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September 1935Volume No. VI, Number 2.


PAUL R. FRANKE - Park Naturalist. The year 1936, a year of anniversaries, proves to be Mr. Franke's eighth anniversary in Mesa Verde.

DON WATSON - Ranger Historian. Some years ago a Ranger kept a list of all questions asked him for a few days. Out of several hundred a few were picked to show the reason why a Ranger gets so much enjoyment from his parties.

EDNA DAVIS ROWIG - Poet and author of Boulder, Colorado gives a poem of moods which are expressive in Mesa Verde.

VIRGINA SUTTON - Temporary "Lady Ranger", is to complete her Master's degree in Anthropology at the University of Chicago next December. She presents a discussion on a problem of great importance in the field of Archeology in America.

PLATT CLINE - E.C.W. Guide and journalist, is a graduate of the University of Colorado. The importance of maize proved to be interesting to him that he gives a study of its background and history.

T. ALAN CASEY - Temporary Ranger of three summers and former student in Archeology at the University of Denver, is about to enter the Colorado Medical School this Fall. The illustrations of this issue were done by his able hand.

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