Nature Notes

Vol. IX October, 1931 No. 10

The Great Stone Bear?

sketch of 'stone bear' peak

In placing names on geographic features the National Geographic Board favors, first, aboriginal names and second, names that are descriptive of the feature to be named, with personal names used only under exceptional circumstances. Here is a suggestion for an--so far as we are able to determine--hitherto unnamed peak which most certainly falls under the second heading.

At the upper end of Klapatche Park is a small peak 6076 feet in elevation. From this point it is not very distinctive but from just beyond in St. Andrews Park the sheer upper face of the peak is crowned by a squarish mass of rock which resembles, both in outline and detail, a huge black bear.

Like most natural images some little imagination is required on the part of the observer but in this case, especially in the late afternoon shadows the resemblance is so striking that the necessary mental vision is slight. With ears cocked forward, noise in air, eyes bright, this ancient stone "bear" looks out across the thousand foot gorge of the North Puyallup River to the upper slopes of the old mother mountain beyond. He has not moved or batted an eye in thousands of years.

We suggest that if it is true that the peak has never borne a name that it be known as "The Great Stone Bear."

F. W. Schmoe and Robert Pratt.

NOTE. Mr. Schmoe, former Park Naturalist of Mount Rainier National Park, and Mr. Robert Pratt spent several days on "The Mountain" last month. They were kind enough to contribute the cover drawing of this issue and several articles for Nature Notes. Coming at this time, when we are pressed for time and material due to the activity of our short field season, these contributions are very gratefully received. (C.F.B.)

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