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Flowers White or nearly white A. Herb-like plants, not woody. B. Petals similar, flowers regular in shape. a. Petals normally 3. b. Painted Trillium - Trillium undulatum, purple V at base of white petal, page 27. aa. Petals normally 4. b. Leaves opposite. Bluet - Houstonia caerulea, page 13. bb. Leaves alternate c. Plant 8-18 inches. Shepherd's Purse - Capsella Bursa-pastoris, page 6. cc. Plant 3-6 inches. d. Leaves 1/3 - 3/8 inches. Snowberry - Chiogenes hispidula, page 9. dd. Leaves 1/2 - 2 inches. Canada Mayflower - Maianthemum canadense, page 15. bbb. Leaves in a crowded circle or whorl. Dwarf Cornel or Bunch berry - Cornus canadensis, page 11. aaa. Petals normally 5. b. Leaves toothed, three-parted. c. Root golden yellow. Goldthread - Coptis trifolia, page 10. cc. Root not golden yellow. d. Leaf teeth coarse, rounded. Wild Strawberry - Fragaria virginiana, page 12. dd. Leaf teeth, fine, pointed Wood Raspberry - Rubus triflorus, page 20. bb. Leaves toothed, not three-parted c. Flowers in umbrella-shaped cluster. Wild Sarsaparilla - Aralia nudicaulis, page 3. cc. Flowers in loose clusters not umbrella-shaped. Early Saxifrage - Saxifraga virginiensis, page 22. bbb. Leaves not toothed. c. Petals shorter than the sepals. Chickweed - Stellaria media, page 25. cc. Petals longer than the sepals. d. Stems smooth - not hairy. Mountain Sandwort - Arenaria groenlandica, page 5. dd. Stems hairy. Field Chickweed - Cerastium arvense, page 7. aaaa. Petals normally 6. b. Flowers drooping. c. Flowers in pairs along a leafy stem. Solomon's Seal - Polygonatum biflorun, page 17. cc. Flowers single at top of leafy stem. False Oat - Oakesia sessilifolia, page 16. bb. Flowers not drooping. c. Flowers in plume-like cluster at end of leafy stem. False Spikenard - Smilacina racemosa, page 23. cc. Flowers fewer than (c), usually only 3 leaves on stem. Three-leaved False Solomon's Seal - Smilacina trifolia, page 24. ccc. Flowers single at top of leafless stalk. Goldthread - Coptis trifolia, page 10. aaaaa. Petals normally 7. (See note b) b. Leaves in a whorl just below blossom. Star Flower - Trientalis americana, page 26. bb. Leaves three-parted. Goldthread - Coptis trifolia, page 10. BB. Flowers in a composite head. Pussy toes - Antennaria plantaginifolia, page 2. AA. Shrubs or trees, woody stems B. Leaves opposite, plainly toothed, 1 - 2. a. Leaves cut into 5-11 leaflets. Red-berried Elder - Sambucus canadensis, page 21. aa. Leaves not cut into leaflets. Hobble Bush - Viburnum alnifolium, page 29. BB. Leaves alternate, toothed, 1 - 2. a. Petals not united into tube, normally 5. b. Flowers in thick cylindrical clusters. Choke Cherry - Prunus virginiana, page 18. bb. Flowers in loose clusters. c. Petals short, 1/4"- 1/3" long. Chokeberry - Pyrus arbutifolia, a shrub, page 19. cc. Petals longer, 1/2" - 1". Shadbush - Amelanchier canadensis, page 1. aa. Petals united into a tube, bell-shaped. Low Sweet Blueberry - Vaccinium pennsylvanicum, page 28. BB. Leaves alternate, toothless. a. Petals united into a tube, bell-shaped. b. Leaves smooth on under side. Bearberry - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, page 4. bb. Leaves having brown scales on under side. Leather-leaf - Chamaedaphne calyculata, page 8. aa. Petals not united into a tube. b. Under side of leaf covered with brown fuzz. Labrador Tea - Ledum groenlandicum, page 14. bb. Under side of leaf smooth. Mountain Holly - Nemopanthus mucronata, page 41.
A. Petals similar, flower regular in shape. B. Stems woody, shrubs. a. Low scraggly 6 - 22 inches high, in bogs. Bog laurel - Kalmia polifolia, page 31. BB. Stems softer, not shrubs a. 2 - 3 ft. high, in moist woods Twisted Stalk - Streptopus roseus, page 35. AA. Petals dissimilar, flower irregular in shape B. Stem, trailing vine-like seaside plant, flowers pink to purplish. Beach Pea - Lathyrus maritiums, page 32. BB. Stem erect, not trailing. a. Herb-like plants not shrubby. b. Leaves at the base, usually two. Lady's Slipper - Cypripedium acaule, page 30. bb. Leaves crowded at the top of stem, several. Gay Wings - Polygala paucifolia, page 33. aa. Woody stemmed shrubs. Rhodora - Rhododendron canadense, page 34.
A. Petals similar, flower regular. B. Petals normally 4. Bluets - Houstonia caerulea, page 13. BB. Petals normally 6. Blue-eyed Grass - Sisyrinchium angustifolium, page 47. AA. Petals dissimilar, flower irregular and violet-shaped Common Blue Violet - Viola cucullata, page 48.
A. Shrub, small, erect 1 - 4 ft. high. Mt. Fly Honeysuckle - Lonicera caerulea, pale honey yellow blossoms, five-lobed, honeysuckle-like, in pairs, page 39. AA. Low herbs, flower not in a composite head, not shrubby. B. Flowers regular (petals similar) a. Petals normally 4. b. Simple, non-branching stem, pods not pressed close to stem. Yellow Rocket - Barbarea vulgaris, page 36. bb. Widely branched stem, pods pressed close to stem. Wild Mustard - Brassica nigra, page 37. aa. Petals normally 5. b. Root not bulbous, leaf divided into 5 leaflets. Cinquefoil - Potentilla canadensis, page 42. bb. Root net bulbous, leaf divided into 3 leaflets. Field Buttercup - Ranunculus acris, page 43. bbb. Root bulbous. Bulbous Buttercup - Ranunculus bulbosus, page 44. aaa. Petals normally 6. b. Leaves at the base, not whorled. Clintonia - Clintonia borealis, page 38. bb. Leaves on the stem, not whorled False Oat - Oakesia sessilifolia, page 16. bbb. Leaves on the stem, whorled. Indian Cucumber - Medeola virginiana, page 40. BB. Flowers irregular, (petals dissimilar). a. Blossom, a crowded spiral cluster. Lousewort or Wood Betony - Pedicularis canadensis, page 46. AAA. Low herbs with flowers in dense composite head. Common Dandelion - Taraxicum officinale, page 45. |
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