Volume 9, Number 10
January, 1935
National Park Service Grand Canyon National Park |
Grand Canyon Natural History Association |
This publication is issued monthly for the purpose of recording
observations and of making known the results of research and scientific
investigation in the Grand Canyon region in the fields of natural
history, history and related subjects. It is published by the Natural
History Association for the Grand Canyon National Park. Membership in
this Association is $1.00 per year and includes a subscription to Nature
Notes. Additional copies of Nature Notes may be obtained at lO¢
each by addressing the Grand Canyon Natural History Association, Grand
Canyon, Arizona.
M. R. Tillotson, Superintendent |
Donald Edward McHenry, Acting Park Naturalist |
Table of Contents
Quaking Aspen - Its Future in the Park
Junior Naturalist D. E. McHenry
Some Wildlife Observations on the Canyon Floor
Ranger Naturalist Russell Grater
Rock Slide in the Coconino Sandstone
Ranger Naturalists Russell Grater and Harold H. Hawkins
Static Electricity
Ranger Naturalist Harold H. Hawkins
Illustration and Lettering by Tom Jackson