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January 1934Volume 8, Number 10


THE morning of November 23, 1933, as Miss Earlene Shirley driving along the East Rim Road just beyond the Yavapai Point branch she saw a coyote chasing a young deer. She tried to run the coyote away, but it hid from her and she soon gave up the hunt. She had not gone far before she heard the deer cry out two or three times and then - Silence. Doubtlessly the coyote had a good deer steak for its morning meal that day.

Robert R. Williamson

A male Shufeldt Junco, Junco oreganus shufeldti, killed itself on November 17, 1933, by flying against the large plate glass window at Yavapai Observation Station. This bird proved to be banded and from the band number was discovered the fact that it had visited the exact locality almost a year previously - November 16, 1932. It also had appeared at Yavapai on the 19th of December, 1932.

Geo. L. Collins

A tourist reported having seen a Rocky Mountain Cougar crossing the road on the East Rim Drive near Desert View, November 14, 1933.

On several occasions during the last month some of the C.C.C. boys stationed in the bottom of the Canyon, near Phantom Ranch, have reported being eye-witnesses to deer swimming the Colorado River. On one of these occasions they were surprised at the manner by which a doe and her two fawns estimated the flow of the stream so that with the speed of the current and their swimming they were able to land on the opposite side at the only possible place from which they could have climbed out of the water. This is just another proof that deer, at least, do not find the Canyon an impassable barrier between the rims.

Donald Edward McHenry

Ranger Naturalist Louis Schellbach, who has so helpfully served in the Educational work at Grand Canyon since the beginning of the summer tourist season, has been assigned to the Educational Headquarters at Berkeley, California, as Director of Museum Technique and Archaeological Exhibit. for the National Parks and Monuments in the West.

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