Nature Notes

Vol. XII May, 1934 No. 5

Just Here and There

In gathering a collection of flowers for the flower display at the Park Museum during the last week in April a very beautiful cluster of the deadly poisonous Fly Mushroom (Amanita Muscaria) was seen along the Paradise Trail near Longmire. Siren-like, similar to the mythical Circa, these fungi bely their treacherous nature by their beautiful and striking appearance. (C. F. B.)


It seems as if a certain Song Sparrow, recently arrived at Longmire from points south, has been very much impressed with the night life that characterizes this village - the "gay capital" of Mt. Rainier National Park. At any rate we noticed this birds for the first time on May 3rd. stop an old snag near the village pouring forth a beautiful song. There was nothing unusual in this but about nine o'clock that evening, long after dark, the same song was heard and to make matters even more strange the writer was awakened in the wee small hours one morning by the same meldey. Consulting the luminous dial of the clock it was noted that the hour was 3:00 A. M. Since that time we have noted the song at various times after dark. (C. F. B.)

deadly poisonous fly mushroom

Mr. Davidson, landscape engineer for Mt. Rainier and Glacier National Parks, called our attention to a peculiar feature, on a Grand Fir tree that is one of several similar species growing in the vicinity of the Administration Building. Portions of several branches of this tree are growing upside down and there is no evidence of any recent twisting. The portions presenting this peculiar feature are three parts which developed last year and on these sections the lines of stomates, which give the underside of each needle a silvered appearance, are growing on the upperside. Needles of the year before are found to be growing in the usual manner and those of this year, which are just in the process of development, also give indication of developing in the proper manner. The branches which are so characterized have a peculiar appearance in that they are spaced with a silvered section. The only manner in which we could account for this was through the extremely heavy snowfall that characterized the park a year ago last winter. The snow was about eight feet deep at Longmire and lay long into the spring and possibly served to twist these branches and hold them in place during the iniatial stages of growth and after being inclined that way they continued to develop in an upside down manner. At any rate it is another interesting "freak" feature of nature. (C. F. B.)


A grey fox is seen almost daily near one of the buildings at Paradise. He is relatively unafraid, and trots on his way paying little attention to human beings. He takes great interest in chipmunks and ground squirrels carefully stalking their burrows in the hope of a warm, juicy meal. After a fresh snowfall May 19th, his tracks were seen all about the inhabited portion of Paradise Park indicating that his nocturnal wanderings had been extensive. (N. N. D.)

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