A sombre silence fills the woods with eventide
And wraps it in a shroud of closing day.
Great firs, hemlocks and cedars side by side
Are poised, as though their boughs the waning rays
Of sunlight filter through to spot the earth below
Like pillars of a great cathedral, staunch and strong
Where one might seek to rest and calm his jaded nerves
And pause a moment mid his daily chores. But now a song
A wren's most boistrous reverie quite sudd'ly serves
To break this calm, sequestred spell; then stops abrupt
As if such joyous notes were sacrilege and out of place
At such a time as this. And so the gloom of night pervades
And slowly, surely takes its place as daylight fades.

Several requests have been received regarding books concerning the
natural history and history of the Pacific Northwest. We are very glad
that these nature notes have served to encourage a wider understanding
of the interesting things of this northwest of ours and take pleasure in
recommending the following books for your library. Others will be
mentioned from time to time as a service to those interested.
- - - - - - - - - -
Forest Trees of the Pacific Slope - Sudworth (U.S.D.A. Pub.)
Northern Rocky Mt. Trees and Shrubs - Kirkwood (Stanford Press)
Forests of Mt. Rainier National Park - Allen (U.S.D.I. Pub.)
Flowers of Coast and Sierra - Clements
Western Wild Flowers - Armstrong (Putnam)
Elementary Flora - Frye and Bigg (American Book Co.)
Flora of Mt. Rainier National Park - Flett (U.S.D.I. Pub.)
Birds of Western Canada - Travenor (Canadian Gov't Pub.)
Birds of Western United States - Bailey (Houghton Mifflin Co.)
Birds of the Pacific Coast - Eliot (Putnam)
Birds and Mammals of Mt. Rainier Nat'l Park - Taylor & Shaw (USDI)
Volcanoes of No. America - Russell (MacMillan)
Glaciers of No. America - Russell
Washington Geol. Bulletin #8 - Bretz (State of Wash. Pub.)
Glaciers of Mt. Rainier - Matthes (U.S.D.I. Pub.)
Mt. Rainier - A Record of Exploration - Meaney (MacMillan)
Indians of the Northwest Coast - Goddard (American Museum)
Our Greatest Mountain - Schmoe (Putnam)
These are a few, a good nucleous of northwestern information on
natural history, taken from our complete bibliography and from titles
reposing upon the shelves of our own library. This feature will be
continued from time to time and will include interesting natural history
magazine articles as well as books. (C.F.B.)