Nature Notes

Vol. XIV June - 1936 No. 2

Some of the World's Greatest Peaks

Information similar to this was published in NATURE NOTES several years ago but the interest of the public in this subject seems to justify repeating a tabulation of the elevations of some of the world's greatest mountains. Material contained here was taken from "Our Planet - A Blue Book of Maps" - Hammond.

Everest (Nepal-Tibet) 29,141
Wood (Saskatchewan) 15.885
Kanchenjunga (Nepal-India) 28,225 Mont Blanc (France) 15,781
Godwin Austen (India) 28,191 Klyuchevskaya (Siberia) 15,750
Makalu (Tibet-Nepal) 27,790 Wilhelmina (N. Guinea) 15,580
Dhaulagiri (Nepal) 26,795 Thorvald Nilson (Antarctica) 15,400
Nanga Parbat (India) 26,620 Monte Roas (Switzerland) 15,217
Nanda Devi (India) 25,645 Ras Dashan (Ethiopia) 15,150
Kamet (India) 25,447 Belukha (Siberia) 14,800
Tirich-Mir (Afghanistan) 25,400 Matterhorn (Switzerland) 14,780
Ulugh MusTagh (Tibet) 25,300 Clarence Peak (Fernando PO) 14,683
Khan Tengri (Turkestan) 24,132 Whitney (California) 14,496
Minya Konka (China) 24,000 Elbert (Colorado) 14,420
Chamalhari (Bhutan) 23,930 Rainier (Washington) 14,408
Aconcagua (Argentina) 22,834 Finsteraarhorn (Switzerland) 14,026
Cerro del Mercedario (Chile) 22,302 Jeb Ayashin (Morocco) 14,000
Cerro Huascan (Peru) 21,812 Jungfrau (Switzerland) 13,672
Llullaillaco (Chile) 21,500 Kinabalu (Borneo) 13,455
Illampu (Bolivia) 21,286 Cameroon Mt. (Cameroon) 13,370
Illiamani (Bolivia) 21,181 Grand Paradis (Italy) 13,300
Chimborazo (Ecuador) 20,702 Robson (Brit. Columbia) 12,970
McKinley (Alaska) 20,300 Mauna Loa (Hawaii) 12,675
Tupungato (Chile) 20,269 Gross Glockner (Austria) 12,405
Cerro del Juncal (Chile) 20,175 Fujiyama (Japan) 12,395
Misti Volcano (Peru) 20,013 Cook (New Zealand) 12,349
Logan (Yukon) 19,850 Pico de Teyde (Tenerife) 12,200
Kilimanjaro (Tanganyika) 19,710 Semeru (Java) 12,044
Cotopaxi (Ecuador) 19,550 Luse (Sumatra) 12,000
Orizaba Peak (Mexico) 18,564 Forel (Greenland) 11,500
Elbrus (Caucasia) 18,465 Santa Maria (Guatemala) 11,480
Demavend (Persia) 18,465 Mulahacen (Spain) 11,421
Tolima (Colombia) 18,320 Volcano Irazu (Costa Rica) 11,220
St. Elias (Alaska) 18,008 Etna (Sicily) 10,740
Charles Louis (N. Guinea) 18,000 Tina (Dom. Republic) 10,300
Popocatepetl (Mexico) 17,543 Pico de Cano (Cape Verde)   9,744
Kuhi Dena (Persia) 17,100 Kosciusco (New South Wales)   7,328
Ararat (Armenia) 17,090
Dykh Tau (Caucasia) 17,054
Kenya (Kenya) 17,040
Ruwenzori (Uganda) 16,750
Kasbek (Caucasia) 16,346
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