Nature Notes

Vol. XI November 1933 No. 9

Just Here and There

A few days ago while returning to their camp on Tahoma Creek after their days work in the woods a group of C.C.C. men were startled when one of their number shouted "COUGAR". The men were in a truck and were approaching the junction of the Paradise-West Side Highway. Several men caught a glimpse of the tawny cat crouched down upon a log but a few yards from the highway and near a narrow woods road along which was approaching a fine buck deer. The brakes of the truck were jammed on immediately and in great hub-bub and confusion the men disembarked from the truck en masse and went slashing through the brush of the forest to get a better look at the animal (so they say). But the big cat had melted away in the dense forest and the deer, likewise, had disappeared.

As this is written Admiral Byrd and his party are on their way south for a two years sojourn at Little America near the "bottom of the world". And we in Mt. Rainier Nat'l Park will of course be exceptionally interested in following the experiences of this party for numbered among these adventurous explorers and scientists are two men who have worked with us during the summer here on "the mountain". Quinn Blackburn, temporary ranger, is one and Alton A. Lindsey, one of the ranger-naturalists of the past season is the other. Those of us who must, of necessity, do our exploring in the world's out-of-the-way places through the pages of travel magazines envy these men the interesting experiences that they will most likely have. We shall hear from them from time to time during their stay near the South Pole and will publish portions of their letters if possible in "Nature Notes" so that you may catch a glimpse of what life is like in that far-off region.


A word about "NATURE NOTES". The response to our "renewal blank" included with the October issue has been very fine and we shall have no difficulty completing our list with interested people who will make the most of this monthly pamphlet. This publication is mailed to most every state in the Union - to schools, homes, colleges and universities, libraries, clubs of various kinds, etc. We are, of course, anxious to reach as many people as possible with these 500 monthly copies. By so doing we hope to continue to encourage the American people to appreciate the national parks for what they really have to offer. These areas are more than "playgrounds", picnic areas, resorts or hasty stopping points along your vacation journey for the purpose of obtaining windshield stickers -- that will serve as an indicator of the miles that you have traveled. Each national park and monument was created because of the fact that it contained something of outstanding merit that warrants your attention and interest. Your government has set aside, is developing and is maintaining these areas for your benefit. The standards which govern the attitude of the federal officials in these parks are entirely altruistic - dedicated to the service of the public. Often, in carrying out these duties along such standards, it entails some personal sacrifice on the part of the individual, but whether it be the Superintendent, ranger, or a man who helps in keeping the roads and trails in good shape, you will find that your interest -- if it is more than a superficial open -- will be more than appreciated. He is proud of his park. Your interest will spur him to greater effort toward an even better and higher standard of service.

But we must not disgress. "Nature Notes" attempts to give you a brief month by month picture of this area and the interest that it contains. Let us suggest that this publication be used as widely by every "subscriber" as possible; that it be passed on to others, made available to students in schools; bound for library shelves, etc. By so doing, you will not only extend the influence of this pamphlet, but will develop a great appreciation of the national parks and monuments in general.

Some time ago we thought that "Nature Notes" would have to be handled in a different manner--entailing a small charge. However we shall continue on the free basis for the present at least, so no one need feel obligated to support this publication in any way other than by your interest and by your help in widening its influence.

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