Nature Notes

Vol. XII December, 1934 No. 12

Just Here and There

Autumn Bird Activities at Paradise:

Hawks were especially noticeable during thee last days in August and the first in September. Many Western Sparrow Hawks (Cerchneis sparveria sparveria) and a number of larger birds have been reported. The latter were probably Western Red Tails (Buteo borealis calurus), and Swainson's Hawk (Buteo swainsoni).

About September first, the harsh calls of the Clark's Crows (Nucifraga columbiana) were conspicuous because of their absence about the Lodge and Community House. Why or where the birds went is a mystery. Food placed on the feeding board remained untouched. However, on September 14, several of the birds were again seen about their familiar haunts, and the dull thud of their hammering at the bacon rind on the feeding board relieved the lonesomeness about the Community House.

Several Steller Jays (Cyanocitta stelleri stelleri) have brightened the plaza with their indigo plumage, and have filled the air with their strident bickerings. Steller jays were not reported in the Valley prior to September 1.

On August 19, several Solitary Sandpipers (Tringa solitaria cinnamomea) were observed on the snow at the edge of the Steven's Glacier; and on the evening of August 25, the plaint of a Killdeer (Aegialitis vocifera) was heard from the air above the Community House.

The hollow, booming call of the male Blue Grouse (Dendragapus obscurus fuliginousus) echoed from a clump of Alpine Firs (Abies lasiocarpa) near the Paradise Camp Grounds on September 4. Usually this call is heard only during the mating and brooding seasons (June and July).

Coincident with the first autumn rain on September 8, a Varied Thrush (Ixoreus naevius naevius) appeared near the Naturalist cabin, and excited groups of Juncos (Junco oreganus shufeldti) were seen dashing about in a flurry at the prospect of the fall migration. (N.N.D.)


Seven deer, two does each with twin fawns, and a yearling--daughter of one of the does--have frequented the Paradise region throughout the summer. Apparently the mother resents the presence of her last year's offspring as she keeps driving the yearling away from the fawns. At every opportunity, when the doe isn't looking, the yearling shows her affection for one of her half sisters by nuzzling and licking it, but beats a hasty retreat as soon as the mother realizes what is taking place. The mother with the two fawns close at her heels, and the yearling trailing disconsolately behind, was a familiar sight near Paradise Lodge and Fairy Pool last fall.


Mr. Wallace Meade, fire-lookout at Anvil Rock, reported that on Sunday, September 9, and again the following day, a marten (Martes caurina caurina) came to thee lookout station and endeavored to find entrance. After some coaxing, Mr. Meade succeeded in enticing the marten to take food from his fingers The animal consumed the food (small bits of pork) with evident relish. As Mr. Meade left the lookout station for the season on September 10, he does not know what became of the marten. It is the first one reported from as high an elevation as Anvil Rock (9500 feet).



Beginning with the year 1935, Mt. Rainier National Park NATURE NOTES will b e published quarterly instead of monthly as in the past. It is hoped that this will make it possible to save time and effort, reduce the cost, and turn out a more finished, interesting, and valuable magazine. The next issue, then, will be mailed about April 1, 1935.

C. Frank Brockman,
Park Naturalist

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