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October 1932Volume 7, Number 7


The dry clash of antlers attracted my attention in the early morning of September 16th. Two handsome mule deer bucks were engaged in combat not over seventy-five feet from the North Rim ranger station. The contest soon ended with no serious consequences. It gave evidence, however, that mating season had begun in deerdom.

- D. E. McHenry -

A gopher snake that is probably the largest to have been collected in the Grand Canyon National Park, was found by Lloyd Davis near Indian Gardens on August 18th. Its length is six feet and one inch. Incidentally, it is the first specimen that has been obtained from the lower part of the canyon.

- E. D. McKee -

Probably due to the prolonged spell of warm weather during September this year, the large hairy tarantulas were late in making their annual appearance. They were first reported from the South Rim of Grand Canyon on September 23rd. After that they were seen in great numbers along the paved roads for many days.

- E. D. McKee -

Visitors have been greatly interested in the numerous White-rumped Shrikes which have been seen around Bright Angel Point and Cape Royal recently. Six were recorded by the writer at Bright Angel Point and eight at Cape Royal on the 18th of September. During previous seasons, this bird has been found to be very uncommon on the North Rim of Grand Canyon.

- D. E. McHenry -

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