Nature Notes

Vol. VII December - 1929 No. 14

In Appreciation


Perhaps you will be interested to know that Nature Notes is mailed regularly to over 450 people in the thirty five states as well as to Alaska, Hawaii, and the District of Columbia. This, of course, is exclusive of copies mailed to other of our National Parks.

From time to time we receive letters from these "subscribers" -- letters that show that the effort which goes into Nature Notes serves a useful purpose in bringing "The Mountain" closer to all its readers. At first an attempt was made to answer these letters with a personal note but this entailed so much time that we are taking this opportunity of assuring you that your interest was greatly appreciated. We are always glad to send this monthly chronicle of natural history events in Mt. Rainier National Park to anyone who is interested in this region and who can make use of it to further the cause of conservation and a wider interest in the out-of-doors. So we are glad to know, for instance, that Nature Notes is being used in class rooms and libraries, that parts of its contents are finding their way now and then into the columns of newspapers and magazines or that reading it brings to mind enjoyable hikes and outings of the past.

Our Administration Bldg


The writer has always tried to encourage the use of native trees and shrubs, wherever practical, in landscaping homes. Yet it must be admitted that the saying "Familiarity Breeds Contempt" holds good where our local plant species are concerned in this matter. We are apt to overlook their latent charm in our search for something that is new. However as an admireable example of what can be accomplished with local varieties of trees, shrubs, etc. let me suggest that on your next visit to this park you examine the exterior beautification of our Administration Bldg. at Longmire. This building was completed a year ago. This fall extensive landscape planting was carried on under the direction of the Landscape Division of the National Park Service -- and the result speaks for itself!

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