Nature Notes

Vol. VIII April, 1930 No. 4

Just Here and There

When, at the Nisqually Entrance recently, a Robin was suddenly attacked by a Pigmy Owl a woodland tragedy was averted by the timely action of Mrs. Frank Greer who rushed to the rescue. The Pigmy Owl, smallest species of owl native to the Park and smaller than the Robin, had launched a viscious onslaught that bore its prey to the ground. There, at the mercy of its adversary, the Robin was about to receive the killing blow when Mrs. Greer entered upon the scene. Consequently the Robin, though badly wounded and unable to fly, was taken in and nursed back to health. Evidently the Pigmy has a fighting heart out of proportion to his size.

Chief Ranger Barnett related an experience of his the other day. Some years ago he found the remains of a deer which had met death in an unusual manner. A small tree had fallen across its antlers, pinning it fast, and death by starvation was hastened by the other creatures of the forest who, observing the deer's predicament, had completed the job of destruction.

Bert Bruillett, of the Rainier Nat'l Park Co. power plant, gave us several negatives which were made during the early days of the Park. The photos are humorously contrasted to the present day modes of transportation and apparel.

raccoon Several bears have been seen since the first one was spotted in his den on Feb. 26th. and several recently vacated dens have been noted. But speaking of animals the most interesting recently have been the Raccoons. They make regular visits to homes at Longmire where experience has taught them that food will be waiting. The other night, for they are nocturnal, three of them visited us, partook of a hearty repast and then spent quite some time looking through the window at us. Apparantely we proved as interesting to them as they have prooved to us.

The recent death of Chief Justice and Ex-president Taft brings to mind the fact that he was the only president who has visited the Park while in office. He was also one of the first to arrive in Paradise Valley in an automobile. The roads however at that date were to poor for motor transportation and a team was necessary to pull the presidential car the last few miles. The date was August 6, 1911. The first car reached the same point under its own power about a year later.

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