Nature Notes

Vol. X February - 1932 No. 2

Just Here and There

Mr. Paul Sceva, Manager of the Rainier National Park Company and Mr. Herb Larsen, Publicity Director of the same organization, recently presented the Museum with some old photos. Our little reminder of a few issues ago seems to be bearing fruit -- you will remember we asked for historical material relative to the park as gifts or loans (old photos or objects of historical value which must be returned to the owner will be photographed for our displays) and our mail nearly always contains some interesting object or some interesting information. If the response continues to gather momentum it won't be long before the postmaster, as he hands us the Museum mail, will remark in good old fashioned carnival fashion "No blanks -- a prize in every package!" Who's next now?

A large relief map of the park was placed under construction this past month. The map, when completed, will depict the entire terrain of the park and will be approximately seven by nine feet in size. When this map will be ready for display is a matter of conjecture as it is necessary that this job - and it is a big one - be sandwiched in among our regular work. But we promise you it will add considerably to the interest of our museum and aid you in a better understanding of this park.

Bird life throughout the entire park seems to be at its lowest ebb these days. On the Ohanapecosh trip we noted only a few Camp Robbers, Chestnut-backed Chickadees, Juncoes and a few Kinglets. At Longmire we see most often the Ravens, while a pair of Harris Woodpeckers come regularly to feeding board at the writer's home. Camp Robbers and Stellar Jays are present in numbers of course and occasionally we see large flocks of Chestnut-backed Chicadees and Kinglets in the evergreens about the village or on nearby trails. Several Water Ousel's were noted along the Nisqually River recently as well but on the whole this season is the "doldrums" as far as bird life is concerned.

In the old days when the Longmire's held forth at the springs beaver were quite numerous and active in the swampy marsh nearby. They gradually disappeared but a year ago evidences of their return were noted. Today they seem to be very active again in the marshes and along the stream in the meadow about the spring. Beaver probably more so than any other one mammal, have given evidence of the most rapid increase in numbers.

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