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August 1932Volume 7, Number 5

Recent Bird Records from Havasu

(Note: The following material on bird observations in the Havasu Canyon of Grand Canyon National Park was recently submitted by Mr. Randolph Jenks, Curator of Ornithology, Museum of Northern Arizona. Since it was presented in the form of field notes, only the more unusual of the records are here given. E.D.M.)

ON JUNE 21st and 22nd fifteen species of birds were observed between Pasture Wash and Hilltop - an area of sagebrush and pinyon-juniper forest in western Grand Canyon. Among these birds were the following: one Arkansas Kingbird, two Western Vesper Sparrows, one Western Lark Sparrow. Most noteworthy record from this area is that of the Western Burrowing Owl. Several were flushed on June 22nd and one was seen at its hole beside the road on the same date.

Several observations made down in Havasu Canyon are also of especial interest. An adult Duck Hawk with food in its claws was watched near camp for some time on June 22nd. On the same date a California Cuckoo was repeatedly flushed about half a mile above the village. Long-tailed Chats were both noisy and numerous. They were heard day and night. An evasive oriole which could not be specifically identified, and a Lazuli Bunting were seen. Desert Song Sparrows were found breeding commonly along the creek. In all, twenty-six species of birds were seen in the Canyon.

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