Nature Notes

Vol. XII July, 1934 No. 7

Just Here and There

Band-tailed Pigeons (Chlorenas fasciata fasciata) who desert the park each fall were noted to have returned to their rendezvous at the "Pigeon Springs" in the Longmire Spring meadow on June 2nd. (C.F.B.)

A nest of the Northwest Flicker (Colaptes cafer saturatior) was discovered some time ago in a hollow snag back of the National Park Inn, at Longmire, by some of the local boys. The young (June 7) are now nearly mature though they have not, as yet, shown any inclination to rid themselves of parental aid. The entrances of the nest is about 25 feet from the ground. (C.F.B.)

Nearby the above snag is a bushy Red Elderberry bush and almost hidden from view in its dense branches is a nest of the Western Robin (Turdus migratorius propinquus) with several young that have (June 7) been hatched only a few days. The nest is about four feet from the ground. (C.F.B.)

Another robin has set up housekeeping and is rearing a family beneath the eaves of the Museum porch on one of the beams of this building. Not being, apparently, of a very trusting nature the birds are usually frightened from the nest at the approach of every visitor to the Museum, who must pass below the nest. The bird takes a position nearby in a tree until the "danger" is past. In spite of this one egg had been hatched on June 2nd - we have not made later observations. (C.F.B.)

A Calliope Hummingbird (Stullula calliope) wandered into the Museum on June 4th and, unable to locate the door through which it had come, was doing its best to break its neck against the window pane in a vain attempt to escape when the commotion attracted our attention. He was caught and set free. (C.F.B.)

Mayflies - whose span of life is only a day or two - were noted in great numbers above the plaza at Longmire on June 5th. (Victor Scheffer)

Several bears with cubs have been noted in the park. One with twins makes the garbage incinerator her headquarters. (Bender)

The song of the Louisiana Tanager (Piranga ludoviciana) was noted on several occasions within the last few days (June 7) in the vicinity of Longmire. (Victor Scheffer)

Violet Green Swallows (Tachycineta thalassiana lepida) were noted at Longmire for the first time this season on May 9th. (C.F.B.)

Marmots were first noted near Canyon Rim on May 17th. This colony in the rocks bordering the highway has increased rapidly during the past few years and is a source of interest to motorists on their way to, or from, Paradise Valley. They have become quite tame and are generally seen sunning themselves on the rocks at the edge of the road. (C.F.B.)

Definite evidence of the presence of Porcupine in the park was unearthed by Mr. Beal of the Bureau of Entomology and Dan Pryde, temporary ranger, in May of this year. These men were on a tour of inspection of the park in search of insect infestations and, while the animal itself was not seen, found quills and barked trees below Sunrise Point in the Yakima Park region. The presence of these animals has been suspected in the past but this is the first tangible evidence of their being a part of our native fauna. (Macy)


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