Nature Notes

Vol. XIII March - 1935 No. 1

Just Here and There

As this is written no evidence has been noted to indicate that bears have emerged from hibernation. However it is very likely that they will be abroad by the time this issue reaches you. Ordinarily they appear during the latter part of February or early in March. Last year the first sign of bear - foot prints in the snow - was noted at Round's Pass on March 10. At Longmire they made their appearance for the first time on March 20, 1934.


More than a year ago a large buck deer frequented the area about the Nisqually Entrance. He became quite a familiar sight to the residents there but this season it was feared that he might have either fallen before the guns of hunters during last fall's season or wandered away to another region. Weeks passed and the buck failed to return. Early in January, however, as our mid-winter storm was getting a good start the old buck again wandered back to his old haunts.


Mr. Bert Broulett, who resides at the power plant on the Paradise River several miles above Longmire, reported the presence of a raccoon in that vicinity which, he states, is the first one he has seen there in ten years. Raccoon are very abundant at Longmire however.

black bear

Perhaps the woodsheds in question harbored a few mice. Perhaps he merely wished to escape the rigors of the stormy weather. At any rate this Saw-whet Owl, whatever his reason, had a decided preference for woodsheds for a few days for he was noted in the woodshed of the warehouse as well as those of George Thostenson, warehouseman, and John Davis, chief ranger. Henry Evans also stated that an owl took up residence in his woodshed for a short period. The Saw-whet in question showed no fear of man and would blink wisely from a perch on the rafters as wood was being split, occasionally dropping to a lower station as if interested in the manner in which these duties were being performed.

Museum Accessions and Donations

Dedicated to public service and the development of a greater appreciation of the National Parks by the people of the nation, the Naturalist Department of Mt. Rainier National Park has been materially aided by thoughtful donations from those whom it has served in the past. Books on natural history, on the human history of the Pacific Northwest, on Indian lore; interesting historical photographs or news clippings relative to the Park and magazines such as Nature, National Geographic, American Forests, Natural History, Bird Lore and the like have swelled our library and have facilitated a better presentation of the interesting features of this park to our visiting public through the various mediums at our command.

The Naturalist Department takes this opportunity to thank those who have contributed to the museum or the museum library during the month of January. (C.F.B.)


"Birds of Washington" - Dawson and Bowles. (2 vols.)Purchase 1935 book allowance1/2/35
"Earth Features and Their Meaning" Hobbs.Purchase 1935 book allowance1/2/35
"Flora of the Northwest Coast" - Piper and Beattie.Purchase(*)1/12/35
"Cyclopedia of Practical Quotations" - Hoyt.Purchase(*)1/12/35
"Public Camp Ground Planning" - Taylor and Hanson.Utah State College1/14/35
"Text of Dendrology" - Longyear.Purchase(*)1/25/35
Swainson's Hawk (mounted)E.A. Kitchin.1/30/35
American Mergenser (mounted)E. A. Kitchin.1/30/35
Western Harlequin Duck (mounted)E. A. Kitchin.1/30/35
"Great Men of Science"Purchase(*)1/30/35

(*) Some time ago the Mountaineer Club of Tacoma, Washington, donated $10.00 to the "Mount Rainier National Park Natural History Association." It was but recently spent for the books marked as indicated. (C.F.B.)

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