next day; the pilot
advised park rangers at Gulkana of the incident, and a search was organized
by rangers and Alaska state troopers. One body was seen at the terminus of
the slide at 7,300', but hazardous conditions and steep slopes prohibited a
landing. The troopers asked Parks Canada wardens from Kluane National Park
to respond with their climbing team and a helicopter equipped for long line
rescue. A recovery attempt was then made, but lowering clouds precluded
helicopter evacuation. Rangers and wardens are currently standing by
waiting for a break in the weather.
Although not mandatory, the climbers did not register or contact park
rangers before the climb. They carried CB radios, but neither the park nor
the state monitor CB frequencies.
June 24, 1988
88-117 - Wrangell-St. Elias - Search for Drowning Victim
Location: Canyon Falls
M.A., his son N., and 39-year-old G.M., all from
Wassilla, AK, were rafting down the Gulkana River on the 20th. While
running the rapids at Canyon Falls with M.A., G.M. fell off
the raft, went over a four-foot-high waterfall, and was last seen floating
down the river. M.A. managed to get the raft to the camp and searched the
bank on foot downstream from the falls. He found no sign of G.M..
M.A. and his son spent the night in their camp, then rafted to the
Sourdough pull-out and reported the incident to Alaska state troopers. At
about 8 pm on the 21st, an NPS helicopter with a contract pilot, state
trooper and M.A. aboard began a search of the river. G.M.'s body was
not found. Alaska state troopers are continuing the search.
Neither M.A. nor G.M. were wearing life jackets at the time of the
August 8, 1988
88-173 - Wrangell-St. Elias - Drownings
Location: Tana River
The Associated Press reports that three people fell from a raft and drowned
on the Tana River on the 6th while filming a television program with former
governor J.H. Four of the seven people who were riding in the 16-
foot-long raft were flipped out by the rapids in Tana River Canyon; one was
pulled back aboard, two were found unconscious and could not be revived, and
the body of the fourth was found early on Sunday. The survivors were
rescued later that day. J.H., who was governor of Alaska from 1974 to
1982, was not injured. He and the others were filming a segment for his
program, "J.H.'s Alaska".
Thursday, June 21, 1990
90-145 - Wrangell-St. Elias (Alaska) - Poaching Convictions
J.F., 26, and J.S., 35, both of Washington state, were
recently convicted in Federal court on two unrelated Call sheep poaching
cases. Park rangers caught the two hunters killing the sheep in the upper
Chitina River area in the fall of 1989. The apprehensions came about
through increased patrols and surveillance operations in areas of known
poaching pressure on trophy Dall sheep populations. J.F. pleaded
guilty to a misdemeanor Lacey Act violation, as well as violations of park
regulations. He was fined $5,000, lost his hunting privileges for two
years, and forfeited his rifle, spotting scope, sheep horns and cape.
J.F. claimed to be a local rural resident and therefore eligible to
subsistence hunt in the park, but investigation revealed that he did not
live in the area and was in fact illegally sport hunting in the park.
J.S. also pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor Lacey Act violation and
violation of park regulations. He was fined $1,000, lost his sport hunting
privileges for two years, and forfeited his hunting rifle, sheep horns and
cape. Alaska Fish and Wildlife officers intend to charge both J.F.
and J.S. with wanton waste violations under state law, since both men
failed to salvage meat from the animals. Under state sentencing policies,
they face a minimum fine of $2,500, seven days in jail, and loss up hunting
privileges for up to five years. (Telefaxed report from Jay Wells, CR,
WRST, to RAD/ARO and RAD/WASO, 6/20).
Friday, September 21, 1990
90-318 - Wrangell-St. Elias (Alaska) - Bear Mauling
On the evening of September 6th, B.B., 25, of Valdez, Alaska, was
seriously mauled by a brown bear while hunting in the preserve. B.B.
suffered numerous lacerations and puncture wounds to the head, hands, legs
and feet. B.B. and D.D., 27, had been bow hunting for brown
bears while two other members of their party hunted for moose. B.B. later
reported that he shot a young brown bear, then trailed the wounded animal
for 20 minutes in thick brush and watched it die. As he approached the
bear, two other bears were spotted, apparently the sow and another juvenile.
The sow charged Brown, who said that he was unable to fire the shotgun which
he carried for backup protection. D.D. confirmed that the bear attacked
B.B., and said that he was unable to fire his own shotgun for fear of
hitting his companion. When the bear was on top of B.B., D.D. said
that he attempted to shoot it, but that his gun jammed. Fearing for his own
safety, D.D. then fled from the area and never returned to assist B.B.
Meanwhile, the bear grabbed Brown by the head and hand, and then by the
feet. B.B. was eventually able to pull a .44 magnum from a shoulder
holster and killed the bear with four shots. Seriously injured, he then
walked approximately 100 yards to the McCarthy road and drove himself to the
village of Chitina, an hour and a half away. Locals summoned park rangers
and the local EMS service. B.B. was transported to a clinic in Glennallen,
then air-evacuated to a hospital in Anchorage for treatment. Rangers found
D.D. later that night and returned him to his hunting camp, where they
discovered that the two members of the party who were hunting moose had
failed to return. As a search was being organized late that night, the
moose hunters returned to camp. They had apparently been lost during most
of the day and evening. An investigation of the bear mauling is continuing.
There is some indication that the first bear killed with the bow may have
been taken illegally, as state law prohibits the taking of a cub bear or a
sow with cubs. Both carcasses were seized and the juvenile bear is being
aged by tooth sectioning and through an examination by state bear
biologists. Evidence also suggests that the two may have been hunting brown
bear illegally by using bait. (Telefax from Jay Wells, CR, WRST, 9/20).
Friday, September 21, 1990
90-319 - Wrangell-St. Elias (Alaska) - Theft
On the night of August 25th, a trophy Dall sheep head mount was stolen from
the park's visitor center in Copper Center. The ram had been illegally
killed in the park in 1986 by C.W., a well-known Alaskan big game
guide. The trophy mount had been seized from C.W.'s home in 1989 after
an investigation by park rangers and US Fish and Wildlife special agents.
Wirschem pled guilty to sport hunting in the park and to other unrelated
game violations which occurred in a refuge in Alaska. The mount had been
presented to the park for display in the visitor center. The ram's head,
which has 46-inch-long horns, was carefully removed during the break-in. No
other items were stolen. The theft is being jointly investigated by Alaska
State Troopers, the US Fish and Wildlife Service, and park rangers.
(Telefax from Jay Wells, CR, WRST, 9/20).
Thursday, October 11, 1990
90-360 Wrangell-St. Elias NP/P (Alaska) Fatality
On October 7, T.S., 74, a long time big game guide was found dead
near the confluence of the Nizina and Kennicott Rivers. T.S. reportedly
left his Spruce Point residence in an isolated portion of Wrangell-St. Elias
National Park/Preserve on an ATV (4 wheeler) on October 1. His intention
was to travel down the Nizina River approximately 16 miles and then travel
up the Kennicott River another 7 miles to the terminus of the McCarthy Road.
T.S. apparently intended to travel on gravel bars and to cross braided
river channels with his pontoon "float" equipped four wheeler. T.S.'s
body was found by a local resident, G.G., who was concerned that
T.S. had not arrived and began searching by airplane. The Alaska State
Troopers recovered the body, it is not clear whether T.S. died from
hypothermia, heart attack or another medical problem. (CompuServe by Jay
Wells, CR)
Tuesday, February 12, 1991
Wrangell-St. Elias (Alaska) - The park has been providing
assistance to Alaska state troopers and Alyeska, the Alaska
pipeline management company, in providing security along the
entire length of the TransAlaska Pipeline. The park has made
aircraft tie-downs, hanger space and aircraft fueling facilities
available on an emergency basis, and park staff have helped
troopers locate explosive storage sites associated with mining
operations within park/preserve boundaries. [CompuServe message
from Jay Wells, CR, WRST, 2/11]
Thursday, April 18, 1991
91-116 - Wrangell-St. Elias (Alaska) - Missing Aircraft/Overdue Climbers
A search for an overdue Cessna 185 operated by Gulkana Air
Service was begun on the afternoon of the 16th. The aircraft,
piloted by K.B., owner of the air service, was scheduled to
pick up Japanese climbers H.O. and I.M. on Mt.
Jarvis (13,421') on April 10th. The climbers have been on the
mountain since April 4th. K.B. had been scheduled to pick up
the climbers on Nabesna Glacier, but was unable to fly in
because of bad weather. K.B. is believed to have attempted a
landing on the glacier at the 9,000-foot elevation on the morning
of the 16th. Park and CAP pilots made unsuccessful attempts to
fly to the glacier that afternoon to locate the missing plane
and climbers. No ELT signals have been received by either
aircraft or by satellite. Searchers hoped to locate the missing
plane yesterday, weather permitting, and drop additional fuel
and food to the climbers, who now are a week overdue. The NPS
is cooperating with RCC (Elmendorf), CAP and Alaska state
troopers in search and rescue operations. [Jay Wells, CR, WRST,
via telefax from RAD/ARO, 4/17]
Friday, April 19, 1991
91-116 - Wrangell-St. Elias (Alaska) - Followup on Search
Continued poor weather through most of the 17th prevented park
and CAP pilots from flying to the probable landing site of the
missing Cessna piloted by K.B. of Gulkana Air Service.
Additional support was provided by a Blackhawk helicopter and a
C-130 from the 210th Air Rescue Squadron from Kullis Air National
Guard Base. At about 7:00 p.m., the weather cleared long enough
for a local CAP pilot to fly over the site, spot the aircraft,
and drop survival gear and an air-to-ground radio. The CAP pilot
reported that the plane, pilot and climbers were at the
9,000-foot level on the Nabesna Glacier and that all appeared to
be in good condition. The ANG Blackhawk with para-rescue
specialists on board flew to the site. Upon landing, they found
that the two climbers, H.O. and I.M., were okay,
but that K.B. had died of natural causes after landing on the
16th. The climbers reported that one of the plane's skis had
dropped into a crevice while the plane was taxiing, and that
K.B. had suffered a heart attack while attempting to free the
aircraft. The climbers performed CPR, but K.B. never responded.
[CompuServe message from Jay Wells, CR, WRST, 4/18; phone report
to Elmer Hurd, 4/18]
Wednesday, April 24, 1991
91-121 - Wrangell-St. Elias (Alaska) - Poaching Conviction
J.M.S., 37, of Palmer, Alaska, who was arrested in the
fall of 1989 for poaching in the park, has been found guilty of
wanton waste in a state jury trial held in Glenallen. J.M.S.
had been hunting Dall sheep; he had salvaged only the cape and
horns from the sheep and had left the meat behind. He was
sentenced to 90 days in jail (83 suspended), ordered to pay a
$5,000 fine ($2,500 suspended), and prohibited from hunting for
five years. J.M.S. pled guilty in 1990 to federal charges of
unlawfully taking and transporting wildlife in the same incident.
He was fined $1,000, barred from hunting for two years, and
ordered to forfeit his scoped hunting rifle and spotting scope.
J.M.S. has been an avid sheep hunter for the past 30 years and
is a licensed taxidermist. [CompuServe message from Jay
Wells/Jim Hannah, WRST, 4/22]
Wednesday, June 5, 1991
91-198 - Wrangell-St. Elias (Alaska) - Successful Search and Rescue
Pilot P.C. had transported a party of climbers from Mount
Logan to their staging area at Bear Island and was returning for
the remainder of the group on the morning of May 29th when the
engine of his C185 failed and he was forced to land on the
Baldwin Glacier. Late the next day, P.C.'s father advised the
park that his son was overdue. Available information indicated
that P.C. did not have adequate food, clothing or survival gear
for a stay on the glacier. Search efforts were begun on Friday,
but were impeded by poor visibility, rain and lowlying clouds.
No ELT signal was received until noon on Saturday. Search
efforts were expanded via RCC to include a C130 from Elmendorf
AFB, a state DNR helicopter and the NPS contract, high-altitude
Llama helicopter stationed at Denali. Around 2:00 p.m. on
Saturday, June 1st, the C130 was able to establish radio contact
with P.C. while flying at high altitude above the weather. The
state helicopter successfully located P.C. through a narrow
window in the weather two hours later and was able to extricate
him and transport him to his home on Bear Island. P.C.
suffered no injuries, and the C185 was not damaged. [Jim Hummel,
WRST, via telefax from Steve Holder, RAD/ARO, 6/4]
Tuesday, September 3, 1991
91-443 - Wrangell-St. Elias (Alaska) - Search and Rescue
On August 24th, S.J., 27, of Valdez, Alaska, became
separated from two companions while hunting for Dall sheep in
the park about 20 miles northwest of Chitina in the Elliot Creek
drainage. S.J.' companions, R.A. and K.F.,
both of Glennallen, Alaska, lost sight of him in
blowing snow and whiteout conditions. Although lost themselves,
R.A. and K.F. managed to climb down out of the
mountains, find their vehicle and report the incident early on
the morning of the 26th, some 30 hours later. Although low
cloud ceilings prevented an aerial search during the day,
rangers were able to fly in by helicopter that evening. Weather
conditions continued to bar overflights of the extremely rugged
terrain in the area on the 27th, so the ground search was
expanded. Late that afternoon, rangers were flying the
perimeter of the search area in the Kotsina River drainage when
they saw a distress signal and located S.J.. Despite three
days of very bad weather, a 15-foot vertical fall, a second fall
into a glacier-fed river and a close encounter with a sow grizzly
with two cubs, S.J. was in excellent condition. He was found
about ten miles from the point last scene. S.J. was carrying
basic survival gear but did not have a map and had no idea where
he was. Since S.J. is not eligible to subsistence hunt in
the park, an investigation of his activities is under way.
[CompuServe message from RAD/ARO, 8/30]
Thursday, September 5, 1991
91-454 - Wrangell-St. Elias (Alaska) - Fatality
W.B., 52, of Homer, Alaska, was hunting Dall sheep
in the park on August 24th when he began experiencing difficulty
in breathing. W.B., who was alone at the time, managed to
walk to the hunting camp where his companions were waiting,
arriving at about 10:00 p.m. His friends attempted to assist
him, but W.B. lapsed into unconsciousness and died at 3:30
a.m. It took W.B.'s companions two days to move the body
two miles to Sheep Lake. The park was notified on the 28th, but
was unable to fly to the lake because of extreme winds. A
contract helicopter transported a ranger and a state trooper to
the scene the following day to investigate the death and remove
the body. [CompuServe message from RAD/ARO, 9/3]
Wednesday, September 18, 1991
91-495 - Wrangell-St. Elias (Alaska) - Illegal Taking of Moose
Two cases of illegal moose kills were investigated by rangers
and regional staff last week. Suspects in both cases claimed
that the kills occurred in preserve land and not within park
boundaries. Rangers working from aircraft and the ground
located kill sites within the park and matched bone and hide
cuts with the animals taken by the hunters. The suspects were
again questioned, and this time confessed to killing the moose
within the park. Three others were also implicated in the
illegal taking. Some meat and four rifles were seized. Each
hunter will be charged $1,000 in fines for shooting and
possessing moose within the park. The three accomplices will be
charged with violations of other regulations, including filing
false information and operating ATV's without permits. [Jay
Wells, CR, WRST, via telefax from C. Stroble, RAD/ARO, 9/16]
Friday, September 27, 1991
91-517 - Wrangell-St. Elias (Alaska) - Commercial Fishing Violations
On September 16th, Alaska state troopers and rangers from the
Yakutat District apprehended four individuals who were engaged
in illegal commercial fishing within the preserve. Although
ANILCA allows the exercise of valid commercial fishing rights
and privileges, the suspects failed to follow state requirements
which dictate how and when commercial fishing may occur. The
team conducted a three-day-long stakeout on the Malaspina
Forelands, a remote area of the preserve. The four individuals
received several citations for violations of state commercial
fishing regulations which govern the methods and means of taking.
Approximately 1,500 pounds of fish, valued at about $1,000, were
confiscated. This is the tenth case of illegal commercial
fishing which has occurred in the Yakutat District of both
Wrangell-St. Elias and Glacier Bay this year. These cases have
been jointly investigated by troopers and rangers. [Rick
Mossman, DR, WRST/GLBA, and Jay Wells, CR, WRST, via telefax
from Carrie Stroble, RAD/ARO, 9/26]
Thursday, October 10, 1991
91-544 - Wrangell-St. Elias (Alaska) - Dall Sheep Poaching Conviction
Late in August, rangers Rick Lee and Peg Pattee investigated an incident
of suspected hunting near Beaver Lake and determined that T.K. of
Woodruff, Wisconsin, had illegally killed a Dall sheep in the national
preserve. Although non-resident hunters are required to obtain the
services of a licensed big game guide to hunt Dall sheep, T.K. told a
local air taxi operator that he was a resident, had the pilot fly him to
Beaver Lake, and hunted without a guide. Lee and Pattee worked on the
case with Alaska Fish and Wildlife officers and a ranger from St. Croix
River in Wisconsin. T.K. was subsequently charged with non-resident
hunting without a guide and with wanton waste because he did not recover
any of the sheep meat. T.K. recently pled guilty in a telephonic
hearing and was sentenced to a $5,000 fine ($2,500 suspended),
forfeiture of his rifle or a donation of $250 to Alaska's Wildlife
Safeguard program, forfeiture of the sheep cape and horns, and loss of
hunting privileges in Alaska for five years. [Jay Wells, CR, WRST, via
telefax from Carrie Stroble, RAD/ARO, 10/9]
Tuesday, May 12, 1992
92-185 - Wrangell-St. Elias (Alaska) - Aircraft Crash
Three people on their way to go bungee jumping from a 238-foot-high bridge
over the Kuskulana River were injured slightly when their Cessna 182 crashed
20 miles east of Chitina on the afternoon of May 9th. The pilot planned to
land on an airstrip, but it was too muddy so he landed on the road instead.
The right wing hit trees, destroying the aircraft. [cc:Mail message from
John Quinley, RAD/ARO, 5/11]
Friday, August 21, 1992
92-450 - Wrangell-St. Elias (Alaska) - Search in Progress
A search is currently in progress for a Beech Bonanza with two persons on
board which has been missing since Monday, August 17th. The plane was en
route from Gulkana to Northway when the pilot reported that he was between
11,000 and 12,000 feet and experiencing light icing. It's believed that the
aircraft went down in or near the park. The search, which covers an area
that includes the north and west flanks of Mt. Sanford and Mt. Drum, is
being jointly managed by Elmendorf RCC, CAP, the NPS and Alaska state
troopers. As many as 13 aircraft from Canada and the United States have
searched the area for the past three days, but have not yet found the downed
plane. The ash cloud from Mt. Spur moved into the search area on Tuesday
and hampered efforts. The problem is not one of visibility, but rather of
potential major damage to aircraft engines. An Alaska ANG Hercules C-130 is
currently mapping the ash cloud. Plans for air operations over the next few
days depend on the results of their mapping. [Jay Wells, CR, WRST, 8/20]
Wednesday, August 26, 1992
92-450 - Wrangell-St. Elias (Alaska) - Follow-up on Search in Progress
The search for the Beech Bonanza which disappeared over the park on August
17th continues. Early reports that the flight originated in Gulkana and was
en route to Northway have proven incorrect. The actual flight was from
Kenai to Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, and the radar videotape and voice tape
show that the aircraft was about 14 miles east of Gulkana when it
disappeared. As a result, the search has focused on an area about 225
square miles in size to the south and west of Capitol Mountain. The ash
cloud that hampered search efforts has lifted and is no longer a problem,
but moderate to severe turbulence in the area is hampering air operations.
As of yesterday, nine CAP aircraft, an ANG C-130 and the park's contract
helicopter were still searching the area. [Jay Wells, CR, WRST, 8/21 and
Friday, September 18, 1992
92-509 - Wrangell-St. Elias/ARO (Alaska) - Eruption of Mt. Spur
The eruption of Mt. Spur which occurred on the night of September 16th
spread an ash plume over Anchorage and Wrangell-St. Elias yesterday. The
latter was closed in the morning, and the regional office was in the process
of shutting down when word was last received at midday yesterday. [Jack
Morehead, RD/ARO, 9/17]
Monday, September 21, 1992
92-509 - Wrangell - St. Elias/ARO (Alaska) - Follow-up on Eruption
Wind kept most of the ash from Mt. Spur out of the city of Anchorage. The
regional office remained open, but computers were turned off and covered.
Thursday was a very dusty day until rain began falling late in the
afternoon. Power and telephone service to Wrangell - St. Elias headquarters
was restored on Friday morning, and the park reopened. [Jack Morehead,
RD/ARO, 9/18]
Monday, November 9, 1992
92-590 - Wrangell-St. Elias (Alaska) - Ranger Station Burned
At about 1:30 a.m. on November 6th, the park received a report of a fire in
the Nabesna Ranger Station, which is located in the northern part of the
park near the junction of the Tock Cutoff Glenn Highway and the Nabesna
Road. The ranger station was totally destroyed, but a nearby bunkhouse was
left undamaged. The cause of the fire is unknown at this time and is under
investigation by rangers and Alaska DPS officers. Rangers are also
remaining in the area to prevent disturbance of the scene. [Jay Wells, CR,
WRST, 11/6]
Monday, November 16, 1992
92-590 - Wrangell-St. Elias (Alaska) - Follow-up on Structural Fire
Arson has been determined to be a possible cause of the fire which burned
the Slana Ranger Station to the ground during the early morning hours of
November 6th. There have been four arson fires in the area since Wrangell-St.
Elias was established in 1978. An NPS-leased aircraft being used by the
task force sent to the park shortly after its creation was damaged by an
incendiary device, and a leased ranger station was destroyed by arson in
1980. Arsonists have also burned a BLM-owned structure and a timber bridge
on the Nabesna Road, which runs 42 miles into the park. A number of recent
incidents have provoked a great deal of animosity among local residents,
including NPS determination of subsistence resident zone community
boundaries, subsistence board closure of a subsistence caribou hunting
season within the park, and several criminal cases involving hunting
violations and grazing trespass. Park staff have identified several
suspects. The value of the facility and its contents has been placed at
approximately $200,000. [Jay Wells, CR, WRST, 11/13]
Friday, November 27, 1992
92-621 - Wrangell-St.Elias (Alaska) - Poaching Convictions
On November 25th, M.S. and R.P., both of Valdez,
Alaska, pled guilty in U.S. District Court to charges of possession of
unlawfully taken wildlife and conspiracy to violate the Lacey Act. Both men
agreed to a $7,500 fine (with $2,500 suspended), two years of probation, and
15 days of jail (suspended). The $10,000 fine will be placed in the
Wrangell Mountain Safeguard Program fund. Charges on a third person,
R.B., are still pending. The three men flew into the park last
January and killed two wolverines and wounded a wolf. While on aerial
patrol, ranger Jim Hannah had observed three Super Cub aircraft parked on a
snow-covered river bar; nearby were the dead animals and three men on
snowshoes. Because of the short landing area, Hannah was unable to land his
C-185, so he videotaped the scene from the air. The three aircraft then
departed, flying in different directions. One was followed and twice flew
into clouds in an attempt to escape. Because of the mountainous terrain and
dangerous flying conditions, Hannah terminated his pursuit. The other two
aircraft were located, and a radio conversation between the two pilots was
recorded which eventually lead to the charge of conspiracy to violate the
Lacey Act. A joint investigative effort was conducted by the NPS, Alaska
Fish and Wildlife Protection officers, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
agents. Evidence was analyzed by the state's scientific crime detection lab
and by Fish and Wildlife's forensics lab. Although violations of the
Airborne Hunting Act could not be proved, the defendants may be subject to
state charges and could face penalties which could include forfeiture of
their aircraft. [Jay Wells, CR, WRST, 11/25]
Wednesday, December 23, 1992
92-621 - Wrangell-St.Elias (Alaska) - Follow-up on Poaching Convictions
On November 25th, M.S., 43, and R.P., 45, pled guilty
to charges of conspiracy to violate the Lacey Act for hunting and killing a
wolf in the park. Each man agreed to pay a $5,000 fine and serve two years
probation. The money will be placed in a park fund used to assist in
wildlife education and enforcement. While on aerial patrol last January,
ranger Jim Hannah spotted three Super Cub aircraft parked on a snow-covered
bar on the Bremner River. Nearby were three dead animals and three men on
snowshoes. Because of the short landing area, Hannah was unable to land, so
he videotaped the scene from the air. The three aircraft then departed,
flying in different directions. One was followed and twice flew into clouds
in an attempt to escape. Because of the mountainous terrain and dangerous
flying conditions, Hannah ended his pursuit. The other two aircraft were
located and a radio conversation between the two pilots was recorded which
eventually lead to the charge of conspiracy to violate the Lacey Act.
Further investigation at the scene led to the discovery of a set of wolf
tracks sprinkled with what was later determined by a USFWS forensics lab to
be wolf blood. A rifle belonging to R.P. was also found at the scene. A
third man, R.B., is a suspect in the case and has been charged
with possession of unlawfully taken wildlife and conspiracy to violate the
Lacey Act. His trial is scheduled for January 4th. [John Quinley, PIO,
ARO, 12/17]
Thursday, March 11, 1993
93-109 - Wrangell-St. Elias (Alaska) - Commercial Use Conviction
On February 22nd, Alaska Wilderness Outfitting Company (AWOC) was convicted
on charges of operating commercially without a business license in the park.
A total of six witnesses from Georgia to Hawaii testified telephonically in
the case. AWOC and its president, P.M., have four prior convictions
for various commercial operation related violations in Forest Service and
BLM areas. The company was fined $3,000 and placed on two years' probation
last February for the most recent of those violations, which occurred on BLM
land. AWOC is a company that promotes fly-in guided fishing trips
throughout Alaska, and is suspected of virtually eliminating one steelhead
trout run within park waters through the large number of clients flown there
each season. Sentencing will follow the completion of a pre-sentencing
report and is scheduled for April 5th. [Jim Hannah, Acting CR, WRST, 3/9]
Monday, June 7, 1993
93-324 - Wrangell - St. Elias (Alaska) - Aircraft Accident
Just before noon on June 5th, an NPS Cessna 185 crashed while landing at the
Gulkana Airport. Neither the pilot, ranger J.H., nor his three
passengers - G.M. of Alaska DNR and park FIREPRO seasonals K/F/
and T.L. - was hurt. The plane's right wing struck the
ground and the aircraft did a ground loop. The Cessna suffered an estimated
$35,000 in damages. OAS has been advised and is investigating. [Steve
Holder, ARO, 6/5]
Thursday, July 1, 1993
93-425 - Wrangell-St. Elias (Alaska) - Search
A search was begun on June 28th for P.K. in the Skolai Pass and White
River area, an extremely remote section of the park. P.K., 28, was
reported to be three days overdue from an ambitious solo backpacking and
float trip. He was dropped off by an air taxi at Glacier Creek and planned
to hike the Chitistone Canyon, climb over Skolai Pass, cross the Russell
Glacier, then float down the White River in a small pack raft. The total
distance for his route was about 120 miles. He then intended to float to
the Alcan Highway in the Yukon. P.K. was last seen about 15 miles into his
trip on June 22nd, and was reported to have had sufficient food for only
five more days. He also reportedly lost his prescription glasses in a river
crossing. A hasty aerial search was conducted on the 28th by rangers
Hannah, Hummel and Wells in an NPS aircraft; the search was to be continued
on the 29th by the park aircraft and a FIREPRO helicopter. Sean McGuinness,
the Nabesna district ranger, is incident commander. [Jay Wells, CR, WRST,
Friday, July 9, 1993
93-425 - Wrangell-St. Elias (Alaska) - Follow-up on Search
The body of P.K., 28, of Alexandria, Virginia, was recovered from the
headwaters of the White River near the toe of Russell Glacier on Saturday,
July 3rd. P.K. apparently flipped his small raft shortly after putting in
and quickly encountered violent waves and hydraulics. It's believed that
his body was held underwater for at least six days, as the area where it was
found had been searched many times by dog teams, ground searchers and
aircraft, including a military Blackhawk helicopter equipped with infrared
radar. Resources were called in from many agencies, including the Alaska
Fire Service, Civil Air Patrol, Air Force, Royal Canadian Mounted Police,
and local air-taxi operators. The incident was managed under the ICS
system; district ranger Sean McGuinness was the incident commander. [C-C.
Stroble, RAD/ARO, 7/7]
Tuesday, August 3, 1993
93-555 - Wrangell-St. Elias (Alaska) - Downed Aircraft; Two Fatalities
Park personnel were notified of a missing airplane on the afternoon of July
31st. Investigation revealed that two commercial fishermen had left the
park the previous morning to fly to Yakutat for supplies and that they'd
last been seen by other fisherman leaving the East River at treetop level in
zero visibility weather. No flight plan had been filed. A search was begun
using private aircraft, commercial air taxis and Coast Guard aircraft.
Parts of an airplane were found floating in the ocean about five miles
offshore of the Alsek River around 7 p.m. The wreckage was identified as
the missing plane. Preliminary investigation indicates that the plane
probably went down due to extremely bad weather. [CRO, WRST, 7/30]
Monday, August 16, 1993
93-601 - Wrangell-St. Elias (Alaska) - Search in Progress
An aerial search is underway in and around the park for an aircraft with two
people aboard first reported overdue on August 1st. The search is being
coordinated by the Rescue Command Center (RCC) at Elmendorf AFB in
Anchorage. A command post and staging area have been established in the
park's Gulkana operations center. As of August 10th, the pilots of the ten
to 17 military, CAP and civilian aircraft committed to the search each day
since it began had flown 148 sorties covering 2,450 square miles and had
logged almost 500 person/hours in the effort. Separate ELT signals were
identified in the search area on August 8th and August 9th, but
investigation revealed that both signals were activated by Cessna Super Cubs
during hard landings. No damage or injuries were reported. The number of
aircraft accidents within the park and preserve increases dramatically prior
to and during the hunting season, as small aircraft attempt to use very
small airstrips or unimproved landing areas. [Jay Wells, CR, WRST, 8/14]
Friday, March 18, 1994
94-123 - Wrangell-St. Elias (Alaska) - Illegal Hunting Convictions
On September 21, 1993, rangers Jim Hummel and Rich Richotte contacted two
men, S.B. and K.C., who were packing moose meat from a
remote area of the park to a public use cabin where two ATV's were parked.
After the rangers learned that both were from Palmer, Alaska, and determined
the location and land status of the kill site, they charged the two men with
illegal taking of wildlife and operating an ATV on an established trail
without a permit and seized over 800 pounds of moose meat and a rifle.
Though Alaska residents, neither S.B. nor K.C. qualified to hunt in
the park under federal subsistence regulations. In November, K.C.
agreed to a plea arrangement whereby he would pay a $500 fine for the
illegally taken moose, pay a $100 fine for operating the ATV without a
permit, and forfeit the seized moose meat. Both fines were directed to the
park's resource restitution fund. In January, S.B. was tried in
magistrate's court over a two-day period; the trial included a telephonic
"appearance" by a cartographer and lands specialist from the regional
office. S.B. contested the government's jurisdiction on native
corporation selected lands and questioned whether the route he used was a
trail or road based on historical mining uses (CFR does not include a
definition for established roads). The magistrate later ruled in a 17-page
opinion that S.B. was guilty on both counts. He said that ANILCA provides
the NPS with authority and jurisdiction over selected lands, and the history
of park administration and use documented through park resource management
trail studies and field reports was adequate to describe the route as a
trail and not an established road. S.B. was sentenced on February 17th to
a year's probation, a $1000 fine for the illegal hunt, and a $100 fine for
the ATV violation. These fines were also directed to the park's resource
restitution fund. [Jay Wells, CR, WRST, 3/14]
Friday, April 1, 1994
94-143 - Wrangell-St. Elias (Alaska) - Aircraft Accident
Around 8 p.m. on March 26th, a pilot from Kodiak, Alaska, was forced by bad
weather and light conditions to make an emergency landing on a beach in the
park near Yakutat. During the landing roll, the left gear of his Aeronica
Champ collapsed, causing the propeller to strike and damage the left wing.
Neither the pilot nor his passenger was injured. The plane's ELT did not
activate on impact, and the pilot chose not to turn it on because he felt
there was no emergency. The pair remained in the plane, until high tide,
when waves started to hit the Aeronica. At that point, they both got out of
the plane, donned ocean survival suits, and manually activated an EPIRB
which was included with their marine survival equipment. They were rescued
five hours later by a Coast Guard helicopter. The airplane was removed by
helicopter the next day. [Jay Wells, CR, WRST, 3/31]
Thursday, December 8, 1994
94-663 - Wrangell-St. Elias (Alaska) - Hunting Violations
On November 23rd, a summons was issued to J.R.L., 30, of Valdez,
Alaska, for three game violations and two counts of Lacey Act violations
stemming from a hunting trip which took place in the preserve on September 6th
and 7th. Acting on a tip from an air taxi operator, rangers initiated an
investigation into possible illegal activities associated with the taking of a
Dall sheep and a moose within the preserve. Search warrants were obtained and
served last month on J.R.L.'s residence, the residence of Dr. A.E.,
J.R.L.'s hunting partner, and a local taxidermist shop. Investigators
learned that J.R.L. had failed to salvage meat from both animals. Wanton
waste statutes in Alaska require the salvage of all consumable meat, and
mandate that the meat be removed from the field before the horns or antlers.
The Lacey Act charges were also based on these violations. J.R.L. was
arraigned in federal district court on December 6th. [Jay Wells, CR, WRST,
Tuesday, January 24, 1995
94-663 - Wrangell-St. Elias (Alaska) - Follow-up on Hunting Violations
Following an investigation into the illegal taking of a Dall sheep and moose in
a hunt in the preserve section of Wrangell-St. Elias, rangers charged J.L.,
30, of Valdez, Alaska, with three state game violations and two
federal Lacey Act violations last November. On December 22, 1994, a plea
agreement was reached with J.L. in which he pled guilty to one count of an
Alaska statute prohibiting wanton waste, which requires the hunter to salvage
all of the edible meat. J.L. recovered less than half of the moose meat
and illegally transported the antlers out of the preserve. J.L. also pled
guilty to the Lacey Act violation. He agreed to pay a $6,000 fine, forfeited
his scoped hunting rifle, lost his hunting privileges for two years, and was
sentenced to two years of probation. No jail time was stipulated. All other
charges were dropped. J.L. is currently on two years probation for a
previous state assault conviction. As a result of his recent federal
conviction, he may face 90 days in jail for violating the terms of his
probation. [Jay Wells, CR, WRST, 1/4]
Friday, August 25, 1995
95-556 - Wrangell-St. Elias (Alaska) - Search and Rescue
On August 16th, a local air taxi operator reported that two hunters - B.B.
and R.C., both of Anchorage - were a day overdue for their
prearranged pick-up at an airstrip near the Barnard Glacier moraine, that he
had found one of them, and that the other was apparently missing. The pilot
had landed at the strip and heard three gunshots, which, as it turned out,
constituted an emergency signal from B.B.. The pilot flew the area and found
him on the moraine, apparently with a leg injury. R.C. was not in the area.
Since the pilot was unable to land near B.B., he instead returned and
notified the park. Ranger Donald Mike and criminal investigator Tim Saskowsky
flew to the glacier in a contract helicopter, located B.B., treated his leg
injury, and evacuated him to an airstrip on the Chitina River. B.B. said
that he'd last seen R.C. when they split up two days earlier to scout for an
easy route back across the glacier following an unsuccessful hunt for Dall
sheep in the park. R.C. was subsequently found by searchers in a helicopter.
He appeared to be lost and unable to either locate the original airstrip or
find his way to B.B.. Both hunters were returned to McCarthy via air taxi.
[Jay Wells, CR, WRST]
Thursday, June 20, 1996
96-289 - Wrangell-St. Elias (Alaska) - Search; Probable Climbing Fatality
On Wednesday, June 12th, five climbers from Guadalajara, Mexico, were pinned
down in a temporary site at the 10,400-foot level of Mount St. Elias, waiting
out a storm. L.V., 25, went outside the tent and was digging away
deep snow to prevent its collapse when their campsite was buried by a slab
avalanche. The four inside the tent were able to free themselves by digging
and cutting their way out of the tent. They located their shoes and a pack
with a radio, but could not find L.V. None of the climbers had
transmitter/receiver beacons. The storm continued for another day. On
Friday, they broadcast a message that was picked up by a Northwest Airlines
jetliner. Rescue efforts were begun by rangers, Alaska state troopers,
Kluane National Park (Canada) wardens, and the pilot who had originally flown
the group to the mountain. The four surviving climbers were rescued that
evening. An attempt was made to fly a team to the site to look for
L.V., but debris, high winds and hazardous conditions made it unsafe to
insert the team. Additional flights of the area are planned, but no recovery
efforts will be mounted until L.V. is sighted. No other climbers are
on the mountain at this time. [Tim Saskowsky, IC, WRST]
Friday, July 12, 1996
96-361 - Wrangell-St. Elias (Alaska) - Rescue
Seven kayakers from Massachusetts, ranging in age from 10 to 38, were rescued
uninjured by rangers on the morning of Thursday, July 11th, after spending a
cold night along the Chitina River. The kayakers had started their trip on
Wednesday evening near the face of Chitina Glacier. Within three miles, two
had capsized and the occupants and their gear were strung along the banks of
the river. Occupants of the third kayak kept it upright, but could not
return to help the others in the party. One member of the group carried a
personal locator beacon and activated it around midnight. The Air Force RCC
(rescue coordination center) picked up the signal and notified the park the
next morning. Rangers Jim Hannah and Tim Saskowsky flew out of Gulkana on a
contract helicopter at 4:30 a.m. and located the kayakers shortly thereafter.
By noon, all had been shuttled to a nearby airstrip, then flown out of the
park on Sunday. [John Quinley, PAO, AFDO]
Friday, September 13, 1996
96-525 - Wrangell-St.Elias (Alaska) - Search; Falling Fatality
On September 2nd, P.H. of Lancashire, England, contacted the park,
expressing concern that he had not heard from his son D.H., 31, since he'd
sent a postcard from Glenallen on August 3rd. The postcard was of Wrangell-
St.Elias, and the message indicated that his son had completed a solo
backcountry trip in the Nabesna District. Park staff, visitor center
registers, and voluntary backcountry trip itineraries were checked to
determine if P.H. had planned another trek into the Wrangells, but with
negative results. Investigator Tim Saskowsky was able to ascertain that
P.H. was still in Alaska through information gathered from British
police, airlines, INS, banks, and H.'s family, friends and employer.
Color photographs were obtained and transmitted via Internet. A probable
search area was arrived at through interviews, equipment lists, books, maps
and P.H.'s last credit card transaction, posted on August 7th, for a bus
ticket to the Dixie Pass section of the park. On September 6th, ranger Rich
Richotte and Slovakian VIP ranger Vlado Vancura found P.H.'s tent in
debris in Rock Creek near Dixie Pass. P.H.'s body was found at the
bottom of a ravine a half mile from the tent during a helicopter search of
the area. P.H. was killed when he fell about 300 feet while traversing a
scree slope. He was due to return to England on August 22nd to resume his
teaching career at a private boarding school in Shrewsbury, England. [Tim
Saskowsky, IC, WRST]
Thursday, September 19, 1996
96-540 - Wrangell-St. Elias (Alaska) - Airplane Crash; Fatalities
On the afternoon of Monday, September 16th, the park received a report that
two hunters from Valdez had failed to return from a sheep hunting trip into
the park. The two men - pilot P.M., 33, and passenger J.M.,
45 - had flown to the park in a Citabria Champ on September 12th and were due
back by the 15th. P.M.'s spouse was able to provide detailed information
on their itinerary. State troopers and the rescue coordination center (RCC)
in Anchorage were notified of the missing plane; the RCC advised that they'd
received three "first alert" ELT satellite signals from the area where the
men had flown, but added that they were unable to confirm the reports. Park
pilot Jim Hanna flew a hasty search in the park's C-185, but was unable to
find any sign of the Champ on any of the airfields noted on P.M.'s travel
plan. A full scale, multi-agency search was begun early the following
morning. Just before noon, the Air National Guard (ANG) C-130
communications/refueling ship flying as part of the mission picked up a faint
ELT signal coming from the cliffs above Hawkins Glacier. An ANG Blackhawk
helicopter confirmed that a crash had occurred around the 5,500 foot level,
but was unable to land near the site due to rugged terrain. The pilot was
able to put two crewmen on the ground, however, and they hiked to the site,
identified the plane, and confirmed that both men had been killed in the
crash. The bodies were subsequently flown out to the airport in Gulkana.
Specialized equipment in the C-130 and the Blackhawk's ability to fly in foul
weather brought what could have been a very long search to a quick
conclusion. [Tom Betts, DR, WRST]
Monday, June 2, 1997
97-227 - Wrangell-St. Elias NP&P (AK) - Bear Mauling
On May 20th, Kristen Bartecchi, a 26-year-old biologist with USGS's
Biological Resources Division, was bitten numerous times by a grizzly bear.
Bartecchi was conducting a bird study along the McCarthy road with her
partner, Dan Ruthrauff, when they encountered the bear. Ruthrauff first
encountered bear when he heard it woofing and popping its teeth; he never saw
the grizzly, but continued to hear and see it move through the bushes and
accordingly backed out to the road. He then honked the car horn, a pre-
arranged signal to meet at the car. Bartecchi encountered the bear about 15
minutes later. She was not armed, but had time to draw her bear mace as she
simultaneously talked to and backed away from the bear. The grizzly charged
from a distance of about 10 meters. Bartecchi sprayed the bear continuously
for several seconds, then twice more during the attack before losing the
spray. She received bite injuries to the left side of her head and the base
of her skull, then to her left shoulder, left arm and left hip as she tried
to get away from the bear. When she reached some alder trees, the bear broke
off the attack. Bartecchi then walked about a half mile to the road, where
she was met by Ruthrauff, who drove her to Chitina for emergency treatment.
She was then taken by ambulance to Glenallen. Her injuries are not life-
threatening. This is the first time a government employee has been injured
by a bear in the park, and only the second bear injury incident ever recorded
at Wrangell-St. Elias. [Tom Betts, WRST, 5/30]
Friday, September 4, 1998
98-565 - Wrangell-St. Elias NP&P (AK) - Search and Rescue
The Anchorage Air Rescue Coordination Center (RCC) received an ELT beacon
signal coming from the Jacksina Glacier area of the park at 7:30 a.m. on
August 17th. Due to severe winds and limited visibility, air search
operations could not be begun for 11 hours (one air taxi pilot had reported a
1,000-foot down draft earlier that morning). The ELT signals stopped at 6
p.m. An area search of the coordinates by an HC-130 flying above the cloud
layer picked up a renewed signal just before 10 p.m. On the afternoon of
August 18th, a contract Bell 206 helicopter with district ranger Marshal
Neeck aboard spotted a man in blowing snow near the toe of the glacier, which
is above 6,000 feet. The man, J.Q., who was in the area hunting
Dall sheep, had activated the ELT after his tent and equipment had blown off
the mountain, and had operated the ELT intermittently since that time. The
RCC has classified the rescue effort as one in which a life was saved, as
J.Q. was not scheduled for pickup by an air taxi operator until August
22nd. [Tim Saskowsky, CI, WRST, 9/1]
Friday, September 18, 1998
98-606 - Wrangell-St. Elias NP&P (AK) - Special Event
The park held a ground-breaking ceremony for a future visitor center and
office building on June 28th. Director Stanton and senator Frank Murkowski
were among the dignitaries attending the event. The new visitor center will
be built along the historic Valdez-Fairbanks Trail near Copper Center. About
70 people attended. [Jim Hannah, WRST, 7/15]
Tuesday, May 4, 1999
99-157 - Wrangell-St. Elias NP&P (AK) - Climber Killed by Avalanche
J.H., of Whistler, British Columbia, was pushed over a cliff by a
slab avalanche and suffered fatal injuries from a fall of between 1,500 to
2,000 feet. His body was recovered by two climbing companions and flown to
the Gulkana Airport. J.H., K.R. and G.A.T., all of
British Columbia, had been flown into the University Range on April 25th by
Ultima Thule Outfitters. Four days later, the climbers left their camp in
the early morning hours to attempt an unnamed peak. Winds were calm and the
temperature was five degrees Fahrenheit. They were climbing a slope of
between 20 and 30 degrees and were not roped. J.H. was about ten yards in
front of K.R. and G.A.T. when a snow slab slid away just beneath him. K.R.
and G.A.T. were able to cling to the ridge and stay out of the slow moving
release. The slab, which was about 100 feet wide and three feet deep,
gathered speed and carried J.H. over the edge and out of sight. K.R. and
G.A.T. climbed down the mountain for about two hours until they came upon
gloves, a hat, and an area of discolored snow. They probed the area and
uncovered J.H., who was under three feet of snow. J.H. sustained very
extensive head injuries. K.R. and G.A.T. contacted the Rescue Coordination
Center through an ELT signal; rangers and state troopers responded. [Hunter
Sharp, CR, WRST, 5/3]
Wednesday, June 7, 2000
00-256 - Wrangell-St. Elias NP&P (AK) - Climbing Fatality
On June 2nd, the park received a report of a climbing fatality that
had occurred two days previously on Mt. Bona. Guide D.P. and
two clients reached the summit of the 16,410-foot mountain on May
30th. They were descending on snowshoes on the 31st and were about 20
minutes from base camp when the accident occurred. D.P. had just
called for slack while probing a crevasse they had marked and crossed
on the ascent when it broke open under him. He fell about 75 feet and
was covered with snow and ice that collapsed in on top of him.
D.P.'s clients were unable to extricate him, so they anchored the
rope, left a note for the climbing party that was behind them, and
returned to camp. Guide B.L. found the note and anchors. He
crossed the crevasse safely at a point about 15 yards from where
D.P. went in. As he was belaying the next climber (a client)
across, the climber broke through and fell in but was extricated
uninjured. This climber said that he could see D.P.'s rope for
about 30 feet before it entered snow and ice but was unable to see
D.P.. B.L. contacted a pilot from another outfitter and advised
him that D.P.'s body was unrecoverable. On June 3rd, rangers Tom
Betts and Hunter Sharp, state troopers and members of Alaska Mountain
Rescue flew to the site. They determined that no efforts would be made
to extricate D.P.'s body due to the hazards to rescuers and the
large amount of ice and snow that would have to be removed. D.P.'s
wife, also a mountaineer, supported the decision. [Tom Betts, WRST,
Saturday, July 8, 2000
00-367 - Wrangell-St. Elias NP&P (AK) - Death Investigation
Alaska state troopers responded to a 911 call in the park around 3
a.m. on the morning of Monday, June 3rd. R.M., 52, died while
camping with his son and a friend on the Gilahina River along the
McCarthy Road. R.M. had been drinking heavily the previous evening
and had threatened to kill members of his party and another party
camped on private land across the road. He twice pulled a knife, but
was talked into returning to his camp for a couple of beers. After
awhile, R.M. again became belligerent, threatening to kill the other
three members of his group. When he went for a gun, they restrained
him with a choke hold, tied his hands, and placed him in the bushes to
sleep it off. They told troopers that they found him dead when
checking on him later that night. An autopsy has been ordered and the
investigation continues. The troopers have primary jurisdiction in the
investigation. [Tom Betts, WRST, 7/6]
Thursday, May 3, 2001
01-183 - Wrangell-St. Elias NP&P (AK) - Rescue Response; ELT Misuse
On April 30th, the Rescue Coordination Center (RCC) in Anchorage
notified the park of an ELT activation in the Chugach Mountains south
of the Chitina River. Ranger/pilots Jim Hannah and Tom Betts flew the
park's Cessna 185 to the area. En route, they contacted a local pilot
who told them that he'd flown a group of climbers to that location for
St. Elias Alpine Guides (SEAG). He said that they had a radio and
monitored the frequency that he uses. Hannah and Betts accordingly
made contact with the group by radio and were told by SEAG guide D.L.
that one of his clients - P.R. of Germany - had been
experiencing "anxiety" throughout the trip. He'd had a good day of
skiing the day before and seemed in good spirits, but asked to be
picked up early when he'd awakened that morning. The guides assured
him that they would contact their pilot the next time he flew over and
arrange a pick-up. P.R. seemed to accept this, then walked over to
his tent and activated an ELT (emergency locator transmitter) without
their knowledge. When the guides learned of this three hours later,
they deactivated the ELT. The rangers again contacted the pilot who's
ferried the group in and passed on the request for an early pick-up.
P.R. was taken out shortly thereafter. SEAG operates in the park
under an incidental business permit. Rangers and state troopers
cooperate on SAR events in the park and respond to three or four ELT
hits annually. More and more climbers and backpackers are traveling
with ELT's, PLB's (personal locator beacons), EPIRB's (emergency
position indicating radio beacons) and cell phones. Although there
have been accidental ELT calls due to hard landings by aircraft, this
is the first case of blatant misuse that has occurred in the park to
date. Climbers in Wrangell-St. Elias do not need to register, and the
pilots who fly them in generally handle evacuations. [Tom Betts, WRST,
Saturday, July 14, 2001
01-353 - Wrangell - St. Elias NP&P (AK) - Falling Fatality
On June 27th, German hiker H.H. missed his prearranged
backcountry pickup flight. State troopers, rangers and an Air National
Guard helicopter were committed to the search. Rangers found H.H.'s
body two days later. It appears from the position of the body that he
fell while scrambling on an unstable rock slope. His body was found in
a remote location at the 9,000-foot elevation. The incident commander
determined that the rock on the mountain would not hold anchors and
that it would not be safe to attempt to use a technical climbing team
to retrieve H.H.'s body. Troopers and rangers from both Wrangell - St.
Elias and Denali recovered the remains on July 11th by using a Llama
helicopter that had been chartered by Denali for mountain rescue. The
Llama is equipped with a remote control grappling device on a long
line below the helicopter that can be used to grasp an object. The
grappling device eliminates the need for a short-haul maneuver with a
live rescuer below the helicopter. [Hunter Sharp, CR, WRST, 7/12]
Saturday, July 14, 2001
01-354 - Wrangell - St. Elias NP&P (AK) - Falling Fatality
Rangers, assisted by an ANG Pavehawk helicopter, located the body of
34-year-old solo hiker T.Y. on July 2nd. T.Y. had been
missing since June 29th, when he failed to meet his backcountry pickup
flight. T.Y. was found at the 2,300-foot elevation on the west slope
of Dan Creek canyon, about 15 miles from McCarthy and within the park.
It appears that T.Y. was attempting to ascend the west side of the
canyon when he lost his footing and fell about 280 feet. His fall was
arrested by the alder brush covering the canyon floor and sides. His
body was recovered and turned over to state troopers. [Hunter Sharp,
CR, WRST, 7/12]
Monday, April 15, 2002
02-105 - Wrangell-St. Elias NP&P (AK) - Two Climbers Killed, Two More
On Thursday, April 4th, A.M., J.G., G.V.D., and
R.S. began an attempt to summit Mount St. Elias, then ski and
snowboard down the Tyndall Glacier. They were dropped off at Hayden Col on
April 5th by Paul Claus, owner of Ultima Thule Outfitters, and expedition
outfitter. On the 10th, Claus contacted deputy superintendent Hunter Sharp
by cell phone. He reported that he'd flown back to the area that morning to
check on the climbers' progress and had seen a message in the snow that
said 'two dead.' Claus spotted the two surviving climbers stranded around
the 14,500-foot level of the col. The NPS notified the Alaska rescue
coordination center, and they dispatched an HC-130 Hercules rescue tanker
and an HH-60 Pavehawk from the Air National Guard's 210th Mountain Air
Rescue group to the scene. They rescued J.G. and G.V.D. and flew
them to Providence Hospital in Anchorage. J.G. told rangers that he,
A.M. and R.S. had reached the summit of Mount St. Elias on the
afternoon of Tuesday, April 9th. G.V.D. was suffering from frostbite
on his hands, so had decided to remain at their camp at 14,500 feet. J.G.
started his descent first; A.M. and R.S. followed on skis. J.G. saw
A.M. fall about 4,000 feet and disappear. He then called out for R.S.,
but was unable to contact or find him. J.G. bivouacked at 16,000 feet
that night and continued to look for R.S. on Wednesday morning. After
seeing no sign of R.S., J.G. made the descent to the 14,500-foot camp
Wednesday morning to meet up with Van Dorsten and stamp out the message for
help. Claus was able to return to the scene of the accident during a break
in the weather on April 12th and spotted one body about 3,000 feet below
the summit of Mount St. Elias. He also saw gear and skis scattered along
the fall line. Claus reported the discovery to the NPS. Efforts to recover
the body are being considered, but it's not yet been determined whether
this will be possible. The area is heavily crevassed on an exposed and
extreme slope around 16,000 feet. [Jane Tranel, WRST, 4/12]
Tuesday, April 16, 2002
02-105 - Wrangell-St. Elias NP&P (AK) - Follow-up on Climbing Fatalities
On Saturday, April 13th, searchers located the bodies of A.M. and
R.S., the two men who died on Mount St. Elias on April 8th while
descending from the 18,000-foot summit. Pilot Paul Claus and surviving
climber J.G. flew to the site on the 13th and confirmed that the
body Claus had seen the previous day was A.M.'s. It appears that he fell
about 2,000 feet, ending up around the 16,000 foot level. J.G. and Claus
also found R.S.'s body, which was at the 17,200 foot level. R.S. fell
almost a thousand feet into a heavily crevassed area of the slope. A.M.
and R.S. were descending on skis when they fell; J.G. descended by
snowboard. Recovery of the two bodies is not currently possible due to the
extreme slope, terrain and altitude. [Jane Tranel, PIO, WRST, 4/15]
Tuesday, July 16, 2002
02-040 - Wrangell-St. Elias NP&P (AK) - Drowning
P.M., 28, of Bloomington, Minnesota, drowned while trying to cross
the Chitistone River on Thursday, July 11th. P.M. was hiking the
Chitistone Trail with two friends from Colorado. The three men had been
dropped off at Skolai Pass, then hiked east to Chitistone Pass and down to
the river. They linked arms and attempted to cross the river, but lost
their footing when one of them slipped. P.M.'s companions managed to
unclip their backpacks and make it across the river, but P.M. was swept
away with his pack still on. The hikers spent all day Friday searching for
P.M., but failed to find him. They continued looking from the air after
their scheduled pickup at 1 p.m. on Saturday. After they were dropped off
in McCarthy, the park launched a helicopter search. P.M.'s body was
spotted at 5 p.m. and recovered about an hour later. His partly submerged
body was in the river about a mile from the point where the accident
occurred. He evidently drowned after he became caught in some rocks. [Jane
Tranel, PIO, ARO, 7/15]
Monday, April 14, 2003
Wrangell - St Elias National Park & Preserve (AK)
Skier Killed By Avalanche On Verde Peak
On the afternoon of April 10th, P.C. of Ultima Thule Outfitters
contacted chief ranger Hunter Sharp by satellite phone and informed him
that one of his clients had been killed in an avalanche. The client was
later identified as Dr. R.L.P. III, 55, of Anchorage. Sharp
contacted Alaska state troopers, who have primary jurisdiction on
fatalities in the park, and informed them of the incident. Ranger/pilot
Tom Betts flew a trooper to Chitina airport, where he conducted
interviews with P.C., guide D.L., and R.L.P.'s skiing partner,
Dr. H.H. P.C. had landed the trio on the summit of Verde
peak to begin their descent. Both D.L. and H.H. said that the group
was staying high on the ridge, out of the danger zone, when they looked
back and saw R.L.P. ski down into the gully. R.L.P. stopped and was
performing a kick turn when the slope gave way about ten feet upslope.
R.L.P. lost his balance and fell head first upslope into the debris. A
second release immediately occurred above the first fracture and more
snow came down on top of him. The slide continued for approximately 1700
feet. R.L.P. was wearing a transciever and his body was located
approximately 25 minutes after the slide occurred. He suffered severe
head trauma and was lifeless when pulled out of the debris. Neither
D.L. nor H.H. was caught in the slide. P.C. first learned of the
fatality when he flew over the skiers to check on them at approximately
2:30 in the afternoon. After interviews were conducted, Betts and the
trooper flew to the site to obtain aerial photos. Due to the lateness of
the day, recovery efforts were put off until the next morning. At
approximately 9 a.m., the next morning, Betts met with P.C. and five of
his employees and a private helicopter owned and operated by a friend of
P.C. at a frozen lake below the accident site. P.C. and three of his
employees were flown to the summit of Verde peak. They reached R.L.P.'s
body by the same route that D.L. had taken the day before. Betts and
two others skied from the valley below up to the site. The body was
extricated and skied down to a point where the helicopter was able hook
on with a long line and sling the body down to the airplanes below.
Prior to leaving the site one of the rescuers led the group in a very
moving short memorial service. Media interest has been high as both of
the doctors are well known in the Anchorage community. [Submitted by
Tom Betts, Park Ranger]
Monday, May 17, 2004
Wrangell - St Elias National Park & Preserve (AK)
Search In Progress for Missing Climber
A search is underway for missing climber J.H. on 16,237-foot
Mount Sanford. J.H. was dropped off at Windy Ridge on the slopes of
Mount Sanford on May 4th by McMahan Guide and Flying Services. When
McMahan returned to pick him up on May 9th, J.H. had not returned.
Several intensive aerial searches were conducted, but all so far have
been fruitless. Alaska State Troopers, the Air National Guard
Rescue Coordination Center, the National Park Service, area climbers,
and McMahan Guide and Flying Service have been involved in the search.
On Friday, rangers and a guide service pilot employed two aircraft to
search from the toe of the Sheep Glacier down Boulder Creek and along
the Copper River. J.H. could have ended up in these areas if he got
off-route, as Windy Ridge can be hard to find in the fog. A helicopter
shuttled rangers to the mountain to search the climbing route,
especially in the icefall area, found at around 8,000 feet. The
helicopter also shuttled four climbers to the top of Ice Fall on the
Sheep Glacier. What appeared from the air to be a single set of ski
tracks between the toe of the Sheep Glacier and the 8,000-foot elevation
west of the glacier off the route was being investigated at the time of
the report. According to J.H.'s father, J.H. has aspired for years
to receive international mountain guiding credentials, which only about
20 people in the USA have obtained. His family said he loves to ski and
much prefers to live outside rather than inside. He has spent several
seasons mountain guiding and backcountry ski guiding in Argentina and
France. J.H. grew up in Boise, Idaho, where he graduated from high
school in 1994. J.H. also served as assistant coach at Bogas Basin Ski
Area in Boise, Idaho, for two, and spent another two seasons as
assistant coach for the Alyeska Junior Ski Racing Program. [Submitted
by Smitty Parratt, Information Officer]
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
Wrangell - St Elias National Park & Preserve (AK)
Search for Missing Climber Suspended
On Tuesday, May 4th, J.H. hired an air taxi to drop him off
at Windy Ridge for a climb of 16,237 foot Mt. Sanford, located in the
northern portion of the park. When pilot H.M. returned to pick
him up at the appointed time on Sunday, May 9th, J.H. was nowhere to
be found. H.M. searched the immediate area on the ground and made
aerial searches for several days. On May 12th, H.M. notified the
park. An immediate investigation was begun by air and ground. Over the
ensuing days, Alaska State Troopers, National Park Service, the Rescue
Coordination Center of the Air National Guard, volunteer mountain rescue
teams, and volunteer climbers joined in the search effort. A state
trooper served as co-incident commander with park ranger/SAR coordinator
Pete Dalton. Ranger/pilot Rich Richotte served as air and ground
operations coordinator. While NPS pilots flew the climbing route and
possible exit routes, J.H.'s car was located and inventoried. The
Rescue Coordination Center was notified and a Pavehawk helicopter and
C-130 aircraft flew in on Wednesday evening. The H. family had
planned a reunion in Salt Lake City on May 12th. When J.H.
did not arrive, J.H.'s father, D.H., and brother, also Do.H., flew to
Anchorage, arriving at the search incident command post in Gulkana that
evening. On Thursday, May 13th, aircraft flew numerous search patters
along the Mt. Sanford climbing route and possible off-routes and escape
routes. Meanwhile, the Pavehawk helicopter, equipped with
forward-looking infrared, flew the climbing route to the summit. The
crew found some evidence of previous climbing parties, none of them
linked to J.H. More helicopters were ordered. On Friday, May 14th, an
NPS aircraft made numerous passes over possible escape routes from the
mountain toward the Copper River and along Boulder Creek. J.H.'s
father was also flown over the climbing route. A contract helicopter
flew low-level searches along the snow and ice portions of the route and
off-route possibilities, and Denali NP's contract high-elevation rescue
helicopter shuttled a team of four climbers from that park to a point
above the icefall on Sheep Glacier. Team members then descended through
the icefall. They found that they could not safely approach many of the
crevasses for visual inspection, though, so were extracted. On Saturday,
May 15th, search dog teams from the Mountain Rescue Unit in Anchorage
were flown to Windy Ridge airstrip, where J.H. had been dropped off to
begin his climb. The teams made a visual search of the area while
the dogs sniffed for human scent. Tracks leading downhill from Windy
Ridge were found, but soon faded. The four-person climbing team from
Denali, supplemented by two accomplished local climbers, found a base
camp that J.H. had made during his summit attempt, probably on May
4th. J.H. had used a snow shelter built by a climbing party several
weeks previous to his effort. He'd left most of his camping gear in the
snow shelter and headed up the mountain in a presumed fast, light,
one-day summit attempt. He carried an ice axe, crampons, 40 meters
of rope, shovel, and some other gear. J.H. did not return, and
in the ensuing days the shelter collapsed, making it undetectable from
the air. Sunday, May 16th, was the last day of intensive searching
for J.H., as it had been 12 days since he'd last been seen.
Winds rose and a cloud cap moved in over Mt. Sanford as the climbing
parties were extracted by helicopter from the Sheep Glacier. Two
helicopters and an aircraft flew the climbing route above J.H.'s base
camp, but without finding any trace of him. Other resources were
released, and J.H.'s father and brother flew home. Rangers plan to fly
higher portions of the climbing route during future patrols, checking
the area as snow conditions change. [Submitted by Smitty
Parratt, Information Officer]
Monday, September 13, 2004
Wrangell - St Elias National Park & Preserve (AK)
Four Overdue Kayakers Rescued from Park
On August 18th, Alaska State Troopers (AST) notified the park that
four kayakers were overdue from a trip on the Nizina and Chitina Rivers.
The search was managed under a dual command with AST. Chitina area
ranger/pilot Rich Richotte was the NPS IC. Richotte and maintenance
chief/pilot Will Tipton were on a flight in the area in the park's C-185
and conducted the initial investigation. They found the overdue party's
vehicle at the Chitina airport. Ranger/pilot Tom Betts was on a separate
flight in the area in the park's Aviat Husky. Betts then flew the search
with the Husky while Richotte and Tipton returned to manage the
incident. Betts spotted N.M. and G.C. waving yellow dry
bags on the bank of the Nizina River. Finding only two people at the
scene when there should have been four, Betts landed to determine what
had happened to the others. He learned that Oleg Abramov and Stanislav
Levitsky had begun hiking to McCarthy that morning. The landing area was
improved to make it long enough to get out with passengers on board.
Betts flew N.M. to McCarthy; while returning to get G.C., Betts
made several passes along the high banks of the river and eventually
spotted Abramov and Levitsky. An AST helicopter landed in a nearby
meadow and picked them up. Kennecott district ranger Marshall Neeck
conducted medical assessments on all four and found them to be in good
health. Interviews with the men revealed what had happened. The four had
been flown to the head of the Nizina River on August 10th. They hiked in
the area for two days, then began floating the rivers in inflatable,
two-person kayaks. One of the boats swamped within the first couple of
miles and they lost their dry bags, which contained a SAT phone, GPS,
and most of their food. They'd been afoot for five days, hiked
approximately 12 to 15 miles, and were "eating berries" at the time of
their rescue. All four had been well advised of river conditions
and area hazards by the air-taxi operator who flew them
in. [Submitted by Tom Betts, Acting Chief Ranger]
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Wrangell - St Elias National Park & Preserve (AK)
Rescue from Root Glacier
Shortly after noon on August 28th, H.P. of Barrington, Illinois,
slipped while hiking on the Root Glacier and sustained injuries to her
hip and wrist. Kennecott District DR Marshall Neeck and district
interpreter Megan Brokaw responded. H.P. was immobilized with a
full-body vacuum splint on a litter and treated for minor hypothermia.
Neeck organized a volunteer group of local guides and residents of
McCarthy to help carry her out. Due to the location of the accident, the
Air Force Rescue Coordination Center was advised. They sent a Pavehawk
helicopter and a C-130 support aircraft from the 210th Air Rescue
Squadron. The best landing zone for the helicopter was on the glacier,
so H.P. was carried back onto the ice for the evacuation. She was flown
to Alaska Regional Hospital for treatment at 6 p.m. Due to the remote
location, this was a relatively quick evacuation. The cooperative effort
among local guides, residents and NPS staff was outstanding and resulted
in a smoothly run incident. Neeck was IC. Alaska State Troopers retain
jurisdiction over SAR's in the park, but routinely defer to park staff
to handle remote emergencies. [Submitted by Tom Betts, Acting Chief
Monday, October 04, 2004
Wrangell - St Elias National Park & Preserve (AK)
Hypothermic Hiker and Partner Rescued
On Thursday September 16th, Kennecott District DR Marshall Neeck
received a report of overdue hikers from G.G., a local air taxi
operator. On the previous Monday, G.G. had flown R.B., 29, and
D.E., 27, to a remote airstrip high on the Chitistone River. They
planned to hike across the plateau to the Nizina River drainage, where
he would pick them up at another remote strip on Wednesday.
The area was hit by a strong storm that dumped up to two feet of snow
on the plateau on Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday, G.G. flew to the
pickup point, but found no sign of R.B. and D.E. Low clouds and
continuing storms impeded his efforts to find them by air. He tried
again on Thursday, but had no luck so returned to McCarthy and reported
the pair overdue.
Neeck flew out to the area with another air taxi operator and soon
located the couple, who were on route and heading toward their
destination. Since they seemed to be moving along okay and gave no
indications of any problems, rangers decided to monitor their progress,
then pick them up at the airport.
Chitina Area ranger/pilot Rich Richotte flew over the couple later in
the afternoon. He noted that they hadn't made much progress and were now
waving frantically at the aircraft. Due to the deteriorating weather,
their location, and his knowledge of the route, Richotte recommended
immediate evacuation by helicopter. Within 90 minutes, an Astar
helicopter from Valdez with Neeck on board arrived on scene.
Neeck found that R.B. was hypothermic due to a fall she had taken
into a creek. All of her clothes were wet and her sleeping bag was
completely soaked. Neeck treated her for hypothermia, then evacuated the
couple to McCarthy. Neither was prepared for the winter weather. They
were out of food and fuel and were unable to start a fire due to the
heavy rain and snow. Temperatures were in the 20s and the weather was
deteriorating. If R.B. had stayed out another night, she would likely
have become severely hypothermic.
Tom Betts was incident commander for the search, which was managed
together with Alaska state troopers.[Submitted by Tom Betts, Acting
Chief Ranger/Pilot]
Friday, October 7, 2005
Wrangell-St. Elias NP&P
Arrest of Inholder on Multiple Felony Charges
On September 22nd, a grand jury in Palmer, Alaska,
indicted a 64-year-old McCarthy resident on 30 felony counts, including
ten counts of sexual assault in the first degree, one count of
kidnapping, eight counts of incest, eight counts of coercion, and one
count each of assault in the first, second and third degree. The man is
also a landowner within the park and the plaintiff in a
highly-publicized, access-related case that is still pending before the
U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. The charges filed against him are the
result of an investigation conducted by the Alaska Bureau of
Investigation into allegations of illegal acts which occurred over the
past eight years. The investigation was begun following information
received by troopers over Labor Day weekend. The man fled the area,
leading to a major manhunt for him throughout the state. On October 5th,
an Alaska Railroad special agent caught him near Anchorage and arrested
him without incident. For more information, go to
HYPERLINK http://www.adn.com/news/alaska/story/7053155p-6957171c.html
[John Quinley, Public Affairs Officer, Alaska Regional Office)
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Wrangell-St. Elias NP&P
Climber Dies in Crevasse Fall on Mount Bona
A 56-year-old California man died on the afternoon of Monday, May 17th, after
a fall into a crevasse near Mount Bona, about 40 miles east of McCarthy. The man
was on a guided mountaineering trip with two guides and a second client. The
party was traversing the Klutlan Glacier at about the 9,700 foot elevation on
snowshoes and was roped together at the time of the accident. The victim was
leading, followed by a guide. According to accounts provided by the latter, the
man fell through a snow bridge at about 3 p.m. and caught himself at his
armpits. While the guide was taking out the slack in the line, he broke through
and fell about 20 feet farther down the crevasse. The crevasse had not been seen
by the climbers, and ran toward the guide, causing a pendulum effect when the
victim broke through. The guide anchored the man, then began trying to contact
him, but received no response. The guides called the Alaska National Guard
Rescue Coordination Center by satellite phone shortly after the fall. The
National Park Service was then notified by RCC. The air taxi pilot who had
brought the group in was called by NPS. At about 4:15 p.m. Monday afternoon, he
returned to the glacier, landed and assisted the group with the recovery. The
pilot was accompanied by a doctor who was staying at Ultima Thule Lodge. After
the victim was brought out of the crevasse, CPR was attempted until the doctor
pronounced him dead. Based on the information provided by the guide, the state
coroner determined the cause of death as "positional asphyxia" [John Quinley,
Public Affairs Specialist, ARO]
Monday, October 16, 2006
Wrangell-St. Elias NP&P
Flood Damages Parts Of Kennecott NHL
Heavy rains have caused National Creek to flood, seriously damaging portions
of Kennecott Mill Town. Flooding damaged the supports to the bridge into the
town, leading to its closure. Repair work will most likely not take place until
next spring. The low-water crossing next to the trestle bridge was also
destroyed by flood waters. The assay building, hospital and bunk houses within
the national historic landmark were also damaged. The assay building has lost
its north and rear walls, and the creek channel now runs against on of the
remaining walls. There's gravel and debris within the hospital and bunk houses,
but they remain standing. The Lakina River also flooded the McCarthy Road near
mile 44. A park inholder home has been washed into the middle of the river but
remains standing. None of the family members were injured. Park staff are
working with family members and other agencies to salvage personal belongings
that remain in the house. Alaska DOT has closed McCarthy Road to traffic until
repairs can be completed. [Smitty Parratt, Public Information Officer]
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Wrangell-St. Elias NP&P
Former Inholder Pleads No Contest To Incest Charge
On Tuesday, December 26th, a self-styled religious patriarch and former park
inholder known as "Papa Pilgrim" pleaded no contest to felony charges including
incest. R.H., 65, was accused of molesting one of his 15 children over a
seven-year span, including a period when his family lived in seclusion within
the park. The Pilgrims, as they once called themselves, gained notoriety for
their feud with the National Park Service over access to the family's remote
homestead within the 13.2 million-acre park. In Tuesday's hearing, R.H. pleaded
no contest to consolidated counts of first-degree sexual assault, incest and
coercion. According to an assistant district attorney, R.H. told the state
superior court judge that he never sexually assaulted anyone but decided to
plead "for the good of his family." R.H. had been scheduled for a January 16th
trial on 30 felony counts involving one of his daughters. The incest and two
other counts were consolidated and charges of kidnapping and assault were
dropped in a deal R.H. made in exchange for a state-approved sentence of 14
years. [Rachel D'Oro, Associated Press]
Monday, June 18, 2007
Wrangell-St. Elias NP&P
Missing Hiker Found And Rescued
On the evening of Thursday, June 13th, staff were notified
that R.P., 25, of McCarthy, Alaska, was overdue from a day hike in the
Kennecott area of the park. R.P. had left a note at a friend's residence
saying that she was hiking up to the Erie Mine site, that she was
starting her trip at 10 a.m., and that she would return later that
evening. Friends advised that R.P. had just moved to the area this
spring and that she was not that familiar with either the area or the
route to the Erie Mine. A search and rescue team began looking for R.P.
early on the morning of June 14th. Five ground teams, consisting of a
total of 15 park employees and mountaineering guides, were organized and
began looking for her. Two aircraft were also brought in. An NPS trail
crew member reported that he'd seen a woman matching R.P.'s description
hiking on the Root Glacier trail near the Jumbo Creek Bridge the
previous afternoon. Based on this information, search efforts were
redirected to the trails leading to and across the Root Glacier and to
the Erie Mine site. Mountaineering guide P.H. spotted R.P. waving
her jacket at the NPS search aircraft as it passed below her location.
R.P. was approximately 700 feet above the Erie Mine Bunkhouse at the
5,000 foot elevation. Team members attempted to approach her location
but found the terrain to be too hazardous to climb due to the condition
of the rock and the steepness of the approach. They determined that R.P.
would have to be short-hauled from her location. Food, water and a
message were dropped to her from the park aircraft, the latter telling
her to stay put and that a helicopter was en route to her location.
Denali's high altitude Lama helicopter was requested and dispatched to
the scene. Crew chief Dave Kreutzer performed the short haul using a 100
foot line. R.P. was lifted from the mountain and flown to the toe of the
Root Glacier, where she got into the Lama and was flown to the McCarthy
Airport. R.P. reported that she'd attempted to find better footing while
traversing the mine site. While in the process of doing so, she had
climbed up onto a steeper section of the rock where she did not believe
it was safe to either continue up the rock face or climb down the ascent
route she had taken. She'd become stranded the evening before and
decided to wait for help. [Pete Dalton, Incident Commander]
Friday, September 21, 2007
Wrangell-St. Elias NP&P
Search Underway For Missing Hiker
Hiker P.S., 68, of Wisconsin, was dropped off at
Skolai Pass on September 12th by Wrangell Mountain Air, based in
McCarthy. P.S. failed to return to the air strip when weather permitted
a pickup on September 17th, a day later than planned. A ground and
aerial search for P.S. began at that time, involving both aircraft and
a helicopter. Although P.S.'s tent, food, and other equipment were
found nearby, there has been no sign of the missing hiker. An incident
command team was mobilizing yesterday afternoon to manage an expanded
search. [Smitty Parratt]
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Wrangell-St. Elias NP&P
Update: Search For Missing Hiker Suspended
The week-long search for 68-year-old P.S. of Lake
Nebagamon, Wisconsin, has been suspended as winter descends on the
park's high country. The difficult decision to remove ground search
teams from the field was made by the superintendent, incident commander
and state troopers on Sunday afternoon. It has been three days since any
new clues as to P.S.'s location have been discovered. A camp chair
found a short distance from his camp soon after the search began was
positively identified as belonging to P.S., but footprints found on
September 20th could not be confirmed as being his. "We never stop
looking for a missing person," said superintendent Meg Jensen. "The
search for P.S. covered all high probability areas repeatedly
until the likelihood of finding him alive was very small. Blowing and
drifting snow and continued snowfall at the search site caused
increasing hazard for the search teams . For these reasons, on the
afternoon of September 23rd a decision was made, with input from the
family, to suspend the search mission." P.S. is believed to have
walked away from his campsite on September 13th. Since he was reported
missing on September 17th, searchers have checked approximately 6,700
acres of rugged, glaciated terrain in the Skolai Pass area. At times,
low visibility due to fog and snowfall hampered search efforts. An
Alaska State Troopers helicopter assisted in the search for four days,
but was released on Sunday to address critical needs elsewhere in the
state. A spotter for helicopter operations was provided by the Alaska
Mountain Rescue Association. The great size and ruggedness of
Wrangell-St. Elias attract backpackers, hikers and campers seeking
wilderness adventure. The park urges visitors who enter the wilderness
to be prepared for any eventuality. Wilderness travelers should have a
plan and let someone know where they are going and when they expect to
return. Always travel with appropriate survival equipment and supplies.
Hiking with a partner greatly increases the margin of safety. [Shauna
Austin, Smitty Parratt]
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Wrangell-St. Elias NP&P
Three Sentenced For Poaching Moose In Park
Three men pled guilty and were sentenced for possession of
unlawfully taken moose in federal district court in Anchorage on
December 15th. The case began in October 2007 when the NPS received an
anonymous tip that three men had sport-hunted in the park and had killed
two bull moose. Investigators learned that the three hunters met in
Yakutat to go moose hunting and hired a local air taxi pilot to fly them
to one of two locations. The first was Icy Bay, which is outside and
west of Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve; the second
location was about half way to Icy Bay, which is within the national
park. The men obtained their hunting permits, but were unable to get
maps of their hunting area. They did not contact the NPS prior to the
hunt regarding hunt locations. As they flew towards Icy Bay, the winds
"got squirrely" and they observed several moose on the ground and
decided to hunt there. They did not know the moose were inside the
national park, which is closed to sport hunting. Wrangell-St. Elias
National Preserve, where it would have been legal for them to hunt moose
during that time, was one and two miles from each of the kill sites on
the other side of a prominent stream. The three hunters, one from
Washington state and two from the Anchorage area, were each sentenced to
pay a $500 to $1,000 fine and $1,000 in restitution to Wrangell-St.
Elias National Park for wildlife protection and ordered to forfeit the
meat and antlers. Those involved in solving the crime were special
agents from Alaska and Olympic National Park along with park rangers
from Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Glacier Bay National Park.
[John Quinley, Public Affairs Officer]
Monday, March 15, 2010
Wrangell-St. Elias NP&P
Two Sentenced Following Illegal Hunting Convictions
An investigation into the illegal hunting of three Dall
sheep in the park last summer came to a conclusion this past winter with
the sentencing of two men. The investigation by Alaska Wildlife troopers
and NPS rangers began last August 14th after three Dall sheep were taken
illegally near Cabin Creek. Investigation at the kill site revealed that
two men - identified as K.T., 30, a hunter from Wasilla, and
J.N., 36, a guide formerly residing in Anchorage - had taken
three sub-legal Dall sheep and had only partially salvaged two of the
rams, with the rest of their remains buried and left to waste on the
mountain and the third ram concealed by rocks and moss. On August 16th,
troopers in Glenallen, Palmer, Wasilla and Anchorage, joined by NPS
special investigators, served search warrants on the two men. The meat,
cape and horns of a Dall sheep were recovered at K.T.'s residence;
additional evidence was seized at J.N.'s home. Investigators also
found and seized the meat, cape and horn of a sub-legal sheep at a local
taxidermist. K.T. pled guilty to the charge of attempted tampering
with physical evidence; he was sentenced to 30 days in jail (25
suspended), ordered to pay $5,000 ($3,000 suspended) and $1,100 in
restitution, required to forfeit the sheep meat, and placed on probation
for three years. J.N. pled guilty to the charges of aiding or
committing wanton waste; he was sentenced to 30 days in jail (23
suspended), ordered to pay $20,000 ($10,000 suspended) and $2,200 in
restitution, required to forfeit the sheep meat, cape and horns and all
hunting equipment used in the hunt (including guns), and was placed on
probation through January 26, 2015. His right to obtain a hunting
license in Alaska has also been revoked for five years. [Michael J
Thompson, Nabesna District Ranger]
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Wrangell-St. Elias NP&P
Rangers Respond To Multiple Same-Week Incidents
The week of June 12th was a busy one for park staff, with two
searches, a downed aircraft and a close encounter with a grizzly
On Monday, June 13th, the park received a call from the Alaska Rescue
Coordination Center reporting a request for help received via a
HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SPOT_Satellite_GPS_Messenger"
SPOT device. Rangers responded via aircraft and found the group on Ophir
Creek on the north side of the park. Using a radio drop bag,
communications were established and rangers learned that a group
backpacking between Horsfeld and Baultoff had become exhausted while
hiking in deep snow. Arrangements were made for them to be picked up via
air taxi operator. No injuries or illnesses were reported.
On Wednesday, June 15th, rangers received a report of a
downed aircraft on the Tana River, a remote tributary of the Chitina
River that drains north from the Chugach Mountains. Rangers flew to the
location and discovered a Piper Super Cub on its back on an island in
the middle of the river. Further investigation revealed that there'd
been no injuries and that the pilot had been picked up by another
aircraft in the area and flown out. The pilot of the downed plane had
attempted an off-airport landing on the short gravel bar but overturned
the airplane in high winds. Due to the potential loss of the aircraft to
high water, a special use permit was expedited for removal of the
airplane by helicopter.
On Thursday, June 16th, rangers were notified of a bear
spray deployment by two other rangers on backcountry patrol in the
Chitistone region of the park. Evan Olson and Nate Porter were forced to
use bear spray to deter a charging mother grizzly bear after two spring
cubs wandered too close to the retreating rangers. The charge was
repulsed within just a few feet of the rangers.
On Friday, June 17th, Alaska State Troopers reported that
a group of Swiss mountaineers had requested rescue from the 13,000 foot
elevation of Mount Sanford. Rangers flew to the scene and located three
climbers out of a group of four, lost and bogged down in four feet of
fresh snow. The whereabouts of the fourth member of the team was
unknown. Assistance from Denali mountaineering rangers was requested and
they arrived on scene in a Eurocopter A-Star B3 helicopter. All four
climbers were located and short-hauled to a location on the mountain
where they could be safely evacuated. The unlawfully-guided group became
separated and lost in a snowstorm after the guide fell into a crevasse
and lost his skis. The three spent a night out in a snow cave and a
fourth returned to camp prior to their request for assistance. All four
climbers and their gear were reunited at Gulkana Airport within 12 hours
of their initial call for help. No illness or injuries were
reported. [Michael J. Thompson, Nabesna District Ranger]
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Wrangell-St. Elias NP&P
Snowmobiler Buried In Human-Triggered Avalanche
On the afternoon of Sunday, March 11th, a recreational
snowmobiler was buried in an avalanche above Kennecott within the park.
The avalanche was triggered by another snowmobiler who drove his machine
up a gully to an open basin at 5,500 feet, causing a three- to four-foot
thick slab of snow to break loose.
The snowmobiler who was buried was about 300 vertical feet
below the lead rider when the avalanche was triggered. He turned and
tried to outrun the avalanche, but was quickly knocked off his machine.
He traveled over half a mile and 1,500 vertical feet inside the snow
before the avalanche stopped. He was wearing an avalanche beacon, helmet
and other protective gear, though, and had taken avalanche safety
training and knew to try and "swim" towards the surface if caught by an
avalanche. He was also able to keep part of a hand above the snow as the
avalanche stopped. Others at the scene found him with the aid of beacons
and then spotted his glove. The rescuers were able to dig him out in
approximately four minutes. The victim was unconscious and not
breathing; CPR was immediately begun and he began breathing on his own
after the tenth rescue breath. He exhibited respiratory distress, a
decreased level of consciousness and mild hypothermia, but, amazingly,
no physical trauma. His snowmobile was totally destroyed.
The park was notified of the incident shortly after it
occurred. The snowmobiler was transported to an NPS facility at the
McCarthy airport, where rangers Luke Hodgson and Stephens Harper
performed a patient assessment, administered oxygen and treated for
hypothermia. A National Guard helicopter was on standby to provide air
evacuation if needed, but was called off once the man's condition was
determined to be stable and not life threatening. He was rewarmed and
released from NPS care that evening. Hodgson and Harper met with the
friends and family involved in the incident the following day and
learned what had occurred. Thirty plus people who were either directly
or indirectly involved spent over two hours reviewing avalanche safety
material and made a concerted effort to learn from the mistakes that
were made that lead to the incident.
Major factors leading to the accident included travel on
an avalanche prone slope without testing snow-pack conditions,
travelling in an avalanche chute, and riding directly above another
rider in avalanche terrain. Many other factors contributed as well. It
should be noted that the group did a good job of search and rescue
utilizing their tools and education. The patient was literally seconds
away from being a fatality.
[Stephens Harper, Kennecott District Ranger]
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Wrangell-St. Elias NP&P
Rafter Dies In Tana River
The Rescue Coordination Center at Joint Base
Elmendorf-Richards contacted NPS dispatch just after 7 a.m. last Sunday
morning with a report of a missing rafter along the Tana River, a large
glacial tributary of the Chitina River within the park.
According to the reporting party, R.K., a resident
of Mat-Su Borough in Alaska, had been thrown out of his HYPERLINK
"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Packraft" pack
raft and was last seen by his rafting partner around 1 pm,
Saturday afternoon.
Aerial and ground search efforts were carried out by park
personnel in cooperation with the Alaska Air National Guard, pilots from
Ultima Thule Lodge, and locally-hired ground searchers. The overall
effort included three airplanes, two helicopters, eight ground
searchers, and a National Park Service incident command team.
R.K.'s body was located around 4 p.m. by the crew of the
Alaska Air National Guard helicopter. It was two-and-a-half miles
downstream from the location where he had last been seen. The body was
taken to a hospital in Anchorage.
The Tana River is extremely cold, swift and known for
large water and difficult rapids.
[Peter Christian]
Monday, June 8, 2015
Wrangell-St. Elias NP&P
Pilot Killed In Airstrip Accident
Ranger were notified of a fatality at the
Peavine Bar airstrip, about 15 miles east of McCarthy, late on the
morning of June 4th.
C.B., 62, of Wasilla, Alaska,
was struck and killed by his plane's rotating propeller. He was
instructing a small group of pilots at the time, and one of them
notified authorities by satellite phone.
Rangers recovered the body and began an
investigation. The National Transportation Safety Board has been
[Peter Christian, District Ranger]
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve
Two Hikers Drown In Attempted River Crossing
On July 2nd, rangers recovered the bodies of two hikers along the
Sanford River. They were last seen on June 22nd, when they were dropped
off by an air taxi operator at the Sanford Glacier airstrip less than
two miles from where their bodies were found.
The backpackers were 62-year old R.R. and 62-year old
M.H., both from Columbia, Missouri. Both were experienced
backpackers and R.R. had been to Alaska several times in the past and
had previous experience crossing Alaskan rivers.
After the hikers failed to make their airstrip pick-up at the Dadina
River on June 27th and missed two pre-planned satellite phone calls with
the air taxi service, the service notified the park. Rangers launched an
intensive aerial and ground search for the couple that day; by June
28th, there were 27 people and five aircraft involved in the search for
the missing couple.
Search crews subsequently found footprints along the Sanford River
where it emerges from the Sanford Glacier. They showed that two people
were preparing for a river crossing at that location. Over the ensuing
weekend, search crews found two backpacks and other backpacking gear
strewn along a seven mile stretch of the river below the glacier, then
discovered the footprints.
Water levels in the Sanford River receded on Friday and Saturday,
leaving items stranded in dry channels along the river. Based on the
evidence that was found by searchers, it appears that the couple
attempted to cross the river near the toe of the glacier and were swept
away by its powerful waters.
Source: Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman.
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve
Austrian Visitor Dies In Packrafting Accident
A 22-year-old Austrian man died last week in a packrafting accident
in the park. A.D., who was from Salzburg, Austria, died on August
2nd after his raft capsized. His body was recovered the next day.
A.D. and a friend, who were both novice packrafters, were dropped off
at a lake near the base of the Nizina Glacier for a daylong packrafting
trip that day. Three miles downriver, the two men became separated by
more than 100 yards,. The friend then spotted a capsized raft, but no
sign of A.D. The friend landed on an island and called for emergency
assistance via satellite phone.
A.D.'s body was spotted by aerial searchers four miles further
downstream on the south side of Nizina River near Mile High Cliffs. The
surviving man was picked up, and searchers called for additional help
with the recovery. Rangers recovered A.D.'s body the next day.
Source: Anchorage Daily News.
Wednesday, February 6, 2019
Wrangell-St. Elias NP&P
Three Plead Guilty To Guiding Illegal Big-Game Hunts In Park
A federal illegal hunting case involving three men working in
Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve, reports the Anchorage
Daily News, has also cost renowned Alaska pilot U.R. the
right to guide hunts at the lodge he has operated for decades near the
Canadian border.
U.R., who just turned 100, built Ptarmigan Lake Lodge in the 1970s
on an inholding near Beaver Creek within the rugged country of
Wrangell-St. Elias.
U.R. was issued a federal violation notice in 2017 for illegal bait
sites that were part of an apparent scheme to control predators by
drawing bears to bait as well as putting poison in dead rabbits to kill
wolves. The case cost him both his NPS concession to guide hunts from
his lodge and his own hunting guide license -- the first one handed out
after Alaska statehood.
The three men, all lodge employees, were sentenced on January 18th
after pleading guilty to misdemeanor and felony charges related to
illegal big-game hunts. The charges include allowing out-of-state
hunters to kill Dall sheep without a guide, as required by state game
laws, and falsifying hunt records to cover up their crimes. Two of them
also killed bears and sheep illegally.
They are C.R., 48, of Montana; J.H., 45, of
Washington, who worked as a horse wrangler and performed lodge
maintenance; and D.L., a 74-year-old from Haines who was
initially the only licensed assistant guide of the three. C.R. and
J.H. were also charged with poisoning predators at multiple
unregistered bait stations in 2014 and 2015.
Source: Zaz Hollander, Anchorage Daily News.
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Wrangell-St. Elias NP&P
Hunter Killed By Grizzly Bear
A.P., 22, of Ohio was killed by a grizzly bear in the park
late on Sunday, September 20th, while on a moose hunting trip. This is
the first recorded fatal bear attack in the park since it was
established in 1980.
The incident occurred in a remote area approximately 50 air miles
from the nearest community of Northway, Alaska, and 130 miles from park
headquarters. The attack occurred near the Cottonwood Creek drainage, an
area of mixed tundra and forest lands with dense vegetation, while the
hunting party was salvaging meat from a moose harvested the day before.
The park's investigation determined this was a surprise attack and that
a defensive firearm or other deterrent, like bear spray, was not readily
available to the victim.
The NPS was notified about the incident at approximately 7:30 p.m. on
September 20th. Through coordination with a local air taxi service used
by the hunters, the NPS ensured the site was secure and that the
victim's hunting partner was safely evacuated from the area. The
following day, the NPS coordinated with Alaska Wildlife Troopers to
recover the victim's body, which was transported to the Alaska State
Medical Examiner's office in Anchorage, Alaska.
Rangers found no evidence that the bear remains in the area, and no
other park visitors are known to be in the immediate vicinity of the
incident location. The site is extremely remote, but rangers will
continue to monitor the area for bear activity.
Source: National Park Service.
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
Wrangell-St. Elias NP&P
Two Killed In Plane Crash
A plane that crashed last Thursday morning in Wrangell-St Elias
National Park and Preserve, killing two, may have broken up in midair,
federal investigators say.
The Cessna 185 was operated by C.V.A.S. and carried
a pilot and one passenger, according to the National Transportation
Safety Board. A Rescue Coordination Center crew flew to the site in a
helicopter Thursday and confirmed that neither survived. On Saturday,
state troopers and National Park Service rangers were able to recover
the bodies of both the pilot and passenger from the plane. They were
taken to the state's medical examiner for identification.
The plane, which also carried U.S. mail, was flying from Gulkana to
McCarthy. The debris came to rest in forested, mountainous terrain
that's difficult to access.
The crash occurred about 13 miles northeast of Chitina. The Alaska
Rescue Coordination Center was notified of the crash at about 11:41 a.m.
Thursday by an emergency locator transmitter, troopers said. The rescue
crew described the wreckage as being in two distinct places. The main
fuselage landed in one location and the tail and other debris were found
about 200 yards behind it, which would indicate the airplane broke up in
Midair breakups are fairly unusual, and often involve flying in bad
weather. Investigators are looking into the weather at the time, which
was cold but didn't immediately appear to be a factor. It was minus 20
in Gulkana on Friday morning.
Source: Zaz Hollander, Anchorage Daily News.
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve
Hunter found dead by creek
On August 12, a 40-year-old hunter stopped regular communication by
his InReach device. His last message indicated he was about to cross
Jacksina Creek. His point-of-contact notified the NPS on August 16, and
a multi-day search was begun by the NPS, Alaska Wildlife Troopers,
helicopters, and fixed wing aircraft. On August 21, a packrafting search
team found his body alongside Jacksina Creek. It appeared he attempted
to cross the creek and was swept away by the current. Source:
Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve
Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Wrangell-St. Elias National Park & Preserve
Hunter attacked by grizzly
On September 8, a solo hunter was attacked by a grizzly bear near the
Chisana River. He activated a distress signal, which triggered a rescue
by the NPS and Air National Guard. He was taken to a nearby hospital,
then transferred eventually to Providence Alaska Medical Center in
Anchorage, where he was in stable condition. The grizzly was with two
cubs, and because the attack was defensive in nature, the park has no
plans to locate the mother bear. Source: USA Today
July 13, 2022
Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve
On July 4, the Alaska Division of Forestry and Fire Protection received
a call of a possible fire west of Copper Lake between Mount Sanford and
Capital Mountain. A helicopter responded and observed the fire burning
in black spruce in a "Limited Protection area," which dictates that
managers monitor the fire and otherwise let it burn. It was determined
to be lightning-caused. As of July 6, it was three acres in size.
Source: Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve
July 27, 2022
Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve
Fall on glacier
On July 11, a 65-year-old sustained lower leg injuries after a
ground-level fall on the Root Glacier. NPS staff and volunteers from the
search and rescue team responded to the scene to extricate the patient
via a litter. The patient was transferred to an ambulance in Chitina for
transport to advanced medical care. Source: Wrangell-St. Elias National
Park and Preserve
August 10, 2022
Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve
Plane crash
On August 7, the Personal Locator Beacon for a Cessna 172 aircraft
was activated, alerting the Alaska Rescue Coordination Center of a plane
crash. The pilot and a passenger (who is a minor) were attempting to
take off from a mesa above Ptarmigan Lake when they experienced
turbulent winds, causing the left wing of the plane to stall and contact
the ground, causing the plane to roll and land 200 yards downslope from
the top of the mesa. Alaska State Troopers and the NPS dispatched
aircraft to the scene and verified that both the pilot and passenger
were uninjured, but needed helicopter rescue. The Alaska Air National
Guard dispatched a HH-60G Black Hawk helicopter to the site and brought
them to the Palmer Airport. Source: Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and
September 7, 2022
Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve
Plane crash
On September 3, a Cessna 180 landed poorly at the Jakes Bar airstrip
due to a gusting tail wind, striking a large rock and flipping over. The
pilot and passenger sustained only bruises, and were able to stay the
night in a public use cabin near the airstrip with the rations they had
with them. A friend picked them up the following day and transported
them back to Anchorage. Wrangell Mountain Air was able to fly to the
site to provide information on the location of the aircraft for future
salvaging. It was the fourth aircraft accident in the park this year.
Source: Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve
September 18, 2022
Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve
Trail closed for bear activity
On September 12, the park closed the 12- and 13-mile sections of the
Nugget Creek Trail off of the McCarthy Road due to a bear-cached moose
carcass on the trail. The trail will reopen when it is confirmed that
the carcass has been consumed and the bear is no longer utilizing the
area. Source: Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve
September 6, 2023
Wrangell-St Elias National Park and Preserve
Plane crash
On August 27, a plane travelling from Glennallen to Ketchikan was
reported overdue by the Alaska Rescue Coordination Center. The plane was
believed to be carrying a 59-year-old and a 58-year-old. The last known
communication with the aircraft was 18 mile inland of Cape Yakataga. The
following day, August 28, an Alaska Air National Guard plan attempted to
search the area, but deteriorating weather hampered the effort. That
evening, a U.S. Coast Guard plane located airplane wreckage north of the
summit of Mt. Leeper on a heavily glaciated area with deep crevasses.
Weather conditions over the following four days, August 29 to September
1, impeded the ability to access the crash site. Due to the elapsed time
and continued poor weather, the individuals are believed to be deceased
and recovery plans have been delayed until conditions improve. Source:
Wrangell-St Elias National Park and Preserve
September 20, 2023
Wrangell-St Elias National Park and Preserve
Follow-up on Previously Reported Incident
The NPS, in collaboration with Alaska State Troopers and the National
Transportation Safety Board, have called off recovery efforts for the
airplane that crashed on August 27 on Mt. Leeper (see 9/6/23 Coalition
Report). A reconnaissance mission on September 5 showed that the plane
came to rest in a "highly crevassed area" on the Yahtse Glacier that
continually accumulates snow, making the wreckage "permanently
inaccessible." A preliminary report about the incident was released by
the NTSB on September 13. Source: Wrangell-St Elias National Park and
July 24, 2024
Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve
Collapsing ground
In early July, a park geologist observed new areas of ground subsidence
around Bonanza Mine in the Kennecott Mines National Historic Landmark.
This is possibly due to collapsing underground excavation" related to
the mine. The park has installed additional signage to highlight
unstable areas and urges visitors to exhibit caution while visiting the
area and other former mines. Source: Wrangell-St. Elias National Park
and Preserve
December 26, 2024
Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve
Hunters accidentally poach in Canada
In August 2022, three individuals flew to High Culvert Camp in the park,
near the U.S.-Canada border, for a 10-day hunting expedition. On the
fifth day, they killed two Dall sheep at a location "8.3 meters past the
international border on the Yukon [Canada] side." They did not have
permits to hunt in Canada. This month, the three individuals pleaded
guilty to one count each for hunting without a permit, and one charge
each for meat wastage (they had retrieved horns, skins, and portions of
meat, but left approximately 13 kilograms of meat between the two
sheep). In total, their fines amounted to $37,000 ad they were banned
from hunting in the Yukon for five years. The group also faces pending
charges in the U.S. related to the same incident for bringing sheep
parts across international borders and allegedly making false statements
to NPS officials about whether or not they had shot a sheep. The
individuals have said that they are "remorseful and embarrassed by the
situation." Source: CBC