Alyxia olivaeformisDogbane Family (Apocynaceae)
Maile is a twining shrub which you can see in Kipuka
Puaulu (Bird Park) climbing high in the trees in a vinelike manner. The
leaves are smooth and shiny, and are arranged in groups of two or three
about the stem. Tiny flowers range in color from yellow to white.
Fragrant at low elevations, maile is a favorite plant of the
Hawaiians, and they commonly weave leis from its leaves instead of from
more spectacular flowers. For this purpose the young twigs are used and
the woody part removed from the bark to make it more flexible and easier
to weave. The women formerly did this with their teeth. Maile was
a symbol of an armistice in times of war. If the warring chiefs met on a
heiau (temple) and wove a lei of maile, it signified
peace, long life, and happiness.
(Inch squares on background)
Ipomoea sp.Morning-glory Family (Convolvulaceae)
The beach at Halape is blanketed with beach morning glory. OBERNANSLEY
The morning-glory (Ipomoea congesta) is common in Kipuka Puaulu.
Three kinds of morning-glories are indigenous to
Hawaii National Park. The blue or purple, trumpet-shaped flowers are
familiar to many of you. Although these flowers are attractive. the
plant is a pest in many areas as it has a tendency to climb onto and
kill other plants by forming such a dense growth that all sunlight is
cut off. The beach morning-glory, found in the park at Halape, now grows
on various Pacific islands to which its buoyant seeds were carried by
ocean currents.
The morning-glory plays an important part in
preventing wind and water erosion of beaches by forming a blanket over
the sand. At the black sand beach near Kalapana you can see large dunes
covered with the beach morning-glory, or pohuehue [Ipomoea
Coprosma ernodeoidesMadder Family (Rubiaceae)
In both sections of the park you may notice a
creeping, vinelike plant bearing conspicuous blueblack fruits. This is
the kukaenene, which grows erect until the height of the main
stem cannot support its own weight. It then bends earthward and begins
its creeping growth, putting out roots along the main stem for anchorage
and nutrition. The leaves are small and pointed. A close relative of
this plant is the pilo, an erect tree which bears small,
orange-red fruit. The Hawaiian used these kukaenene berries as an
emetic. They were a favorite food of the nene or Hawaiian
(Inch squares on background)
Artemisia mauiensisSunflower Family (Compositae)
(Inch squares on background)
The Maui wormwood is a fairly common plant in the
drier sections of Haleakala, on cliffs in the crater and in dry gullies
around Puu Nianiau, the hill below the lodge. Its general appearance is
silvery with long leaves almost round in cross section. The plant gives
off a sagelike fragrance when crushed. The minute, orange-colored
flowers cluster at the ends of the thick branches.
The Maui wormwood is known only from East Maui, but
other plants of the genus Artemisia are abundant in other areas.
The common sagebrush on the Pacific Coast is an Artemisia.