Nature Notes

Vol. XVII September - December - 1939 Nos. 3 & 4


Since 1926 the naturalist department of this national park has been carrying on field work and general observations relative to the ornithology of this area. This activity, in common with similar work in other fields of natural history, as they relate to the park, is part of a coordinated program designed to bring about a fund of authentic information by which the many interesting features of the park can be adequately interpreted to the visiting public.

While many records of birdlife in the park were made and recorded during the past twelve years by rangers and ranger-naturalists, most of the actual detailed information was secured during the last five years. More spring, fall and winter information and records were obtained, and more individual bird knowledge gathered during this period.

The beginning of this detailed work was commenced by Dr. A. A. Lindsay in the summers of 1933 and 1934. Mr. Donald Pike, who spent two summers studying park birds and mammals, contributed valuable information, as did Mr. Herbert Dill in the summer of 1935. However, collecting of the greater part of the detailed work and new authentic records have been made by the present writer, who, during the greater part of the past five years, has been able to devote almost his entire time and attention to the birds and mammals of Mount Rainier National Park.

All of this work and the information gathered has been brought about largely through the unceasing efforts of Park Naturalist C. Frank Brockman. He not only secured many records himself, but has helped plan the procedure of field trips to all areas in the park. His guidance in this work has been of the greatest help in assembling the present park ornithology.

Mrs. Laura Wright of Tacoma, Washington, has assisted in preparing this manuscript, and final thanks is given at this time for notes and general information recorded by the park rangers during the entire period.

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