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Vol. XV January-February, 1938 Nos. 1-2

Leaves From Our Diaries

January 18: On a field trip across Mt. Everts today the following animals were counted: 1 Jack Rabbit (Lepus townsendii campanius); 2 Snowshoe Rabbits (Lepus bairdii bairdii); 4 Coyotes (Canis latrans); 43 Deer (Ococoileus hemionus macrotis); 66 Bighorn Mountain Sheep (Ovis canadensis); 240 Antelope (Antilocapra americana americana) and 577 Elk (Cervus canadensis canadensis). Near the foot-bridge across the Gardiner River, 12 Mallard Ducks (Anas platyrhyncha platyrhyncha) were counted.

--F.R. Oberhansley

January 26: As we skied out from the Crystal Springs Snowshoe Cabin this morning, we saw a male Brown Creeper (Certhia familiaris montana) and a female Downy Woodpecker (Dryobates pubescens), busily searching for "bugs" on the exposed trunks of the heavily snow-laden trees.

Congress Pool has taken on geyser proportions. From the usual quiet pool, it has developed until dark discolored water is hurled in to the air to heights of at least ten feet. Then settling down, it would boil violently, gradually lowering the water level in the vent until another eruption took place.

--W.E. Kearns

February 7: A mature male Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) was observed today circling over an area some two hundred yards this side of Fishing Bridge. A coyote was seen in the same vicinity, but although I watched with the glasses for some time, I was unable to determine the object being stalked by bird and dog.

--Frank Anderson

February 9: A male Brown Creeper made his first visit of the season to our feeding tray to dine upon suet today. The five Stellar Jays (Cyanocitta stelleri) that are coming regularly to the tray, seem to be the survivors of the seven Jay-boarders of last winter.

--Marguerite L. Arnold

February 11: I saw a Townsend Solitaire (Myadestes townsendi) today in the trees near our home.

--Billy Kearns

February 11: Charles L. Howard of the Weather Bureau has the following interesting information on precipitation for the past few weeks: The total amount of precipitation for January as melted was 1.41 inches which is more than for any January since 1923. The total for the first ten days of February was .55 inches. Total snowfall for Mammoth for January was 20.7 inches and for the first part of February, 10.4 inches, or a total of 31.1 inches in 41 days. The normal precipitation for the period is .99 inches, and there has been a total of 1.96 inches, or an increase, of nearly 100%.


February 12: Northern Shrikes (Lanius borealis) were observed on the Terraces above Mammoth on January 3 and 20, at Mammoth twice in December and again on January 27, and in the willows near the Gardiner entrance today.

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