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March 1933Volume 7, Number 12


ERRATA - In Grand Canyon Nature Notes, Vol. VII, No. 10, January, 1933, p. 99, the subtitle "Date about 50,000 to 15,000 B. C." should read, "Date about 50,000 to 500 B. C."

MOUNTAIN WEASEL - These large weasels, Mustila arizonensis, range from central Arizona to Oregon. Although known to occur on both sides of Grand Canyon, they are seldom found on the South Rim. Of much interest, therefore, was the discovery of one, dead, in the barn of the Fred Harvey Company, January 30, 1933.

-- E. D. McKee --


A FISH RARE IN COLLECTIONS - Last year a little known fish determined as Tiaroga cobitis by the late Dr. Evermann was mentioned in "Nature Notes".1 This year seventy-five additional specimens of this minnow were collected at the same locality -- mouth of Garden Creek. Dr. H, Walton Clark, of the California Academy of Sciences, who kindly examined the new material made the following statement concerning it:

"According to Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. Nat, Mus. which is our latest authority at hand referring to this species, at the time that work was published this was known only from the types and your collection furnishes valuable additional knowledge of the species. All you sent are deeper fish than Jordan and Evermann's description; Girard did not give the proportional depth of his type. Jordan and Evermann give it as six times as long as deep. The specimens, of course, may have shrunken somewhat. In the description of the genus (represented by only this species) Jordan and Evermann say 'Teeth very small, apparently 1,4--4,1' and in the description of the species it is definitely given as 1,4--4,1, with a footnote 'Not 1, 3-3,1, as stated by Girard'. An examination of the phringeal bones of a few of these indicates, however, that Girard was more nearly correct in this particular.

1. Grand Canyon Nature Notes Vol. VI, No. 5, March 1932, p. 47.


A NEW "LOW" FOR RECENT YEARS - On February 7, 1933, the official temperature reading for the South Rim of Grand Canyon showed a minimum of -10 degrees, a new record for recent years. Only two days later, however, this was bettered by a reading of -14 degrees. The minimum temperature on the North Rim on the same date was -25 degrees Fahrenheit.

Chart Showing Minimum Temperatures During Past Five Years South Rim of Grand Canyon.




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