Volume 2 | November-December, 1933 | Number 5 |
Acadia National Park - Bar Harbor, Me.
(Compiled by Margaret Stupka)
N refers to number and p. to page number.
Geological Formations of Mt. Desert Island - N1, p.2
Geological Map of Mt. Desert Island - N1, p.1
Glacier-polished Rock - N4, p.3
Old Man of the Sea - N5, p.5
Snow, Cadillac Mt. - N4, p.7
Snow on Mt. Katahdin - N1, p.7
General |
A Timely Photograph - N3, p.7
A Trip to Black Island - N4, p.4
The Plentitude of Life - N2, p.3
Mammals |
Beaver - N3, p.1
Deer, White-tailed - N3, p.1; N4, p.7
Deer, White-tailed - young of - N2, p.6
Fox, Arctic - N5, p.2
Fox, Red - N3, p.1
Hare - N5, p.2
Hare, Varying - N3, p.1
Hare, Varying - young - N1, p.7
Lemming - N2, p. 3; N5, p.2
Mink - N3, p.1
Mink, Sea - N5, p.5
Mouse, Meadow - N3, p.6
Mouse, Red-backed - N4, p.5
Mouse, Short-tailed Meadow - N4, p.5
Mouse, White-footed - N3, p.5
Mouse, White-footed - enemies of - N3, p.5
Muskrat - N3, p.1
Porpoise, Harbor - N4, p.5
Rabbit - N2, p.3
Raccoon - N3, p.1
Seal, Harbor - N4, p.4
Shrew, Long-tailed - N2, p.6
Skunk - N3, p.1
Squirrel, Gray - N3, p.1
Squirrel, Northern Flying - N4, p.6
Squirrel, Red - N5, p.7
Wild Animal Report for 1933 - N3, p.1
Woodchuck - N3, p.1
Birds |
Auk, Great - N5, p.5
A Woodland Drummer - N2, p.5
Blackbird, Red-winged - N3, p.3
Blackbird, Rusty - N3, p.3
Bluebird - N3, p.3
Bobolink - N3, p.3
Catbird - N3, p.3
Census of Christmas Birds - N5, p.6
Chickadee - N3, p.3; N5, p.6
Cormorant, Double-crested - N3, p.2
Cowbird - N3, p.3
Creeper, Brown - N3, p.3; N5, p.6
Crossbill, American - N3, p.3; N5, p.6
Crossbill, vVhite-winged - N3, p.3; N5, p.6
Crow - N2, p.2; N3, p.3; N5, p.6; N5, p.7
Cuckoo, Black-billed - N3, p.2
Cuckoo, Yellow-billed - N3, p.2
Dove, Mourning - N3, p.2
Duck, Black - N2, p.2; N3, p.2; N5, p.6
Duck, Labrador - N5, p.5
Ducks - N4, p.5
Eagle, Bald - N3, p.2; N4, p.7; N5, p.6
Eagle, Bald - food of - N2, p.2
Eagle, Bald - nest and young - N2, p.1; N3, p.7
Eagles, Bald - and an Ill Wind - N2, p.1
Finch, Purple - N3, p.3
Flicker, Northern - N3, p.2
Flycatcher, Alder - N3, p.3
Flycatcher, Least - N3, p.3
Flycatcher, Olive-sided - N3, p.3
Golden-eye, American - N5, p.6
Goldfinch, American - N3, p.3
Grackle, Bronzed - N3, p.3
Grebe, Holboell's - N5, p.6
Grosbeak, Pine - N3, p.3; N5, p.6; N5, p.7
Grouse, Canadian Ruffed - N3, p.3; N5, p.6
Grouse, Ruffed - food of - N2, pl5
Grouse, Ruffed - nest and young - N2, p.5
Guillemot, Black - N3, p.2
Gull, Great Black-backed - N3, p.2
Gull, Herring - N2, p.2; N2, p.6; N3, p.2; N5, p.6; N5, p.7
Hawk, Broad-winged - N3, p.2
Hawk, Cooper's - N3, p.2
Hawk, Innocent? - N3, p.4
Hawk, Marsh - N3, p.2
Hawk, Red-shouldered - N3, p.2
Hawk, Sharp-shinned - N3, p.2; N3, p.4
Hawk, Sparrow - N3, p.2
Heron, Black-crowned Night - N3, p.2
Heron, Great Blue - N3, p.2
Hummingbird, Ruby-throated - N3, p.3
Jay, Blue - N3, p.3
Junco, Slate-colored - N3, p.3; N5, p.6
Kingbird - N3, p.3
Kingfisher, Belted - N3, p.2
Kinglet, Golden-crowned - N3, p.3; N5, p.6
Loon - N3, p.2; N4, p.5
Mallard - N3, p.2
Massachusetts Audubon Sooiety's List of Mt . Desert Island Birds - N3, p.2
Meadowlark - N3, p.3
Nighthawk - N3, p.3
Nuthatch, Red-breasted - N3, p.3; N4, p.5; N5, p.6
Nuthatch, White-breasted - N3, p.3
Old Squaw - N5, p.6
Oriole, Baltimore - N3, p.3
Osprey - N2, p.2; N3, p.2
Oven-bird - N3, p.3
Owl, Barred - N3, p.2
Owl, Great Horned - N3, p.2
Owl, Screech - N3, p.2
Owl, Short-eared - N3, p.2
Owl, Snowy - N5, p.1-4
Owl, Snowy - food of - N5, p.3
Owl, Snowy - migrations - N5, p.1
Petrel, Leach's - N3, p.2
Pewee, Wood - N3, p.3
Phoebe - N3, p.3
Ptarmigan - N5, p.2
Raven, Northern - N3, p.3
Redstart, American - N3, p.3
Robin, American - N3, p.3; N4, p.7; N5, p.6
Sandpiper, Least - N3, p.2
Sandpiper, Semipalmated - N3, p.2
Sandpiper, Spotted - N3, p.2
Sapsucker, Yellow-bellied - N3, p.2
Scoter, American - N3, p.2
Scoter, White-winged - N3, p.2; N4, p.4; N5, p.6
Siskin, Pine - N3, p.3
Sparrow, Chipping - N3, p.3
Sparrow, Eastern Tree - N5, p.6
Sparrow, English - N3, p.3; N5, p.6
Sparrow, Field - N3, p.3
Sparrow, Fox - N3, p.3
Sparrow, Grasshopper - N3, p.3
Sparrow, Savannah - N3, p.3
Sparrow, Sharp-tailed - N3, p.3
Sparrow, Song - N3, p.3; N5, p.6
Sparrow, Swamp - N3, p.3
Sparrow, Vesper - N3, p.3
Sparrow, White-crowned - N3, p.3
Sparrow, White-throated - N3, p.3
Starling - N5, p.6
Swallow, Bank - N3, p.3
Swallow, Barn - N3, p.3
Swallow, Cliff - N3, p.3
Swallow, Tree - N3, p.3
Swift, Chimney - N3, p.3
Tern, Arctic - N3, p.2
Tern, Common - N3, p.2
Towhee - N3, p.3
Thrush, Hermit - N3, p.3
Thrush, Olive-backed - N3, p.3
Thrush, Wood - N3, p.3
Veery - N3, p.3
Vireo, Blue-headed - N3, p.3
Vireo, Red-eyed - N3, p.3; N3, p.4
Vireo, Warbling - N3, p.3
Warlber, Bay-breasted - N3, p.3
Warbler, Black and White - N3, p.3
Warbler, Blackburnian - N3, p.3
Warbler, Black-poll - N3, p.3
Warbler, Black-throated Blue - N3, p.3
Warbler, Black-throated Green - N3, p.3
Warbler, Canada - N3, p.3
Warbler, Chestnut-sided - N3, p.3
Warbler, Magnolia - N3, p.3
Warbler, mourning - N3, p.3
Warbler, Myrtle - N3, p.3
Warbler, Nashville - N3, p.3
Warbler, Northern Parula - N3, p.3
Warbler, Pine - N3, p.3
Warbler, Tennessee - N3, p.3
Warbler, Yellow - N3, p.3
Waxwing, Cedar - N3, p.3
Whip-poor-will - N3, p.2
Woodcock - N3, p.2
Woodpecker, Arctic Three-toed - N5, p.6
Woodpecker, Downy - N3, p.2; N5, p.6
Woodpecker, Hairy - N3, p.2
Wren, House - N3, p.3
Wren, Winter - N3, p.3
Yellowlegs, Greater - N3, p.2
Yellowthroat, Maryland - N3, p.3
Reptiles |
Snake, Red-bellied - N3, p.6
Snake, Ring-necked - N3, p.6
Snake, Smooth-scaled Green - N3, p.6
Snakes, Notes on Mt. Desert Island - N3, p.6
Amphibians |
Frog - N2, p.3
Frog, Tree - N1, p.4
Peepers, Spring - N1, p.4
Toad - N2, p.3
Fishes |
Fish, planting - N1, p.7
Flounder - N2, p.2
Herring - N2, p.3
Salmon - N1, p.7
Sculpin - N2, p.2
Smelt - spawning - N2, p.3
Trout, Eastern Brook - N1, p.7
Insects |
A Southern Visitor Comes to Acadia - N4, p.1
Butterfly, Monarch - N4, p.1
Moth, Cotton-worm - N4, p.1
Spiders and Closely Related Forms |
Ticks, N1, p.7
Flowering Plants |
Alder - N1, p.5
Anemone, Wood - N1, p.7
Arbor Vitae - N4, p.4
Arbutus, Trailing - N1, p.5
Aspen - N1, p.5; N4, p.4
Bearberry - N1, p.7
Birches - N1, p.5
Birch, White - N4, p.4
Blueberry - N1, p.7
Bluets - N1, p.5
Bunchberry - N1, p.7
Buttercup - N1, p.7
Cherry, Fire - N1, p.7
Chickweed, Meadow - N1, p.7
Chokeberry, Black - N1, p.7
Clintonia - N1, p.7
Cottongrass - N2, p.4
Cottonwood - N1, p.5
Crowberry - N4, p.4
Currant, Fetid - N1, p.6
Elder, Red-berried - N1, p.7
Fir, Balsam - N4, p.4
Goldenrod, Seaside - N3, p.4
Goldthread - N1, p.6
Hazel, Beaked - N1, p.5
Hobblebush - N1, p.6
Honeysuckle, Blue - N1, p.6
Honeysuckle, Fly - N1, p.6
Hornbeam - N1, p.5
Huckleberry - N1, p.7
Labrador Tea - N2, p.4
Laurel, Bog - N2, p.4
Laurel, Sheep - N2, p.4
Lavender, Sea - N3, p.4
Leather Leaf - N1, p.6; N2, p.4
Lily-of-the-Valley, Wild - N1, p.7
Lily, Yellow Pond - N2, p.4
Lovage, Sea - N3, p.4
Lupine, Wild Blue - N1, p.7
Maple, Mountain - N4, p.4
Maple, Red - N1, p.5
Maple, Striped - N4, p.4
Moosewood - N1, p.7
Mustard, Black - N1, p.7
Oak, Red - N1, p.7
Orchid, Bog Rose - N2, p.4
Pea, Beach - N3, p.4
Pine, White - N4, p.4
Pitcher Plant - N2, p.4
Plantain, Seaside - N3, p.4
Plants of the Ocean Front - N3, p.4
Rhodora - N1, p.3; N1, p.7; N2, p.4
Rosemary, Bog - N2, p.4
Rosy Bell - N1, p.7
Sarsaparilla, Common - N1, p.7
Seawall Heath in Early June - N2, p.4
Shadbush - N1, p.5
Solomonplume, Bog - N2, p.4
Solomon's Seal, False - N1, p.7
Star Flower - N1, p.7
Strawberry, Wild - N1, p.6
Sundew, Round-leafed - N2, p.4
Trillium, Painted - N1, p.7
Violet, Northern White - N1, p.5
Wild Flowers of Early May - N1, p.5
Willow - N1, p.5
Witch-hazel - N4, p.7
Yew, American - N1, p.6
Mosses and Lichens |
Cladonia - N4, p.4
Lichen, Reindeer - N2, p.4
Moss, Sphagnum - N2, p.4
Usnea - N4, p.4; N5, p.7
Fungi |
Bracket fungus - N4, p.3
Chantarelle, Orange - N4, p.2
Clavaria fusiformis - N4, p.2
Hydnum, Bear's Head - N4, p.3
Laccaria ochropurpurea - N4, p.2
Mushrooms, The Pagaent of the Fall - N4, p.2
Polyporous cinnabarinus - N4, p.3
Puff-balls - N4, p.3