Nature Notes

Volume XI No. 1 - July, 1938

The Flowering Seasons Of Crater Lake Plants

Group A

The earliest or lower level flowers typically associated with ponderosa pine, arranged in accordance with their respective habitats.

(1) Dry Land Plants
Purple fritillaryFritillaria atropurpurea Nutt.
Alaska rein-orchidHabenaria unalaschensis (Spreng.) Wats.
Sulphur plantEriogonum unbellatum Torr.
Dwarf larkspurDelphinium depauperatum Nutt.
Waxy currantRibes cereum Dougl.
Gummy currantRibes hallii Janez.
ServiceberryAmelanchier floridaLindl.
Glandular Five-FingerPotentilla galandulosa Lindl.
Bitter-cherryPrunus emarginata (Dougl.) Walp.
BitterbrushPurshia tridentata (Pursh) DC.
Naked-fruit roseRosa gymnocarpa Nutt.
Mountain ashSorbus sitchensis Roem.
Douglas spiraeaSpiraea douglasii Hook.
Scouler willowSalix scouleriana Barr.
Squaw carpetCeanothus prostratus Benth.
SnowbrushCeanothus velutinus Dougl.
FireweedEpilobium angustifolium L.
Oregon sunshineEriophyllum lanatum (Pursh) Forbes
Yellow collomiaCollomia grandiflora Dougl.
Scartlet giliaGilia aggregata (Pursh) Spreng.
Douglas phloxPhlox douglasii Hook.
Curly-bloomPhacelia heterophylla Pursh.
Western hound's tongueCynoglossum occidentale Gray
Pine paintbrushCastilleja pinetorum Fernald.
Heart-leaf arnicaArnica cordifolia Hook.
Entire-leaf ragwortSenecio integerrimus Nutt.
Green-leaf manzanitaArctostaphylos patula Greene.
PinedropsPterospora andromeda Nutt.
SnowberrySymphoricarpus albus (L.) Blake
(2) Streambank and Meadow Plants
Slim solomonSmilacina sessilifolia Nutt.
Monk's hoodAconitum columbianum Nutt.
BaneberryActeae spicata arguta Torr.
ColumbineAquilegia formosa Fisch.
Henderson buttercupRanunculus occidentalis dissectus Hend.
Big-leaf avensGeum macrophyllum Willd.
St. JohnswortHypericum scouleri Hook.
Meadow paintbrushCastilleja miniata Dougl.
Common monkeyflowerMimuls guttatus DC.

On the foregoing lists, the earliest to bloom are purple fritillary, slim solomon, Douglas phlox, gummy currant, waxy currant, serviceberry, bitter-cherry, ragwort and manzanita.

Group B

The later appearing flowers of the upper slopes, characteristic of the hemlock forest area, arranged in accordance with their respective habitats.

(1) Dry Land Species
Spotted coralrootCorallorrhiza maculata Raf.
Mertens coralrootCorallorrhiza mertensiana Beng.
Rattlesnake plantainPeramium decipiens (Hook.) Piper
Gorman stonecropGormania watsoni Britten
Newberry knotweedPolygonum newberryi Small
Pyrola-leaf erigonumEriogonum pyrolaefolium coryphaem T & G.
Mountain sorrelOxyria digyna (L.) Campt.
Pussy-pawsCalyptridium umbellatum (Torr.) Greene
Western windflowerAnemone occidentalis S. Wats.
Crater Lake sandwortArenaria pumicola Coville & Leiberg
Broad-pod rockcressArabis platysperma Gray
Crater Lake currantRibes erythrocarpum Coville & Leiberg
Tolmie saxifrageSaxifraga tolmaei Torr. & Gray
Fan-leaf five-fingerPotentilla flabellifolia Hook.
Creeping raspberryRubus lasiococcus Gray
Desert lupineLupinus aridus Dougl.
Mat manzanitaArctostaphylos nevadensis Gray
Prince's pineChimaphila umbellata (L.) Nutt.
Striped pyrolaPyrola secunda L.
Blue stick-seedHachelia jessicae (McGregg.) Brand
Applegate paintbrushCastilleja applegatei
Spiderweb paintbrushCastilleja pilosa arachnoidea (Greenman) Jepson
Dwarf monkeyflowerMimulus nanus Hook. & Arn.
LousewortPedicularis racemosa Dougl.
Davidson pentstemonPentstemon menziesii davidsonii (Greene) Piper
Rock pentstemonPentstemon rupicola Howell
Red elderberrySambucus racemosa callicarpa (Greene) Jepson
Black twinberryLonicera involucrata Banks
Red twinberryLonicera conjugialis Kell.
Coville asterAster ledophyllus Gray.
Bloomer rabbitbrushChrysothamnus bloomeri (Gray) Greene
ThoroughwortEupatorium occidentale Hook.
(2) Wet Land Species
Western tofieldiaTofieldia occidentalis S. Wats.
Green corn-lilyVeratrum viride Ait.
Bog onionAllium validum S. Wats.
St. John yellow lambstongueErythronium grandiflorum pallidum
Blue-eyed grassSisyrinchium idahoense Rock.
Ladies' tressesSpiranthes romanzoffiana Sham. & Schl.
White bog-orchidHabenaria dilatata (Pursh) Hook.
Green bog-orchidHabenara stricta Lindl.
SmartweedPolygonum bistertoides Pursh
Spring-beautyClaytonia lanceolata Pursh
Gorman buttercupRanunculus gormani Greene
Brewer mitrewortMitella breweri Gray
Dense-flowered spiraeaSpiraea densiflora Nutt.
Klamath lupineLupinus latifolis ligulatus (Greene) C. P. Sm.
Yellow wood violetViola glabella Nutt.
White bog violetViola macloskeyi Lloyd
Mountain laurelKalmia polifolia microphylla Rehd.
Alpine shooting-starDodecatheon alpinum Greene
Lewis monkeyflowerMimuls lewisii Pursh.
Primrose monkeyflowerMimulus primuloides Benth
Elephant headsPedicularis groenlandica Retz.
Gray blue fleabaneErigeron salsuginosus (Richards) Gray

Among the very earliest of the last list are: yellow lambstongue, spring beauty, western windflower and alpien shooting-star.

The following list is made up of flowers not included in any of the foregoing, plants found in outlying sections not often seen by visitors. They are more common on the west slope of the Cascades, especially in the deep glacial valley of Redblanket Creek which at the southwest corner of the park drops to about 3700 feet altitude. This provides a gateway for the entrance of many westcoast plants. A few of these plants reach the east side via the Klamath Gap, reaching the park up Annie and Sun Creeks.

Fairy bellsDisporum oregonum (S. Wats.) Benth. & Hook.
Twisted-stalkStreptopus amplexifolius (L.) DC.
Wake-robinTrillium ovatum Pursh
OokowBrodiaea pulchella (Salisb.) Greene
White brodiaeBrodiaea hyacinthina (Lindl.) Baker
Cat-earCalochortus elagans Pursh
Large camasCamassia leichtlinii (Baker) Wats.
Klamath lambstongueErythronium klamathense Applegate
Washington lilyLilium washingtonianum Kell.
California irisIris californica Leicht.
TwaybladeListera carina Piper
Wood-anemoneAnemone deltoidea Hook.
Drummond windflowerAnemone drummondii S. Wats.
March marigoldCaltha biflora DC.
Tall larkspurDelphinium scopulorum glaucum Gray
Deer-footAchlys triphylla (Smith) DC.
Mountain oregon grapeMahonia nervosa (Pursh) Nutt.
Piper oregon grapeMahonia piperiana Abrams
InsideoutVancouveria hexandra (Hook.) Merr. & Dec.
Grass of ParnassusParnassia intermedia Rydb.
SyringaPhiladelphus lewisii Pursh
Ocean-sprayHolodiscus discolor (Pursh) Maxim.
Thimble-berryRubus parviflorus Nutt.
Baker violetViola bakeri Greene
Round-leaf violetViola orbiculata Geyer
ClarkiaClarkia rhomboiden Dougl.
Canada dogwoodCornus canadensis L.
Nuttall dogwoodCornus nuttallii (T. & G.) Coville
MadronoArbutus menziesii Pursh
Round-leaf pyrolaPyrola rotundifolia incarnata DC.
Star-flowerTrientalis europae latifolia Torr.
Simple gentianGentiana simplex
Mazama collomiaCollomia mazama
Western jacobs ladderPolemonium occidentale Greene
Narrow-leaf phaceliaPhacelia linearis (Pursh) Holzinger
McBride lungwortMertensia paniculata subcordata (Greene)
Narrow-leaf skullcapScutellaria angustifolia Pursh.
Scouler bellflowerCampanula scouleri Hook.
Blue bellflowerCampanula prenanthoides Dur.
Alice fleabaneErigeron aliceae Howell
GoldenrodSolidago elongata


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